

There is a lady who is sitting on gold. Our gold. She’s sitting on our gold because she’s the boss-lady. Her name is on the door. She signs things. She approves things. She gives things the nod. She gives greenlights and go-aheads. She appends signatures. She sits at the head of the table and people turn to her for direction. The CEO listens to her opinion because she knows her shit. She has known her shit for a very long time now. She knows her shit because she has made her bones; climbed up to that office because of working smart, playing politics, going for evening classes, having late nights, kissing the asses that need to be kissed, waking up early to catch the worm and staring down at men who try to stand between her and the door. It’s not been easy but now she’s there and she’s has her name on the darned door, now she signs things. Some people say she got there because of opening her legs to the right people. She doesn’t care; she sleeps eight hours.

She has what we want. And we want business. Her business. It’s decent business.

By the way, nobody calls it business anymore. I once ran into this guy, one of those guys you never remember how you came to know, (or even know their names but you keep running into them and you have those very polite conversations that go absolutely nowhere. This time I ran into him at Kiza, in the loo. I’m standing at the urinal holding my member and he’s standing in the next one holding his, and I say, “Chief, good to see you, been a while,” and he responds, “Long time, you have potead! How are things?” I say things are fantastic (I’d had four doubles, so…) how are you, what are you doing nowadays? And he says, “Oh, same same, just sharas.” Now I didn’t know what “sharas” was. Never heard it before. It sounded like maybe he was a “middleman.” Or a broker of something intangible. Or a fixer. You never know how men make their money in this city and sometimes it’s good if you don’t because one day cops from Special Crimes Unit might come to your office and ask you, “Do you really expect us believe that all this time you knew him you didn’t know he was into sharas?”

It’s only much later that I heard that word again and I was told that sharas is actually “biashara.” Sharas is what these cool Nairobi middle-class urbanites who are between jobs, or who are doing businesses that they never say call biashara. Sharas.

Anyway, so boss lady has the sharas (roll eyes) we need but somehow things have not been aligning. The stars are asunder. Our ducks refuse to stand in line. Which is odd because Ben had done a genius presentation. They had loved it. All of them. He had came back to the office and said to me, “I think I nailed it.” I said, Yeah? He said, “Yeah, I think it’s a wrap.” Only it’s never a wrap until it’s a wrap. It wasn’t wrapped the following week, or the next month or the next.

The boss lady hadn’t given it the nod. So everything stood still. We pulled down our sails, hauled out old wooden boxes and sat on them for a game of chess. And we waited. Half the business in this city is about waiting. You sit and you wait and you send a polite  email reminder. And then you wait some more.

One day Ben says, “We have to take this lady out somewhere and talk to her. And you are coming for this one. All hands on deck.” I say Sure. Trick is not to take her to a posh place because it will look too formal, staged and needy. It can’t be dinner either because we will have to eat dessert and maybe pretend that we know about wine. It can’t be a hotel bar because most are bland and have politicians in oversized suits lurking about with undersized grins.

It has to be a place with music she will love and decent food menu. A place she could remove her boss lady jacket and let loose. I asked how old she was and Ben had no idea, maybe early 30’s? Brew Bistro Westlands? Nope. Can get very cold since it’s a rooftop. Brew Bistro Ngong Road? Pretentious. Mercury ABC? Too far from her office. Level 8 Best Western? Too squeezed, feels like drinking in a spaceship. Their rooftop deck? Good but cold at this time of the year. You don’t want the client getting a runny nose. Sankara’s Rooftop? Cold. Plus they have an entrance charge in 2016. Havana? Kitschy. Under the Radar? Very cold. Sierra Lounge. Could do, could do. Mambo Italia? Good but far from her office. So we settled on Explorer because on a Thursday they have that old New Jack Swing thing going, which means if she is in her early 30’s she might get nostalgic. And who doesn’t love nostalgia? Plus the whiskies that they sell by the bottle are well priced. We asked her to leave her car at home and we sent her an Uber.

By the way, this story is centered around one question: What do you do when a client falls?

