

There are guys who work hard at being men. Then there are guys who are just men. A real man doesn’t nurse his manhood. Check this. A month ago a pal of mine called me on a loose Friday and asked me to meet him at a pub where he was kicking it with this new talent he had sort of started seeing and wanted me to meet and scale on a Richter. She was fine. Problem with fine chicks is that men are constantly blowing up their phones with smses and phone calls, and little miss thing here was constantly stepping out to pick calls or replying smses while we sat and drunk. I take exception at a behavior like that, but since she wasn’t my woman it wasn’t a skin off my nose and I imagined that neither did my pal because perhaps they were new in their thing and he didn’t want to sound like he had a carrot up his fanny. But at some point when she was thumbing an sms my he leaned over and told her firmly, “Honey, I wish you could stop doing that. Do you mind?” She never touched her phone again. He, with those few words, demonstrated that he was not only a man but the man. They are still seeing each other, incase you are wondering.

But manhood is complicated, it’s undefined and mostly it’s daunting – if not taxing. The borders that define manhood are always shifting, definitions always morphing. For a few days now I have been asking people what “a man” means to them. To total strangers I posed the question: Who is a man? The answers hinged from the amusing, absurd, scientific, deranged, vindictive, sarcastic, informed, lame, clichéd to the downright sad.

A teenage looking girl buying cigarettes at a petrol station’s convenience shop on Saturday night said, “A man is like my father- decisive and brave.” (I hope you will be brave enough when he finds out you smoke, I thought) A friend, divorced with two children said on Facebook chat, “a man is someone who makes a woman cry and does nothing about it.” Nduko, the lovely lady, who washes my scalp at the barber shop said, “A man is tall and strong and can carry his woman.” (She must weigh something like 52kgs, so really that bar is low ) The cashier girl at the check-out counter at the supermarket giggled and said, “A man is calm under pressure and knows how to take care of tricky situations.”

One lady buying juice at first looked at me skeptically and only after she had acetified that I wasn’t trying to abduct her did she say “A man is a pillar to his wife, a savior to his children and a star in the eyes of children.” My friend, Roda said, “Eish Biko, aki now what kind of question is that? Si a man is just a man?” My bro said rhetorically as we drunk over the weekend, “A man is bigger than a definition.” A little girl, maybe 8yrs old, shopping with her mom said “A man is like my dad,” and when I asked her why, she retorted with profound logic, “Because he is my dad.”

Shiro, TV girl, smsed with her tongue in cheek; “A man is someone who understands his role… which is to take care of me.” Jwanjiku added that a man is someone who allows her to feel delicate and vulnerable (cue The Titanic theme song). One of the readers here, and a good friend who dared to call my tie gay, Sixinchheels said lewdly, “A man is six inches in the pants and no less.” (Gents, if you have to reach for a ruler then you don’t qualify). The officious Mrs Mwiti added that “a man is strong and a mature male… men don’t talk much or gossip, but they have a way with words.” My daughter didn’t have a comment, perhaps because she hasn’t met a real man before.

I ran into this guy at a do recently who claimed to be the media madness guy. “Yeah, right,” I snorted, “The media madness guy is short, skinny, grumpy and has pimples on his nose.” He laughed and swore he was the one, so I asked him who a man was according to him, but only because I expected a very angry and cynical response. “I’m the man.” he retorted.

“No, I meant who is a man, not who is the man.”

“Well,” he said, “a man respects his mother, sisters and her cucu. And he pays his bills.” (Well, what do you know.)

One of the brilliant business writers of note and a Gor Mahia afficciando, Jay Bonyo put it succinctly “A man is someone who is able to clean up his own shit.” (adding “alone” at the end of that sentence would have aptly disqualified Ruto promptly) Kimutai Cherono, a regular here, eruditely said manhood is a social construct, “You grow up with an idea and it changes, being a man is something I make up as I go through life right now and when I’m not sure of what to do as a man I ask myself what I should do as a human being.” (Deep Kimutai deep… deep as a Chilean mine) Ben, one of usual suspects here and one of my greatest ruthless bashers emailed “ A man today is not the person wearing pants but rather the guy who knows what it means to wear pants. He is a man not because he fits a given description of a man but because he has to be who he is, a man.” (Cryptic and sexy, he must be reading Esquire.)

