Diary Of An Obese Girl


Here’s how this cookie is going to crumble. We are moving furniture here a bit. You might or might not have heard of Nancy Cherotich. She’s 29-years old who weighs about 80kgs on the scale, which would have been okay if she was 6’0”, but she’s only 5’4” tall. In medical terms, and in her own words, she is obese. You must be thinking, “OK, big mama, so?” So two weeks ago I didn’t know there was an obese 29-year old out there who writes floating in the websphere when I was busy looking for a writer who could write about health but in a nice chatty way. Then a friend told me, “Have you read Nacy Cherotich’s Facebook posts?” and I said, “Who the hell is Nancy Cherotich?” So I went to her Facebook and read this story about how as a teenager she used to get these ants on her breasts to bite them in the hope that she would get big breasts. (Smh). It was a an amusing story and I was impressed by her consistency and dry humour. So I inboxed her and asked her how her breasts were doing many years later and she said, they were still small and I advised her to forget ants and get a luhya to bite them instead and she said that her ex was a luhya and he didn’t help her breasts. Long story short, she said she was struggling with weight issues and that she was obese but that she was doing something about it and that she would triumph over it. I told her, “Then how about you document this journey?” She said “really?” and now here we are.

Here is what I think. I think we will all die from lifestyle diseases. We drink too much, exercise less and eat horrible food. A whole bunch of us are already overweight with BMI’s that are hitting 29. Some of us are overweight but don’t even know it. Others are overweight but don’t care. Our hearts will one day fail. We will die in our sleep. Diabetes? It’s knocking on our doors. So is Hypertension. But we don’t have to go out like that, we can live better, healthier, which will make us happier people with glowing skin then we can take many selfies and upload them on IG. So “meeting” Cherotich, someone who can, and loves, to write and is struggling with weight was a perfect fit.

I have created a section called Chero’ @ 80 Kgs as you can see up there. It will be her own diary which she will fill in every week, stuff do with weight and the journey towards losing the 80kgs. (Not all of it, obviously). She comes here with her own unique voice and style. She will be on every Thursday after my Tuesday posts. I will keep changing that section to reflect her weight until she drops to acceptable weight, which is, what, 55? 45?

This is not Slimpossible. This is a diary of an obese woman who is ready to laugh at herself but also drop off the weight. I’m sure she will accomplish that and when she does we will send her off to a healthier life and bring another obese person on board who can write. Here is where obese people will be coming to lose weight. No skinny people allowed, skinny people are in blogs taking pictures of themselves in nice clothes. We wish them nothing but good health.

So, without much further ado (hate when people say that), here is Nancy “Kanono” Cherotich.


My mother tells me that I was born weighing 2kgs. My son weighed 3.5 kgs when I gave birth to him and I thought he was the tiniest thing I had ever seen. I cannot even begin to imagine how tiny I was then. My grandmother decided that my mother was not feeding me well while I was at her womb and she made it her duty to see to it that I grow big.

I have no idea what happened between when I was born to when I joined school – okay I lie, my grandmother happened. I joined school and ‘Nancy kanono’ was the term used to differentiate me from the other Nancys in the school. This continued up to high school but Nancy kanono had no issue with the name because she was raised by a mother who ensured her self esteem was always up there and a grandmother who believed that big is healthy.

I joined University and the move from Kapsabet to Nairobi opened my world to a new word: ‘sexy’. In this city, everything was categorized as either sexy or not sexy and a big girl fell under the not sexy category. I watched in pain as every man my ovaries cried loudly for chase after the small girls. The ovaries combined with my thirst begged me to lose weight as quickly as possible. I began working out and dieting and in two months I reduced from 70 to 55 kgs and boy didn’t that work magic! Men started noticing and hitting on me, my room in campus was always filled with men; cars could stop so that the owners could just say hi and most importantly, I got a boyfriend to the relief of my ovaries. My grandmother however was not happy at all. She lashed at my parents for not giving me enough money to buy food. She even gave me 500 shillings for the rainy day when my parents will decide that we are too poor to afford a meal. I did not bother telling her about my discovery of sexy as she would have asked if the university is turning me into a fool. The lashing helped because my allowance was increased and it was used to paint the city red. The new ‘Nancy si ule mnono’ continued painting the city but not for long. I fell pregnant.

