Tag: Death

Our Chairman


On 8 January in an introductory piece for the Men and Marriage series I wrote about a little spat I had with my best mate in our investment Whatsapp Group. You can read it here. (http://bit.ly/2IproFg ). I

India: “Too Many Dead People”


I asked Clay to write something about India because he always told me bits and pieces about his time in India. Mainly about booze and debauchery. He sent his story at dawn today with a little disclaimer that it …

Like A Thief In The Night…


It’s highly unlikely you will live to see 90. In fact, you will be lucky to see 63. You will die from heart diseases. Or hypertension. Or diabetes. Or cancer. Or HIV/AIDS. At this rate it’s also possible you …

We succumb


My father weeps.

I never thought I’d ever write those words in reference to him. Not Simon. Simon is unbowed. Simon is a titan.  A Viking. He’s from the dated school of thought that subscribes to the maxim that …

The hardest part.


My grandma doesn’t wait for Kenya to turn 47. She doesn’t say goodbye either. She just checks out. She dies. Her heart halts shortly after 3pm on the eve of Madaraka day. Cardiac arrest, that’s what the doctor said. …