Month: February 2020

Those People

Those People


I get in bed early – 8:30pm. With a book. Kindle, rather. Nothing like a good book in bed; It never has a headache. It’s been hot lately so only psychopaths and people who hate puppies sleep in clothes. …

Seven Thousand Kilometers

Seven Thousand Kilometers


His father was a pugilist. He also dabbled in some martial arts. But nobody knew him. He never stepped into a boxing ring. His ring was the ghetto. He came from the village in Western Kenya without education and …

Boot Tale

Boot Tale


It’s 2018 and I’m walking down a row of shops at O. R. Tambo International Airport, dragging my carry-on like a reluctant goat, when I feel something pull me. It feels like gravity. Only weaker. Like a strong draught. …