She shows up looking lovely in black. She’s just back from her leave. She had spent a few weeks in Abu Dhabi, smoking shisha, riding the sand in the desert safari and holding those falcons with rheumy eyes. She looks refreshed and well rested. Her skin glows. She had gone home and freshened up so she smells like wild pollen. We are introduced. Nice to meet you. We crack open a bottle of whisky. Do you need a mixer with that? Right. Ice it is. Only pansies mix whisky with soda. Haha. By the way, how do you like the dry-fry onion chicken? It’s fantastic, isn’t it? Dubai has never filled any space in any of my emotions, how did you find it? Oh really? Haha. The music is great. The conversation is good. We don’t run out of ice. She drinks her water diligently. The ducks are slowly getting in line.  

We are about to cross the rubicon and it’s delicate. We have to make it very casual and friendly; she has to be comfortable without feeling that we are kissing major ass. She knows we are kissing her ass, yes, but it can’t be too overt. So we keep her happy without being in her face. I let Ben lead because he’s a great salesman, a master storyteller and an astute charmer. He has wild stories that come from dust. He has killer one liners that cut like a zanbato. He is a schmooze. This is his show and I am prop, I stand in the shadow. He once took me for a pitch and a client asked me what I thought of their TV ad and I said the truth: it was lousy. Later Ben dressed me down. “You should never tell the client that kind of truth!” he has said.  So yes, I have a big problem of blurting out what is in my head and this is not the night for me to say the wrong thing. No, ma’am.

The next stage is when to talk business; too soon and she might feel rushed. Too late and she might make promises that she won’t quite remember the next morning because we gave her too much booze. It’s a high wire act and I observe Ben navigate this labyrinth, dying to see when and how he will break into that conversation . Thankfully this problem is taken away from us when she says that she liked the idea and that she will work on it the following week. Just like that. We talk money. Rather, Ben talks money. There is a bit of haggling between them, nothing that can cause a hernia, then finally they agree. I want to reach across the table and hug her but Ben won’t approve. We clink glasses.  

It’s headed to 11pm, the idea to take it elsewhere is floated because the angels are singing. What is the biggest thing on Thursday night? I don’t know, but I hear Pitch and Butch at K1 is One Love Night. Reggae night. Personally I don’t care for reggae music, dancehall yes, but not reggae. She says it’s cool, she doesn’t mind checking it out. By the way, if she had said she wanted to go to a club called Nyokabi Gardens in Nyeri we would have gladly driven her there at midnight. There is nothing we weren’t ready to do to make her happy that night. Nothing at all. If she wanted us to come in matching white trousers we would have thrown in white hats for good measure.

Pitch and Butch is sardine packed. We don’t get a table, so we huddle at the bar and fetch drinks. When you stand in that throng, you begin to wonder when reggae became mainstream. Some young looking deejay from the Dohty Family is killing it on stage. As the night wears on I see Wahome, Comms Manager, Multichoice so I I go up to say hello. Kriss Darling show up at the table. Never met the guy. He’s in a hoodie and beige jeans, adidas shoes and a flashy wristwatch. He’s also sober. Apparently he doesn’t drink. It’s an honour to meet him because I admire people who put their backs into it and build something with their hands and minds. I tell him I think he’s dope. You know I have had enough to drink when I start using words like dope. They start talking business. They are talking about Trace Mziki DSTV Channel 323 that kina Wahome launched this month to play African music. I think Kriss will be getting a reggae show in there or something. We’ll see. I excuse myself, thank Wahome for the drink and he says he will come to our table after.

Now here is what happens. Ben’s newly married and his wife is expectant, which means he has to go home early or else he will be accused of being an absentee father in waiting. On his way out, he whispers in my ear, “She is in your hands, all you have to do is make her happy, when she is ready to go home call her an Uber.” I nod. He made me feel like I was a child being left to take care of his younger sibling. I’d had a few, yes. The whole world had.

