Perhaps – if you are anything like her – you are one of those people who say that they could never shag or date a guy they work with. Who does that? Why would anyone do that when the …
She comes straight to my office from work. She’s an English teacher, which means she’s got a studious air. She’s bedecked in a light green one-button coat, of course fastened deliberately because she’s a teacher and the world expects …
Her boyfriend in university was a dark, cool guy. Or maybe a cool, dark guy. Whichever came first, he was dark because she likes her men with that darkness of dawn. He was studying engineering and living in Mamlaka …
You might have heard these famous words; A happy wife, a happy life. Which means that as long as the wife is kicking shit about, mumbling under her breath, opening drawers in the kitchen and just standing there staring …