Pregnancy understandably came with gaining weight but I tried my best to get my sexy back which was going well until heartbreak happened. I had to send my son home just to get my act together and also because house helps were driving me crazy. The loneliness drove me to whiskey and stress eating. Whiskey and junk talked and soothed the broken me to the point that any “umenona” comment was met by “I know, I own a mirror” reply and clothes that dared not fit were quickly replaced by bigger ones. I was not going to allow any negativity on my fat and fabulous mantra. What started off as a way of fighting loneliness and heartbreak slowly became a way life. The bartender at my local knew me by name. I used to drink properly and anyone who drinks properly will tell you also need to eat properly. Not the lentils, vegetables, fruits diet, no, you have to eat meat….lots of meat. Tumbukiza, choma and dry fry to be served with chips and kachumbari with lots of pilipili which is believed to help to help burn fat. You also need to constantly top up the cushion by eating the samosas, choma sausages and mshikaki normally sold outside the local. This would be a faithful ritual carried out every weekend and sometimes (read every day) weekdays. Then there is pizza, java’s black forest, coldstone’s ice-cream (I miss it already) and chocolates. Within a short period of time, I was fat and fabulous or so I thought.

Constant asthma attacks were the first sign that all was not well but I did not pay any attention. I tried to exercise once in a while but gave up when the very strong urge for fries and whiskey knocked….until last week.

I woke up to find my left arm and knees swollen and painful. I went to the hospital and I was diagnosed with arthritis. After realizing that I weigh 84 kgs, the doctor told me that I need to lose 16 kgs as soon as possible if I want to live long and for the pain to reduce. This was a wakeup call. Who suffers from arthritis at 29 years? Will my son ever forgive me if I die because of a lifestyle I had the ability to avoid? How can I not twerk just because I fear my knees will break into pieces? I made a decision to live a healthy lifestyle. A lot of things, I previously thought I could die without, have been stricken off my diet and I try to exercise every day.

It has not been easy. I keep hearing whiskey calling out my name begging me to taste it for the last time…..calling me unfair, trying to remind me the fun we had together, swearing it will never allow my waist to increase again. Seduction by junk food is the worst! it keeps telling me that one day with it will not make any difference. Every time I serve food, I fill my plate with lots of food then the healthy part of my brain shouts ‘portion control!’ and I painfully reduce the same. I have stayed strong. My first moment of joy came on Friday when the doctor said I had lost 3 kgs. I know I have a long way to go but I have started the journey and the determination is getting stronger. The fact that I have friends who talk to me every day to ensure that I do not fall off the wagon and others who call me just to see if I have changed my mind so that we can go celebrate over a bottle of whiskey and nyama choma, increases my resolve. I must get healthy. I must get the ovaries busy again. Whiskey might call, fudge cake might call, coldstone might call and friends might call but the only call I intend to listen to is the healthy call. The journey continues….to week two.

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  1. I thought it was beer, and not whiskey that is an enemy to thin waistlines? Okay, now I know.
    Mimi I just realized my kitambi is growing, and I am poor. So I just got myself some running shoes. As Uhuru would tell you during elections, Tuko Pamoja.

  2. Hi Nancy,

    Kindly post the activities you do to help loose weight so that some of us can try them.

    You such an awesome writer, Thanks Biko for having her.

  3. Nancy was my schoolmate at st joseph’s high school chepterit.i like her facebook posts too. Healthy life style is the way to go people. Keeping up with you Nancy. Just to encourage you. All the best

  4. I’m already in love with Nancy Kanono soon to be Nancy Kahealthy. 😉 I hope that people (I included) can learn from this and not wait fo diseases to knock in order to eat healthy. You can do this Nancy!
    ps: She writes good; simple but very good.

  5. Go gal. That is the way to go. I will come to this page every week to cheer you on.
    and oh, i like your humour too.

  6. Am 27 and my friends are 45+ which can tell you the drinking & eating habits, my gym instructor call every Tuesday and Thursday morning but am yet to find a way of taking my ass there may be this will motivate me bring it on.

  7. I can tottally relate. I wil be your number one cheerleader as I also struggle with my fluctuating weight. Its all mind over matter. Have a cheat day, but do not overdo it on this day.

  8. What makes us baloon – its having a sweet mouth and being in the habit of nibbling crunchy fatty/sugary snacks. Apart from partaking of the frothy waters from Ruaraka (the brown bottles as they are popularly known). But there are also guys that are obesse and yet they do not touch alcohol. Like personally I have two cousins that are obesse yet they have never tasted alcohol since they were born.

