Tag: Twitter

Rain, power…and everything between.


It rained yesterday. Hard. It rained throughout the afternoon and into the early evening. Then it rained at night. At least it did where I live. I normally write my blog on Sundays and yesterday I woke up and …

The things they carry


The Maasai Mara will forget you. But you will never forget the Mara. It’s open space – acres and acres of it. It’s lone acacias standing erect in the unbroken horizon, thrusting at the heavens like defiant protesters. It’s …

My moments of 2010


Christmas beckons like a ghoulish character in Harry Porter. The year is pretty much a dodo. There are many things that went wrong this year, days spent in the trenches. But there were also some very great moments, very …



There are guys who work hard at being men. Then there are guys who are just men. A real man doesn’t nurse his manhood. Check this. A month ago a pal of mine called me on a loose Friday …

Yuppie city


I’m not worthy to stand before men. I’m not worthy to make judgment, or to crack wise at anyone’s idiosyncrasies. I have always been in pursuit of satire but the twist of this tale is that satire is what …