My search took me to Twitter hoping for more witticism because indeed in Twitville lives people who love words and words there are a limited currency. Magaribina, on Twitter said a man treasures his woman, honors his parents, loves his boys. He works hard to leave a mark in the world but also takes time to enjoy himself. (Indeed). Miss Mwangi asked me to listen to a song “He is” by one Heather Headley. Ragzy hit me with a direct message and said, “A man doesn’t ever question what manhood is about.” (Below the belt, but fair.)


But here is a fact; men are born. Males are made. A man, as I learnt from men I talked to, is verb, not a noun. Men aren’t static, they are fluid. A man is only a man as long as he feels he is a man, after that the bottom falls off and he stops being a man, he becomes a noun. And when a man becomes a noun he buys poodles and starts wearing purple skinny jeans. A man isn’t afraid to cry, but not before his daughter because in his daughter’s eyes he is more than a man. A man is aware of his susceptibility and he uses it spur ambition. A man doesn’t watch Sebuleni show.

A man can fix a broken sink. A man eats with his hands if he has to. A man is not defined by his drink, he defines his drink, even if it’s Sauvignon Blanc. A man should be able to laugh at himself, to take a joke, even a bad one. A man takes care if his mother. A man doesn’t ask a woman, “Do I snore in my sleep?” because snoring is the euphemism for roaring in the animal kingdom. A man appreciates a woman’s bare skin, the revelation of nakedness- and so Ricky Martin isn’t a man, at least not enough. A man rises up and defends his woman’s honour even if his woman is obviously on the wrong. A man doesn’t gossip. He takes a punch on the chin. A man leaves the house when his woman has those women’s kyama meeting over. And he never carries her handbag. Never. A man has no qualms saying he is sorry because an apology not only redeems his soul, but it averts a woman’s rabid tongue. A man pays his debts, if not his taxes. A man knows his children by name, and what they had for dinner last night. And he kisses them. A man can make an omelet…or at least try and he isn’t afraid that doing dishes will make him less. A man loves sex but learns to tame the beast of his loins. A man helps a blind man to cross the street. A man isn’t afraid of age, no less than he is afraid of ageing. A man never sings aloud to Celine Dion, even if no one is listening. A man listens more than he argues. He picks a book sometimes, perhaps more than he picks a beer. Alcohol doesn’t change a man, he changes it. A man doesn’t get into a woman’s purse- even if she sends him there.

A man never hits a woman, no matter how obnoxious and rabid she is. He sends her back to her mother. A man never, ever – under any circumstance – says “woishe” in his conversation. And he minimizes writing *dead* in his twitter updates. A man isn’t afraid to fail, but only if he will try again. A man never takes his best friend’s woman, even if she has an ass like Toni Braxton’s (ok, I promise to stop). And he never snitches on a fellow man because the rule of Omerta says so. A man has to watch The Godfather, and like it damn it. A man doesn’t pretend to know everything; he prefers to learn from those who know. A man wears a watch that works. A man makes many mistakes in his life, it’s the hallmark of manhood.


A man doesn’t find the TPF host, Dr Mitch Ogwang (ask a Luo for the translation) annoying only because he’s trying. Sometimes, a man masturbates. A man believes in something, anything; a value, a thought, a principle, and defends it like he would his child. And that’s why Fred Flinstone isn’t a man. A man lets the woman order first. A man doesn’t leave when the chips are down; he takes a long breath and finds a way. A man loves the TV series MadMen and doesn’t find Don Draper a nuisance, only emotionally stunted. A man doesn’t need this article to inform his manhood; he reads it, maybe smiles a bit and continues being the man as he, and only he understands it.

What’s your definition of a man?

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  1. Have you read Rudyard Kipling’s poem ‘If’? I’d say he hit it on the head. Well, in most of the poem, that is. A line or two seem to define the essence of superman, rather than man.