    Sometimes I have this feeling that gaining weight is a choice because no one holds a gun behind your head to eat what you are eating. We all have the prerogative to refuse what is served in the dinner, lunch or breakfast table. As for Chero we must congratulate her for taking this bold step. Am only scared that she could easily slip into a medical condition called anorexia nervosa – often referred to simply as anorexia – is an eating disorder characterized by a low weight, fear of gaining weight, a strong desire to be thin, and food restriction. I hope her doctor will be able to advise her accordingly.

    1. I have personally given up snacking. I once read that 5 small meals are better than 3 big ones, but once I started this I ended up making all the snacking in between also meals. So am back to 3 meals. Instead of snacking on say an apple, which after 15 mins will give me an appetite, I choose to drink water instead

  9. Go Nancy!! As someone who has gone from 98kgs to 67kgs in 2 years I can tell you it is so much more mental than physical. I love that you have high self esteem because on some days, that will be all that will keep you going. The urges will get less with time and the weight will drop also with time. Go Nancy!!

  10. I think I should stop hating on fat grls. Didn’t know theirs is such a struggle.Goood reasd,nonetheless.

  11. Awesome read. I understand the post-pregnancy weight and how one fails to recognize one is getting fatter because well, we have to eat, to feed the baby. Anyway, give PowerVibe’s Powerplate (Raphta Rd) a chance if you can. Works wonders in a very short time.

  12. We shall cheer you on every Thursday. Good read, keep writing and being healthy. Whiskey and Nyamchom be damned!

  13. You go girl! 3 KGS is a big deal, I’m looking forward to how this journey will go. The first leg is already inspiration for me.

  14. I am in no way skinny and nowhere near obese but i still feel you Nancy.Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not easy.just now as i was eating my boring lunch(steamed butternut and spinach)i read that bit about “choma and dry fry to be served with chips and kachumbari with lots of pilipili” and wanted to run and get some.sigh!Thank God my office is so far.ice cream, meat and vodka are my Achilles heel of dieting.Good luck and looking forward to your posts.

  15. On the same boat as you girl,infact add on the frustration of being told
    you need to get a man on top of being told to lose some weight.Be strong we are on this journey together
    started weight loss just a week ago after being on and off the bandwagon
    it gets really frustrating and tiring but you shall make it,we shall make it.

  16. Good read. And now that you have written this, Nancy, failure is not an option. That’s the cross you must carry for all of us. I am on a similar journey – giving up on my beloved alcohol and cigarettes after more than 10 years of daily registration at the till (and I am only 33), but even though I do not write and therefore have got no baggage, still I will triumph. Lets go, Chero!

    Ps. That phrase on lentils and vegetables reminds me of another by Biko last year in the Saturday paper when mourning Frank? or was it Jack ‘… you will crawl home and eat meat, no vegetables – vegetables are for children and the invalids…’ wow. Its a miracle we are still alive.

    1. Go Nancy!you can do this.
      Charles Kagana, LOL “you will crawl home and eat meat, no vegetables – vegetables are for children and the invalids…” try juicing the veggies, i do it for my colleagues & myself and you’ll be amazed.

  17. Really loved this post. It’s good to know I’m not alone out there. I’m 21, 5’9 and I way 90kgs. The height helps spread the weight evenly enough but I know I’m, I am constantly reminded of how big I am by complete strangers.
    I’m with you all the way. Big girls united to a healthy lifestyle. o/

  18. Biko,
    Heheheh you should introduce a photos section i need to see this kanono you know am into big girls.Am a guy in this wagon too i need to move houses my estate is full of those nyama choma joints tempting as hell.

  19. I gained 9kgs since I graduated from campus this year. Woke up one morning and my jeans couldn’t fit anymore! My mom likes to say that at my age, I am at the peak of physical fitness…I’ll look back to these years as my best. That shames me. Loved your post Nancy…I’m rooting for you

  20. Since that is my weight at the moment, I will have to follow every Thursday for new updates. My BMI is 29 so yeah, I’m with you here Chero. Can’t wait to twerk with you 🙂

  21. Nancy..i cheer you up…this is a very insightful yet hilarious article…..
    i am on a weight lose mission to lose 15kgs to get to my desired weight..hit me up at
    [email protected] so we can check on each other.
    Biko thank you for hosting Nancy..

