Tag: Food

The Girl Is The Flower

The Girl Is The Flower


Where do you find the best pork in East Africa? Well, there is a small quaint kibanda in Wandegeya, Uganda, just near Makerere University. It is run by a Ugandan lady and her (then) teenage daughter with the loveliest

Nine Hours a Waiter Part II

Nine Hours a Waiter Part II


Kids were the best to serve. They never fussed. They didn’t test you by asking, “What’s the soup of the day?” They were just happy to be out of the house. They sat there, raptly crayoning the kiddie pictures …

Goat Days

Goat Days


The first time I met Sophie Gitonga she was attending my Second Creative Writing Masterclass, early this year. The odd ones always stand out in a room. First day, before the class commenced, as we all milled around the