Month: March 2022

Arm and a Dress

Arm and a Dress


Here is how this works. I meet the subject at a cafe and they start telling their story, right? I interject to ask questions, to get more details. Minute, seemingly useless details. If the story is wild or unbelievable

Chia Seeds and Moving Out

Chia Seeds and Moving Out


I’ve been listening to a lot of Michael Buble lately. We all know that anybody who listens to Buble is either heartbroken or planning to commit themselves in an institution. I’m neither. I’m in the blues, a writer’s blues.

Campfire and Things

Campfire and Things


Some people wake up and reach for The Holy Bible, you wake up and reach for your phone. Because that’s what you have always done. That’s what you know. Your phone is the umbilical cord that tethers you to

The Burnt Six Weeks

The Burnt Six Weeks


He was never the guy to cause a ruckus. Never the guy who was suspended from school. Always knowing when to walk away from trouble, like that country guy Kenny Rogers crooned about. Never the guy who drove around

The Table of Men

The Table of Men


This is how I started running. When I was a younger strapping man with a stronger back, and at my first job, I lived in the extension of a corner house in Mountain View estate. The landlady was a