  22. not only have you addressed this serious issue in a light way but you’ve inspired me to deal with my alcohol problems.thank you

  23. Way to go Nancy, all the best with your journey but under no circumstances expect a quick win. Healthy weight loss takes time, I lost 14 kgs over a period of 6 years with lots of jogging, I dont believe in dieting as such but i’m a firm believer in jogging. So yes I enjoy by black forest, and galitos chicken but what I ensure is that I jog, five days a week. Keep on and remember no quick gains!!

  24. I have had a good laugh on most of your post girl. Now it’s time to encourage you in your journey. It’s doable.

  25. This, “How can I not twerk just because I fear my knees will break into pieces?” had me in stiches, and is also somewhat to Bikos style. You can do anything you put your mind to girl! 🙂

  26. I don’t need to loose weight, but I struggle with other areas of my life, like waking up on time everyday, so I will follow your posts for inspiration and for some humour :-).

    1. You know i think youre my twin rom somewhere. I also struggle with waking up on time. maybe we should start a support group for ourselves

  27. first, this is a wonderful piece,linguistically. Then I love your realness(if thats a word) and your journey. Thanks for inspiring and motivating me.You will make it through.
    Hope you continue with your journey… #numberone fan

  28. Wow! Nice read. Nothing is more arousing than the self confidence of one who has accepted their being. Awesome Chero. Bigup! Write sister write.

  29. Awesome read!
    My favorite part:Here is where obese people will be coming to lose weight. No skinny people allowed, skinny people are in blogs taking pictures of themselves in nice clothes. We wish them nothing but good health….Hilarious!

  30. All the best darling… We are together in this. Am also on my fitness journey ..see my activity on Instagram @KuiPurity

  31. ‘Kanono’ I hate that kids get such and other negative nicknames but great that you had support from your grandma and mum to ensure your esteem was never affected. I am not kanono but definately think I need to lose some Kgs so I identify with your post. I realise after some months of healthy eating it is not as hard as it seems once discipline sets in. All the best adn yeah I will be a cheerleader too!

  32. @Magunga i feel you.Its sad when the pot belly is enlarging and you are challenged financially.My struggle also.
    Uhuru used to say during election Tuko.Pamoja and Ruto still asks during ralliees Tuko Pamoja?lol.

  33. Loving your posts Nancy! Keep them coming. My bmi is way above 29 so I hear you loud n clear. Good luck and God Bless.

  34. Allow me to comment at spiritual angle.That Cherotich has arthritis at a young age is the work of Infirmity Strongman evil spirit.It controls demons under it of bent spine(hump back),asthma,allergy,high blood pressure,arthritis,polio,lingering disorders.To eat healthily she should use raw ginger and garlic in salads or garnish the food she is about to partake.

    1. I forgot,let me add there are also the demons of overweight/underweight/obese/malnutrition or anorexia nervosa/bulimia etc.Have you heard of someone trying to gain weight and vice versa.

  35. Joining you in the fight Nancy. Or are you joining me? Mine has been a year long affair with no gains. Still, I trudge on.
    I await your next post for further motivation to keep at it. You go gal!

  36. I was hoping someone would tell biko about Chero someday! i love her relationship with her ovaries via her facebook posts,she’s a splendid writer.
    On the weight loss-go girl,cheering you on.

  37. Way to go Nancy, plus you write well. I wish you all the self control you require in this weight loss journey! Waiting to cheer you on at the finish line.

  38. Nice read Nancy, I wish you all the best in your journey. I hope this will make you feel better because I for example I have a perfect body shape (I can literary feed on anything without adding weight.. my friends say I have a figure 8 lol ) however you should see my hair and the shape of my head :-(. I have hidden my two predicaments hehe under wigs and weaves for so many years and being in a country where everybody seems to have perfect hair doesn’t help either (I am tired) I hope one day I will accept my hair as it is(zimesimama moja moja and then I have a very big kipara ,rare combination, I know ). I know weaves and wigs are deteriorating the situation but that’s my only option now (sob sob). I hope one day I will flaunt my hair for all and sundry to see, I hope one day like you I will decide to confront my fears. I will follow you in your journey and hopefully one day I will have the courage to do it. I wish you all the best and I hope that you lose the weight and be healthy again. #teamnancy

  39. Go Nancy, that was a nice read and i hope you get encouraged every single day. Please post your work out routine, it might help me (and others) switch up their routines, i get bored quickly. Love and love.

  40. Great! Perfect timing! I’ve just recently joined in the treadmill too. (I think 45kg is unrealistic for me though..) Love the realness! #Pamoja!

  41. i feel you…i am working on a healthy lifestyle and a million other things…it is so difficult but it must be done.