  2. I love this by the way, esp the saying Woishe part…i know a guy who says that and wears a watch that does not work. HAhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha

  3. Jesus Biko! Are you having your Manliness? Tell you what, you qualify because you love Mad Men. But if you love it, remember Roger’s words: a Man parks in the wrong building, sometimes

  4. I know a lot of men who are what a man shouldn’t be.
    Unfortunately they were all rolled into one and were presented to me as a husband (now my EX!)

    I’m still looking for a man who is man enough to be a man to the woman in me…

    1. Someone should print that (‘A man is man enough to be a man to the woman in me’) on a bumper sticker. You and I can share the royalties.

  5. A man knows he is a man and never needs to remind others. Yes he takes care of his mother and respects his wife and his children aren’t afraid of him.
    And carrying the hand bag….never never never!!!
    Loool @ the purple jeans.

  6. A man can fix a broken sink. A man eats with his hands if he has to. A man is not defined by his drink, he defines his drink, even if it’s Sauvignon Blanc. The drink part just reminds me of my latest post People who can’t hold their drink,
    A man doesn’t need this article to inform his manhood; he reads it, maybe smiles a bit and continues being the man as he, and only he understands it. Deep words Biko deep…

  7. …reflective piece…My definition of a man? He’s wise and kind-hearted in spite of his personal demons….he’s adaptable…never gives up…always takes care of his own (be it family or friends)….

    Don Draper…now there’s a man who makes me go hmmm…

    1. Great reflection, this one. A man is indeed flawed & haunted by his personal demons (to different degrees) but has to rise above these to be a better man, everyday 🙂

  8. …My daughter didn’t have a comment, perhaps because she hasn’t met a real man before…

    Lolest, eh Biko, the implications here 🙂

    Great read!

  9. Again. Top drawer stuff! Especially the ” A man doesn’t need this article to inform his manhood; he reads it, maybe smiles a bit and continues being the man as he, and only he understands it.” Keep it up Biko!

    1. Martin, am glad you read Biko’s blog. I almost “marketted” it to you while in Bujumbura. Indeed he serves us “top layer”

  10. This the stuff that makes a Monday bearable.Well said Mr. Biko.
    Though i think a man is allowed to sing aloud to Celine Dion if he wants to or at least in the shower…the same way a man can partake to some Sauvignon Blanc and still not be defined by the drink!

    1. @Kabz…that’s funny, but I think I understand the singing out of a Celine Dion, it can feel good even when you don’t know the words(from a girls perspective)…so in this case the man should be the one defining the song not the other way round…just like the drink….hehe

  11. Many seeing my moniker may scoff at what I would know about a man.

    However, it is essentially the fact that I love a man that I know the difference.

    Great post Biko.

  12. Biko, as always this is nice and an eye-opener for some of us who apparently weren’t “man” enough, I swear to never again carry my missus handbag.

  13. “A man never watches Sebuleni…..A man never sings out loud to Celine Dion, even if he is alone.” Hehehe!That killed me *dead* hihihi!
    But my definition.: A man loves as he must, fights when he must and provides as he must.”

  14. A man see no need to follow a blue print but does what he is comfortable with,including carrying my pause. but then again there is a man and there is a gentelman…lol. good read.

    1. Your first comment was and still is nice and so I decided to let the spelling mistakes slide, then I saw this one and was like ” hell yeah! she is a woman enough correct her errors”

  15. “A Man is one who can dream — and not make dreams his master; can think — and not make thoughts his aim; can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposters just the same;

    A Man is one who can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools; ” ….. Rudyard Kipling said it all for me!

  16. Biko, great piece.
    The females in a male’s life make the difference…if the male is going to remain just a male or if he going to be a man; be it your son, brother, nephew, uncle, father, boyfriend or husband. Therefore ladies…mould and let them be MAN!

  17. Nice post. Made my evening more bearable as am stuck at this salon with bad music.
    I was going to cause about being called officious but this post is about men! Memo : as a dad you are the first man in your daughters life n so she should know.ask her again! Now, thats officious.

  18. A man takes time to study his woman supports her strength and strengthens her weaknesses.A man accepts the fact that he is not always right.A man knows money is not everything,love and family is.A man appreciates the effort his woman makes to make him happy.A man is what i’m yet to find coz what are left are sissies who think their drink and the boys make them look like men,forgetting to handle their business at home with the wife and kids.That makes them weak.