In short, at some point in the night the client fell down. We are at our table, I’m looking away and shortly I hear a crashing sound. When I look, I find her on her hands and knees. Tripped on a chair. You are told not to drink and drive because alcohol reduces your reaction time. Standing there seeing her down on the floor, I remember thinking, “That is our client down there, on her knees,” My brain seemed to process this information very, very slowly, almost like its path was being blocked. Like it couldn’t believe what was happening. It’s like when your mom leaves you alone in the house for a minute and when she comes back she finds half of the house burnt to the ground. What this means is that some gentleman got to her fast and helped her out, while I stood there watching like it was an out of body experience.

“I leave you for a minute with her and you break her knees?” Ben cried the next day when I told him. I stared at my shoes.

A woman talking with her mouth open is disturbing. A woman peeing while standing, legs apart, is ugly as hell. (I witnessed this, you have to at least once in your life). A hot woman farting is jarring because we never imagine that a hot woman can even get gas in her system. An ageing woman stripping in protest is ghastly. A woman in a purple camisole in 2016 is horrifying. A drunk woman throwing up on her shoes is disconcerting. All these things above a man can do and people will shrug and say, “Men!” (Yes, even wearing a camisole). But a woman falling is truly ungraceful and sad. Because when women fall, they fall like a stone. It’s worse if they have on a dress and it blows over and she has to be subjected to the indignity of her underwear showing. It’s even worse if she has on brown mother’s union. But what is worse is if you stand there like a statue and not help her up. Like what happened to me. I failed.

Our client, thankfully, didn’t have on a dress. Or mother’s union. (I hope).

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  1. Pole sana! Dont be hard on yourself (and the whiskies) people fall, waiters drop drinks down clients shirts your down and out friend comes to mooch from you just when you are closing the deal and stuff like that.

  2. “He has wild stories that come from dust. He has killer one liners that cut like a zanbato. He is a schmooze.” Runs to google zanbato and schmooze…i’ll come back to comment more later.

    1. Hahaha… was planning to do that immediately i finish reading this piece! Now that i am done let me consult Mr. Google.

  3. ..deep. your client did not ask you why you got transfixed when she fell? May be she still harbors that question and will ask you before signing the cheque. Ha ha

  4. A woman peeing while standing, legs apart, is ugly as hell. (I witnessed this, you have to at least once in your life). Hahaha…That can be traumatizing!! Good stuff chocolate man, you are the best.

  5. “Some people say she got there because of opening her legs to the right people. She doesn’t care; she sleeps eight hours.” Hahaha. I see what you did there. Women rule the world. I will summarize the power of a woman by saying this; there were 11 people hanging on to a rope that came down from a helicopter. Ten were men and one woman.

    They all decided that one person should get off because if they didn’t, the rope would break and everyone would die. No one could decide who should go. Finally the woman gave a really touching speech on how she would give up her life to save the others, because women were used to giving up things for their husbands and children and giving in to men.

    All of the men started clapping.

  6. if she had said she wanted to go to a club called Nyokabi Gardens in Nyeri we would have gladly driven her there at midnight he he he…Biko nice piece

  7. But a woman falling is truly ungraceful and sad. Because when women fall, they fall like a stone…and she has to be subjected to the indignity of her underwear showing. It’s even worse if she has on brown mother’s union.
    It’s sad and embarrassing…hehe hopefully she didn’t have mother’s union

  8. YOU almost lost out on the ‘Shara’ when you went into the Matrix grid there, lets hope she is not a vindictive one, and does not read this blog.

    1. He has wild stories that come from dust. He has killer one liners that cut like a zanbato. He is a schmooze.” just wondering…are YOU him??

  9. I read to the end waiting to get the moral of the story but it’s 2016 and you don’t always get what you are looking for. This is a great read all the same.

  10. Purple is the new black.
    When a woman falls, the first thing on her mind is…Who saw? The next is: I have to get up as fast as possible.
    Luckily someone helped her chivalry is still alive and well. Maybe on nights out with clients, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to sip Fanta until the clients are snugly in their ubers and homeward bound.

