Tag: Children

Books and Random Things

Books and Random Things


I interview John Sibi Okumu in his house, up in his study which sits in an  attic, where the roof plunges and rises like a wave. His whole study is a woodland of books. Hundreds and hundreds of books

When We Were Refugees

When We Were Refugees


Last night I stayed up late reading about this 24 year old chap from Syria called Abdel Aziz al-Hamza. The feature was in the The Sunday Times. Do you read The Sunday Times? You have a 1000 bob to

Be A Baby

Be A Baby


Tamms asks a question that has disturbing her for a while, “What’s bacon made from?”

“Pig,” I say.

“And sausage?”

“Another pig,” I say and chuckle. She doesn’t.

Tamms has the sense of humour of an overflowing ashtray. And