“I didn’t need to wear a bra until I was 18. This was a year after I got my first period, and 14 years before I got into a serious relationship, and decided I wanted to have babies at …
He’s in the business of moving things. Agricultural commodities, to be precise; cereals. Tea. Coffee. Halal meat products. The works. It doesn’t matter where. You want 3-tonnes of mint and chives to Dodoma in three weeks? He will get …
The day I was moving into my new apartment a lady came to my door and addressed one of the movers in the kitchen in an urgent voice. “Excuse me, excuse me.” She said over the sound of the …
If you are a cat lover, stop reading this article. Go on and do other things in your life that won’t upset you. Make a cup of tea and think of Christmasy things.
I’m wearing pants I shouldn’t be wearing. They are called dhoti pants. They aren’t even mine. I will report back here with this story when it’s all done. This is part of the reason why I’m having Eddy hold …