    All the best girl…love yourself and your kid enough to not give up.

  42. I tasted cold stones coffee ice cream for the first time last week! what! heaven in a chocolate and sprinkles coated waffle!!! So I feel you but STRONG!!! as my gym instrudtor tells me, you will make it I know you will and we will,be right there with you. Thanks Biko 🙂

  43. I have tried to add weight all my life in vain. No more trying!!
    All the best Nancy..nothing is impossible.

  44. I love Nancy’s attitude towards her self. This makes it easier for her to achieve her mission. Take heart and all the best

  45. Team weight loss. I also recently began my journey (BMI hit 29 a few years ago and zoomed right past) I’ve been at it for a while but I’m too afraid to check my weight again because I might have failed. [email protected] if you’d like a partner

  46. “A whole bunch of us are already overweight with BMI’s that are hitting 29. Some of us are overweight but don’t even know it. Others are overweight but don’t care. Our hearts will one day fail.” i fall into this category not for long thanks.

  47. With you all the way girl,
    As I struggle with my weight issues too
    Kindly post the activities that you engage in this process of shedding off the excess weight.

  48. Biko thank you for this pos . I love your articles. Thank you for sharing Nancy’s article. Will be here to cheer her on every week. Its a bold step and keep going Nancy..

  49. Coldstone was opened just a few months ago, how could it have contributed to you being fat?
    And an editor would be good to take care of those grammatical errors, they take the story a notch lower.

  50. Pretty awesome Nancy. There is nothing as beautiful as feeling health. I was 88kgs in high school and I’m 5’6. I always feel like I survived a war.
    When I decided to lose weight I told myself this food ain’t going anywhere. I’ll go lose weight then come back and eat and I got serious. Funny huh? But by the time I was coming back I loved being healthy so much I maintained. I’m 65kgs now at 23. Another trick maybe, to surge you on, is that I changed my foods from white to brown and a lot of traditional veges. I hated them at first but it became a habit and I’ve come to enjoy them.
    Ps. I got the boys’ attention but the heartbreaks. I certainly didn’t sign up for those.

  51. At 18 I weighed 76kgs and looked like a mother of a few. 76/78 was a constant for days. Weeks, months, years have passed since and i am soon turning 30, at 80! I have been eating small potions and i watch the “big loser” series on youtube everyday! (For motivation- Thanks). Truth is, for many years I fought the curves. I wanted the zero figure. Hit the gym and all . Lost pounds and gained them all back as soon as I took work out breaks, even though I watched what I ate. I now realise that being curvy doesn’t exactly mean unhealthy nor does it mean ugly or not sexy. It means fun, excitement and thrill. Curves give you the power to amaze yourself. Gives you a reason to smile and wink at the mirror once in a while. Life will be dull without curves Chero, So lets not try to get rid of them, maybe just get them toned up. As you work hard to burn out the fats, please do a few squats for finer curves’ sake. Because when life gives you curves, you got to flaunt them!

  52. Who suffers from arthritis at 29 years… ARTHRITIS attacked me when i was 14 years, but its just how you live that matters. its been more than 10 years, still growing strong. don’t be afraid your child will see you walking with a stick 🙂

  53. i 100% understand you nancy…we all need to fight this ghost called obesity. Be strong dear,i love the piece:-)

  54. I am 22 and dont do alcohol at all but I still weigh 72kgs n have this big bulge around my stomach. I have tried losing it but to no avail. I have tried zumba,running, exercising, quit junk food (momentarily-the temptation was too much) …
    so u aint alone.kindly post wht u exercises u are doing.who knows? they might just work

  55. I took up walking because I always made excuses about how I didn’t have time for the gym or how mwezi imepiga corner so I can’t pay for the gym that month. So every evening I ditch my work clothes for tights and walking shoes plug in my earphones and hit the road, like literally. I walk from town to Ngong Road. By the time I get home, I feel super proud of myself. A day at a time. I may not have the body I want, but I shall love myself even with the body that I’m working on.

  56. Tuko pamoja because am also 78, 5’6″ tall n i need to lose 10kgs..lets do this chica.. i love your writting n sense of humour

  57. Hi Nancy I admire your resolve. Keep going. Am an alcoholic four years sober now and nobody expected me to maintain sobriety even for a dayafter i got out of rehab. Hang in there the battle you are fighting will be worth it. And it wont be a pyrrhic victory friends who want you tp drown do not deserve you.