    Btw, You are making me have a serious thing for Don Draper!I never liked Mad Men because its not helping me control my urge to smoke!And i’m seriously trying to quit! Now i watch it religiously as I light up coz i love his arrogance, ego,discreetness, the tone and strength in his voice,his swag and now apparently emotionally stunted! My best read so far!

    Fyi, we need more blogs from you atleast twice a week! Maybe 3! You are pimaing like prescription drugs!

  19. Biko you killed me sana…but a man is an image of God and He is the leader of the house, the protector and the provider.PERIOD

    1. The ‘P’s are 4: The protector, The provider, The priest of his household(regardless of religion) and The prophet(he calls out the man in his son and shows his daughter the princess that she is)…..image of God I like.

  20. “a man is someone who makes a woman cry and does nothing about it.” Lol…

    Reminds me of Draper… Oh Draper!

  21. …Say Biko, can you write a fun piece based on Don Draper or Mad men?…most guys envy him, i won’t speak for other ladies, but he certainly fascinates the hell out of me; he’s intelligent, appealing, messed up & sad…

  22. @Red Velvet. Once a week is a struggle as it is. Twice would be biting too much.

    @Nyambura and all the Don Draper fans. I’m currently watching season finale, and yes, that’s an idea. Don is just the one and as RV says he is an arrogant, egocentric, talented and a philandering prick. Yet we all envy him and admire him. Will cook up an angle.

  23. really biko…do you want me to answer you again (seeing as you asked)…

    as my name says, so is a man. sixi nches no less

  24. A man does not need to talk about his manhood. It shines through him in the way he’s groomed (no stinky underarms and smelly breath), the way he holds a door for a woman, pours her drink, listens to a child, keeps a promise and apologises if he doesn’t(keep the promise), doesn’t compete with the woman but supports her, and a man takes care of his responsibilities i.e. family, work and socially, and he doesn’t mind leaning on the woman for her support.

  25. Biko you killed it on this one, as always 🙂 loving Ben’s definition, and as for your daughter, she knows what a man is, she’s got you doesn’t she?

  26. Biko this story is meant to be on Sat Mag.Make sure it lands there its really good!I’m actually reading it twice and using it for reference!
    Fyi,your daughter knows who a man is, she has you,she just doesnt want you to get a big head!

  27. Now i understand why you take time to release a post. (a man does not need to be pushed to do something, he just does it). Great read!

  28. nice piece MAN or is it jackson ha ha!u oughta compile this stuff into a book and make a quick buck….you’re welcome

  29. nice piece MAN or is it jackson ha ha!u oughta compile this stuff into a book and make a quick buck….you’re welcome

  30. Buy me a rose,call me from work,open the door for me..tell me you love me by the look in ur eyes….and that is my definition of a man.

  31. A man never, ever – under any circumstance – says “woishe” in his conversation.Neither should he use LOL, NKT ,LMAO in his facebook.And venver never uses OH MY GOSH!

  32. Biko ts a nyc post from a man’s point of view…’a man should learn from the little sagacious mouse which doesnt entrust its whole life to only one hole’

  33. I refuse to say ‘good job’ as per earlier instructions 🙂 My 2cents: A man should be able to carry his Queen’s symbol of power (read purse) because he knows that that action bears no slight on his awesome (Don Draper-ish) manliness.

  34. A man doesn’t feel the need to shout from the rooftops about his prowess in bed. Actions speak louder than words in this case. Leave it to the woman/women u have ravished to spread the word 😉

  35. hey biko, i agreed with some stuff you said, i disagreed with a few and i laughed at most. still, you’re one good writer.
    nicely done

  36. A man doesn’t feel the need to shout from the rooftops about his prowess in bed. Actions speak much louder than words in this case. Leave it to the women you have ravished to spread the word. 🙂

  37. this is an awesome piece! reminds me of one i’d read on esquire by tom chiarella. and just like that one, this almost makes me want to be a man. almost…

  38. These abstract things will come to haunt you in the future-if you have that is!
    Giving such things a definition is one of the hallmarks of arrogance I says

  39. Saying “Nice post” to a male author ain’t manly. What were you expecting? Secondly, a man decides. Finally a man is a fool.

