Tag: Facebook

1,000 follower.


Even though we trash Facebook, even though we call it the whorehouse of vanity, we refuse to leave it. We stay in there because inherently we are nosy; inherently we want to a part of other people’s lives. We …

High School


I have a few rubbish rules that serve no greater purpose in the grand scheme of things rather than help me steer my manhood to a greater, and more elusive, harbor. For instance, I don’t meet guys for coffee. …

Rain, power…and everything between.


It rained yesterday. Hard. It rained throughout the afternoon and into the early evening. Then it rained at night. At least it did where I live. I normally write my blog on Sundays and yesterday I woke up and …

Forgotten souls of the night


Something weird is happening to me. Thankfully it’s nothing overtly neurotic. It’s just that I have been having these dreams lately. That and I can’t sleep, or rather I sleep but I wake up pretty early. Like 3.30am. That’s …

My moments of 2010


Christmas beckons like a ghoulish character in Harry Porter. The year is pretty much a dodo. There are many things that went wrong this year, days spent in the trenches. But there were also some very great moments, very …