My landlord’s son, Paul, is fascinated by me. I can tell. And you would understand why; he’s the only boy in a family of four girls (all older) and apart from his schoolmates, and his father who must be …
Everybody has been green around the gills. We are talking malaria, flu, bowel dysfunction, ulcers, chicken pox and even to some – like Benjaps – herpes. Hehe. But none of you can even claim to have had a bout …
I have a few rubbish rules that serve no greater purpose in the grand scheme of things rather than help me steer my manhood to a greater, and more elusive, harbor. For instance, I don’t meet guys for coffee. …
I swear I don’t miss her. I don’t. I don’t think about her. Her memories have but peeled off the walls of my mind. I haven’t thought about her in the longest time. I don’t wonder what happened to …
My father hates Nairobi. He says it’s become uninhabitable – his words. There are two things that make him come to Nairobi; a death or a wedding. Over the weekend he was around for the latter and whenever he’s …