    1. You can’t sip bamboocha and watch the client drown in whiskey on their own.That is a crime…entrapment or something. I mean, you both gotta be on the same state of mind when talking “Shara” (i love that new word)

  11. Hmm… Too many ideas. Good for art terrible for my scientific mind. Should I comment on the issue of successful women in the corporate world and how everyone has a theory, or the art of sealing a deal or the spectacle of a grown up falling male or female its terrible. Too many angles.

  12. Have you ever fallen-bum first.Its not the actual landing that shocks you,its not the million stares you get and the “siuamkes”,its the betrayal you feel when the cushion function of the fat deposits fail.Adipose layer indeed!

  13. “I leave you for a minute with her and you break her knees?” Ben cried the next day when I told him. I stared at my shoes
    u ant crious jst lukin at her instd uwe a gentleman hapo…

  14. When a woman falls, its ungraceful and sad. Like this woman who was bumping on a boda along a bumpy stretch. She just sat there. Couldnt distribute her weight well. The bike hit a huge bump. Up she went. But luckily landed on her butt, still on the nduthi.

    Now she cant walk sit laugh sneeze (she has a cold) lie down…. Because she has a tear in her rear end. Painful as hell.

    Same for when a woman falls in love. It can also be sad and ungraceful

  15. I’m back!
    Haven’t read the last few weeks of posts but I shall get there, eventually.
    Great read, Biko.
    ION, Sharas? I don’t even know.

  16. I have been carefully reading through your manliness and gentleness and I am terribly sorry that I have wrong all this time. Biko, there uliniangusha tu sana a

    1. First half read: I was thinking, this is an interesting but puzzling way
      of entertaining a client. But I work in a different industry
      Second half read: Well. This has the feel of a Frat bro trying to pen a very bad
      Rob Schneider movie…and his ‘decent’ movies are more gross than funny. But then again,
      tastes vary.

    1. Queen Elizabeth almost fell some time back and most of the Presidents present ran to help and Putin was just standing by the side lines watching….lol…you are Putin

  17. What if she had asked you to take her to a place in mwea? By the way Biko have you ever been to mwea? (please don’t lenga me)

  18. I’ve seen that Biko. The falling. I once watched a chic stumble and tip over with a table, three bar stools and wipe out a dozen glasses, and wine bottles to the pieces on the cement floor. It was 1am at Space Lounge. It was ghastly.

  19. “… because she’s the boss-lady. Her name is on the door….” At this juncture, the lady on my mind is Jessica Goddamn Pearson..Oh wait,

  20. I always tell myself never to read your articles in public because I have to do those silent shoulders moving up and down laughs that make me look crazy. Hahahahaha good read.

  21. Bikozulu…only safaricom and KTN are allowed to hang(their systems/screens)…such an orgasmic read and you close it with…”i failed”
    Give us episode 2.

  22. “By the way, if she had said she wanted to go to a club called Nyokabi Gardens in Nyeri we would have gladly driven her there at midnight.” Being an ardent reader of all your posts, old and new, you make me very happy.

  23. By the way, if she had said she wanted to go to a club called Nyokabi Gardens in Nyeri we would have gladly driven her there at midnight…Haha,nice one

  24. Zanbato: single edged sword used in historic Japan. Schmooze: talking in a friendly manner often to gain an advantage on oneself. There you go folks for those still stuck at those two words

  25. I wouldn’t lose a night’s sleep over that. it could have been worse if you caught the fall in real time. kwanza if it’s one of those YouTube like fall Mimi I would have tilted my face away and hope my laughter gets swallowed by the reggae and apologise a gazillion times all the while hurling my tipsiness under the bus.

  26. Biko i tend to think you had a choice between your single malt in hand & the damsel in distress. You didn’t choose the latter…

  27. You do have many an opinion as to how women should act/ behave and present themselves to the world and for that you come across as sexist. Fun read save for the former.