  40. A man is …er, well, a man. Rich, poor, famous, fickle, principled, gay, clever, thick, fat, thin, bald, bearded, poon hound, celibate, a thief, a chief, a coward, strong, weak… infinitum.

    What a man isn’t is an island.

  41. A man tells his children that he loves them…A man has strong beliefs in a cause, and stands for what he believes in…a man zigs while everybody else zags, helps him become his own man…a man takes care of his parents..a man lies, and apologies WHEN caught….a man helps his woman select tomatoes at the market…a man consults his boys, including his father, before making a major decision (buying car/house/moving job/marry)…a man seeks his mother’s approval when he has found “the one”….

    And now, some “donts”.

    A man does not know characters’ names in soaps…does not “love” another man’s anything, does not get into debt in the name of pleasing a woman, does not shun protection when not with his regular, does not write stuff like LOL/NKT/ etc anywhere…..

  42. A real man runs away from responsibilities yeah, he also drinks a lot of busaa and his kids call him uncle because he is rarely home

    1. Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man. — Corleone

  43. Am new at this bt ave got to say ‘kudos’ biko. i ave to add that a man is all those definations but also a man understands style and appreciates fashion n that pride comes b4 a fall.sixinchheels u nailed it too gal.

  44. This is scary…suffice to say that save for myself and probably you Biko, there aren’t many other MEN left on the planet earth.nice one.

  45. You can spot a real man from a mile. He doesn’t try too hard and he’s not proud or arrogant. Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue.

  46. There was a lovely poem in Nardine Gordimers book “A sport of nature” when I get it I will def post it. it was the best definition of masculinity there ever was

  47. I once bought a book called ‘What is a Man’? Skimmed thru it and trashed it. 20 year olds have no respect for wisdom.

    A man heeds Socrates dictum: ‘Know Thyself’. And then defends himself to sweet victory or bitter defeat.

  48. A man can be a man to the woman in every lady.
    no carrying her handbag, and definitely no ‘woishe’

  49. Hahaha. Always great…Men who gossip revoke their Bro Card instantaneously…

    A man can never use his lips for that purpose…and a man skips a shower now and then hahaha

  50. A man knows himself,breathes life to a woman, inspires his children, is an agent of growth of everything and everyone around him, causes envy amongst his boyz with hiz achievments and knows how to release his stresses.

  51. I obviously do not agree with everything you have written but I love how you end the article…

    “A man doesn’t need this article to inform his manhood; he reads it,
    maybe smiles a bit and continues being the man as he, and only he
    understands it.”

  52. A man takes good care of children he has sired, and respects their mother… A man does not abandon nor desert his own..for such a man who does so, is lower than wild beasts..

  53. its 2014 and am reading this…A man always has a plan and never waits to be asked so what’s the plan

  54. A man does what he needs to do for his family, even if his family doesn’t want him to… Walter White, Breaking Bad

  55. 1Timothy 5:8 no better definition of a man. For me a man is a leader whether in a big or small way a man must lead and provide.

  56. And that is the definition of a man in Biko’s head(and other’s),/your personal opinion.
    I thank God we live in a world where nobody has to subscribe to someones thoughts or opinions….those are Hitler’s era.
    Personally I think to each their own!

  57. Interesting article…like all others. But I am thinking; isn’t it sort of misleading to say that a man doesn’t carry her hand bag and in the same breath state that a real man can do the dishes because that doesn’t make him less a man he is? Carrying her handbag shouldn’t be a fuss.

  58. Lovely piece, at least I don’t need a justification as to why I ain’t carrying her handbag now or never

  59. That handbag carrying business is a big no no… kwani it matches your belt. And unless you are reaching for an inhaler for your woman who is suffering an asthma attack from the purse any other reason utavalishwa a blazing tyre

  60. “meet him at a pub where he was kicking it with this new talent he had sort of started seeing and wanted me to meet and scale on a Richter.” ha ha ha ha . . . .this made my day
    “A man wears a watch that works” . . .Can’t be said better
    “Sometimes, a man masturbates.” . . . .Really! .. . .
    Biko you are just special, really made my weekend with this article even though am reading it years after it was written, seems like its so New.

