Month: October 2016

Thief In The Night

Thief In The Night


I wake up at 6:45am on Mashujaa Day and reach for my phone. There is a message in our family WhatsApp group. My younger brother Julius had sent a message shortly after midnight. I read it. Then I read

Pray For Jane

Pray For Jane


On the way to the Kenyatta National Hospital Casualty department, in a fenced in compound, a willowy Somali-looking man in a white kanzu and a woman in black hijab are praying side by side on mats spread out on

The Hole in My Wife’s Chest

The Hole in My Wife’s Chest


I’m scheduled to meet a man in a cafe to talk about his wife’s breast. His wife had undergone a mastectomy. It must be traumatizing to lose your breast to cancer but I was curious to find out what …

Mommy Will Be Just Fine

Mommy Will Be Just Fine


In the dying afternoon light, Doris Mayoli, sits on a bed with both her young sons flanking her on either side. She’s about to tell them that she’s dying of cancer.

Before that afternoon, some three months ago, she …

Breast Cancer Month

Breast Cancer Month


Hi, Gang.

Quick one. If you read the Guardian you might have ran into that section where people talk about what it feels like to…So like, How it feels like to make your first million. How it feels like