  28. Nyokabi Gardens reminds me of Itaara in Nyeri, now renamed the I Club. That’s the pic that came to ind when I read that part. Hahaha

  29. Had to scroll back up to the part where you said she was dressed in black to confirm if she wasn’t really wearing a dress. Interesting read

  30. I came, I read, I subscribed.
    If you really think about it, this piece describes the most mundane of things: a client meeting. They happen every day, everywhere, some with melodrama, most without leaving a bleep on the radar. But for me, the best kind of writing is that which transforms the ordinary into the fantastical and compelling. This piece hooked me and hade locked five words in.
    Kudos, Sir. I have not read a piece this entertaining in age . Let me build myself a squatter hat coz am here to stay.

  31. ” All these things above a man can do and people will shrug and say, “Men!” (Yes, even wearing a camisole). ”

    Haahahahaha! Biko, you don’t kill me. Nice one. Next time, please don’t stand looking while a client is on the floor. Ben might get vexed and dash you a slap.

    1. Hehehe…. I was just about to post this part! Now I’m stuck with the image of some muscled man wearing a purple camisole…

  32. Chocolate Man failed his internship as Superman for the night LoL! you were to catch her mid air like Clark kent rescuing Louise.But we wont take your Man card for that,heck a real lady should know when she’s had enough hehe.Nice read BIko

  33. So, did she give a nod to your shara…. especially after falling down and you not helping her up? Did she even remember that she fell down or was she too drunk to?

  34. I wish you had made more of the falling down. That was the climax of the story.
    You moved on to the next day too quickly. The story turn came too soon.
    All the same I was hugely entertained by this story and all your stories generally.
    You are gifted in this genre of writing.
    I read you posts whenever I can. In fact I’m about to share
    this one.

  35. But now Biko, pray tell, how does wild pollen smell? I almkst died of laughter at your thought process when your client was on the ground

  36. I don’t wanna act feminist here but the way this article started I felt it objectified women. However, the uncertainty of the concept of client satisfaction made things interesting. Nice read.

  37. “I leave you for a minute with her and you break her knees?” Ben cried the next day when I told him. I stared at my shoes…..this line nailed it.

  38. Mwadhani! That last part..hehehehe…halafu what’s this ati you can’t drink whiskey with a soda..That’s a load of Nairobi bourgeois BS..I for one get terrible acidity when I drink my whiskey with water….

  39. I enjoyed this read, especially the background to the downfall (hahaha, no pun intended but it stays). I do not know if any one in the class has watched Vice Principals on HBO but I kept picturing the lady like the Principal in the show. Now the image of Dr. Belinda Brown falling over from a high bar stool, in her tight short skirts is just too hilarious to contain.

  40. Biko, great piece as always! I hope in part 2 she will not have to sleep with the ‘right people’ to get you the ‘sharas’…i will be waiting for part two in the same eagerness i am waiting for the next episode of the “StartUp” series.

  41. Niko Niko Niko!!!! Hahaahahahaaha I swear you will forever be the best….I mean I am laughing out loud like a crazy person kwa Mat…”A woman peeing while standing, legs apart, is ugly as hell. (I witnessed this, you have to at least once in your life). A hot woman farting is jarring because we never imagine that a hot woman can even get gas in her system” really!?…thanks for the gift of laughter!

  42. Wow! A nice read as usual! You never disappoint. Please I would like you to insert a link for my writings in your blog site. It is
    It’ s a kind request if you don’t mind

  43. You stood there mesmerized by the sight between the legs, so deliciously murderous, strong enough to trap you in-between with the carved muscles….a sight so extraordinary that a pack of Chihuahuas would fight each other to death just for a possibility of being the first to hump it….and my conclusion, YOU BECOME THE CLIENT!!!! Good read…..Waiting for part 2

  44. “..“I leave you for a minute with her and you break her knees?” Ben cried the next day when I told him. I stared at my shoes.“
    HAHAHA Man Chocu hapa umenimada.

  45. Woiiiii my poor ribs. She rolled her eyes all the way back to where???? Next time should that happen when the madam decides to call her man, you also defiantly tell her that you will also call your madam so that they can come and discuss.