  61. 1 Timothy 3New International Version (NIV)

    Qualifications of an overseer (A Man)
    3 Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full[a] respect. 5 (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.

    8 In the same way, deacons[b] are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 9 They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

    11 In the same way, the women[c] are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.

    12 A deacon must be faithful to his wife and must manage his children and his household well. 13 Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.

  62. Biko, you are one interesting nut of a man. A man is no a man just because he carries balls between his legs, ‘A man is one who meets his responsibility responsibly. Responsibility is responding to the ability in him. This abilities are what defines a man.

  63. hahahaha……Your pieces always make my day.
    Today I had to comment . had you asked me….A MAN KEEPS HIS WORD…. Good Piece man I guess that forehead actually helps in hiding loads of humour…
    I would Love to see You do a Pen your thoughts on Salsa Dancing…..Its quite popular in Nairobi

  64. A Man is one who is organized mentally, physically and emotional. He takes care of his family ensures they have all basic needs, invests for the future is clean, respectful, God fearing and above all is not scared of his wife’s success.

  65. A man takes care of his shit. They don’t run away from responsibilities. If you’re a deadbeat dad and you’re here, you simply less a man

  66. A man is any human being not a boy and not a woman. It doesn’t matter whether the man is irresponsible or coward. If you are male and ask all celestial beings and God himself. He will say you are a man. We waste time redefining this over and over. It’s simple you are a man if you are past boyhood and you have no ladies part. You can call a male drunk. Stupid, kidish, sissy, uncircumcised but he is still a man by creation standards.

  67. In understanding, let us be men; the good book emphasizes.However, in my view,a man is only considered to be a man when he can fluidly take up the various roles assigned to him by choice or by fate and do it while convincing the world that he has got this covered. Ata kama hajui form ni gani…

  68. A man isn’t supposed to take many selfies, one photo a month is enough. Leave Instagram and Snapchat for boys and girls!

  69. There are many men in one man. The son, brother, uncle, father, friend and lover…. A man is one who commands these men and never let’s one overlap the other all the while maintaining his equanimity.

  70. A man defines his own standards and sticks to then no matter what comes his way. He defines his own path and leads his woman and his family. He is not afraid to be vulnerable to her because she is his core

  71. This is a good article in deed! But you can never get men who are perfect so to say, and suits all the best definations here above. Hahahaha

  72. 4 P’s I dare say protector, provider, passion he needs to know how to bed a woman and proud of himself and his woman

  73. I totally agree with the last bit. A man does not really need this article to know who a man is. Personally, a man is just that; a man. He needs no validation, seeks it not and brushes it off when accorded. Above all, a man is a human being first before he is filtered into other definitions. A man always know. He even knows when he does not know and knows how to know without acting like he knows. A man just is. Great piece!

  74. A man is a combination of bravery, wisdom and ability to provide. All these factors vary but are always beyond a given threshold.

  75. How am I only reading this in 2016?? There is a problem. A man is just a man. Sometimes spanks his woman butt in public. #Not hitting her, sexy spank.

  76. LOL. This is one hilarious piece of art. A man stands up for what he believes in. Yes, I know I am reading this couple of years later. #throwbacks

  77. What a throwback! thanks Biko, this is hilarious, “Eish Biko, aki now what kind of question is that? Si a man is just a man?”

  78. a man is strong and a mature male… men don’t talk much or gossip, but they have a way with words.

  79. Years later. Lovely lovely piece

    “A man doesn’t ask a woman, “Do I snore in my sleep?” because snoring is the euphemism for roaring in the animal kingdom. A man appreciates a woman’s bare skin, the revelation of nakedness- and so Ricky Martin isn’t a man, at least not enough. A man rises up and defends his woman’s honour even if his woman is obviously on the wrong. A man doesn’t gossip. He takes a punch on the chin.”

  80. Very interesting article will surely be of much help to some of my friends as they don’t have a clue of what being a man is all about

  81. A man takes responsibility for his actions and understands manhood is above showing off one’s physical strength but is about the mental strength.
    I believe a real man is recognized by all those around him through his actions.He may not be outspoken but his ways will surely say it all.