Men & Women

This isn’t about hair


I grew a beard late in life. We are talking 27 years of age. Hairlessness way after your adolescence, when all your peers already look like colobus monkeys tend to make one develop serious hang-ups. You imagine that folk …

A cut below

A cut below


Some time back after a game of squash, my boy and I went back into the changing rooms of this club to take a shower and ran into an army of stark naked guys. Rugby chaps in their post-training …

Sabina Joy.


This piece was first informed by a slight altercation then spurred by bravado. A friend told me that I’m a “middle-class sympathiser” masquerading behind my yellowish rants as a way of “validating and lauding” the middle-class idiosyncrasies and that …

High Heels.


“High Heels were invented by a woman who was kissed on the forehead.” –Christopher Morley.

She dwarfed everything around her. I mean dwarfed in the sense that she made everything look insignificant and minute, but also in the literal …