Month: March 2015

Cape Town Jazz Festival

Cape Town Jazz Festival


I don’t understand jazz. I just don’t get it. All the trumpets, the blowing and sweating and sighing. And puffed lips. I don’t get the expressions jazz artists have either – especially those far-away looks on their faces when …

Joe “Black”, Hat In Hand

Joe “Black”, Hat In Hand


This is what you don’t know about this boy. That when I “met” him some time back, he had just been kicked out of school and he was back home in Majengo slums in Kitui with his grandfather. He …

The Victorian Experience

The Victorian Experience


There is something about Kisumu City. When you land at Kisumu International Airport (You have to say that in full if you are going to say it at all) and you walk out squinting into the bright sunlight, you …

Growing up

Growing up


Sometimes I run into a male reader who says, “Your fatherhood pieces sometimes makes me wish I was a father. You must be good at it.” I’m not. Truth is, there are many fathers I know who I admire …