He’s in the business of moving things. Agricultural commodities, to be precise; cereals. Tea. Coffee. Halal meat products. The works. It doesn’t matter where. You want 3-tonnes of mint and chives to Dodoma in three weeks? He will get …
The day I was moving into my new apartment a lady came to my door and addressed one of the movers in the kitchen in an urgent voice. “Excuse me, excuse me.” She said over the sound of the …
If you are a cat lover, stop reading this article. Go on and do other things in your life that won’t upset you. Make a cup of tea and think of Christmasy things.
I’m wearing pants I shouldn’t be wearing. They are called dhoti pants. They aren’t even mine. I will report back here with this story when it’s all done. This is part of the reason why I’m having Eddy hold …
Girls. They were everywhere. They were perched in nooks under paintings, on every seat, in every shape. They were spread across the reception and outside the common area. They were all very striking in beauty. And young. Early twenties, …