
This Sickness

This Sickness


I was supposed to have written this yesterday, instead I’m writing this on a Sunday morning. It’s a still morning. No ripple. The sky the colour of colic. There is the droning sound of a plane passing somewhere 25,000 …

Men and Women of Letters

Men and Women of Letters


A girl from USIU shows up at our office to interview me. She’s a brown, fragile-looking girl with a thin smile and laughter that can’t fit in her fist. Joy Ruguru. She’s wearing these round-toed flat shoes and somewhat

All These Birds

All These Birds


There was this time I was down in South coast doing a story about the birds of the Arabuko Sokoke Forest. Yes, a story about freaking birds! I know zip about birds, and I do not particularly care for …

Writing Masterclass

Writing Masterclass


There are days I can’t write. Days when words turn into powder that a gust of wind suddenly comes and blows into someone’s soup at the next table. Those are the days my deadline stands over me brandishing a …

Rain, power…and everything between.


It rained yesterday. Hard. It rained throughout the afternoon and into the early evening. Then it rained at night. At least it did where I live. I normally write my blog on Sundays and yesterday I woke up and …