The Lacoste Of Samburu

Her boyfriend in university was a dark, cool guy. Or maybe a cool, dark guy. Whichever came first, he was dark because she likes her men with that darkness of dawn. He was studying engineering and living in Mamlaka Hall. She was studying business administration and living in Hall 12. If you didn’t study in the University of Nairobi, you will learn that the distance between the two halls isn’t more than a ten minute walk. But that chap would never make time to go visit her. They had an interesting relationship where he sat back and she did the heavy lifting. But what was a girl to do? She liked him because he was cool and dark. They graduated and he got a job as a sales agent in an engineering firm while she got a job with one of the big four auditing firms.  His firm hooked him up with a company car and an expense account and told him to go and get biashara. So what does a chap in his early twenties do with a fuelled car and some money in his pocket? He goes all out. He starts drinking, partying and chasing tail. Living his best life. He was not just painting Nairobi red, he was also painting Mombasa, Nakuru and Eldoret red because he was an equal opportunity kinda fella. He was the red devil.  Of course the relationship suffered. They would have fights about women who were constantly busting his phone and messages that she would “stumble upon.” His drinking lifestyle was also over the top.  In December 2010, she and her best friend went down to Maralal, Samburu, to visit her friend’s uncle. She says that Samburu back in 2010 was not what it is now; it was a typical village. One evening, while on a stroll, they met her friend’s pal, a chap called Tom*. She describes him as a tall, dark and handsome guy. He looked so cool walking about Samburu in a leather jacket. Later she told her friend, “Your friend is cute.” She said, “Yeah, isn’t he?”  The following day they went to her friend’s uncle’s shop to hang out. Her uncle was called Papa, not his official name, but the name everybody used to refer to him. That day they found Tom hanging loose at the shop in his leather jacket. He was like Shaft but of Samburu. Papa jokingly told him that he should marry her and Tom, tall, languid Tom, in his leather jacket grinned at her and said, “Oh, city girl. She’s out of my league.” She didn’t giggle. Remember she was working for the big four, their type don’t just giggle hadharani The day she was set to come back to Nairobi, they went to say bye to Papa at the shop. After the goodbyes, Papa called a boda boda to drop her off at the bus station. She’s due any moment now. As in if she sneezed too loudly, the baby would crown. Which means her water can break right this moment before she finishes her Fanta and I wouldn’t know what to do. Maybe scream. For help.  In 2012 her best friend, the one from Samburu, had a wedding at Mavuno Church in Bellevue. You can guess who showed up minus his leather jacket. Tall Tom, blinking in the bright glitz of the wedding. During the wedding, he was busy taking pictures of her, tonnes of pictures, maybe to remember her by when he went back to Samburu. Or maybe he was practicing his photography and what better way than to practice on a flower? Anyway, they exchanged numbers and he went back to Samburu. He would call her randomly and sometimes with the sounds of bleating goats or belching camels in the background.  They’d talk for hours.  “He was easy to talk to,” she says. Soon after, she moved in with Mr. Engineer but kept her house on Waiyaki Way. You know, because a girl needs her space too. They stayed for a few months then she moved out. Then she moved back in. Then moved out. It was a game of musical chairs. At some point she thought that maybe a baby would settle down this guy. Maybe what he needed to make him responsible was to be a father. So she tried getting a baby. But you know how babies are, they come when they want. While all this was happening she would occasionally be talking to Tom on the phone. Tom was that guy who a girl would call for moral support when they are having a hard time in their relationship. Like an escape.   “I wasn’t attracted to him that way. I just loved talking to him. He was easy to talk to,” she says again. “Of course I knew he liked me but we were from two different worlds. I was working for one of the best auditing firms, pursuing my masters in business administration and a second degree and was living in Nairobi. He hadn’t gone past fourth form, was riding a boda boda for a living and was living in Samburu.”  Because Tom had the DNA of shaft, he started telling her, “One day you will be my wife, I’m praying for that daily.” She would chuckle and roll her eyes because she knew she would have to turn into a pillar of salt first before something like that happened. Allow me to say that there are four types of men. The first man is The Lion. He’s got a lovely mane that women want to touch. He walks into a room and women notice him. Even men. He doesn’t work hard for his kill. Lazy-ass chap. Then there is The Hyena. He’s not a picky eater. He will go home with anyone. He will go home with your woman if he has half a chance. Then there is Mr Cheetah. Him and lightning are admins in the same Whatsapp Group. Girls don’t see him coming. One moment he’s pouring your drink in the bar, the next you are in his t-shirt in his kitchen washing carrots. Then there is Mr Spider. He weaves tales of deceit. He will lie to get what he wants even when you know he’s lying. When he catches you in his web of deceit, the more you struggle to leave, the further inside you get sucked. There is Mr Snake. He’s those guys who will go behind your back to tell your woman where the bodies are buried with the aim of getting a crack at her. Slimy bastard this one. Lastly, there is Mr Crocodile. Oh, this one plays a long game, my friend. Patience of an Indian. You will think he’s harmless. He just lies there, lethargic, showing no sign of energy. But when he moves, you don’t stand a chance to escape. He measures twice and cuts once. And when he cuts, it’s deep.  Tom shaft here, seemed like Mr Crocodile. His highness Lacoste. Only even for him, the stakes were too high for the kind of game he was trying to play. But he kept telling her, “I’m praying. One day you will be my wife.” If he was an email, he would have one of those cheesy signatures that some people have at the bottom of their emails; knowledge comes but wisdom lingers. Oh, for chrissake, start a Youtube channel already.  Anyway, it wasn’t going to happen. While Tom was praying for her to become his wife, she was fighting to keep her relationship with Mr. Engineer. Fighting day and night. One time Tom called and said he was in Nairobi, and asked whether they could meet up. She liked her drink and Tom was a born-again Christian but they went out with her friends and he asked her, “Do you have to drink alcohol?” She said, “Aii, I like my drink. I can’t leave it.” And he was discouraged because the kind of wife he wanted didn’t drink.  “I didn’t want to lead him on so I’d find every opportunity to let him know that I’m in a committed relationship. One time he called to tell me he was in town. He had mentioned that he would be coming but I had plans with my boyfriend, so when he called I told him that I was headed to Nakuru with my boyfriend.” Tom was pissed! Anybody would be pissed.  “You are horrible!” I say. She chuckles and I hope she doesn’t chuckle too hard lest the baby pops out. “I wanted to discourage him because we were just never going to be together. Plus, I didn’t like him like that. He was just someone I could talk to.” Then one day he told her, “Listen, I love you.”  “Did you tell him thanks?” I ask. “You look like the kind of chick who’d tell someone that.” “No,” she laughs, “I said something like, that’s nice.”  In 2014 Tom called and told her that he found a nice girl who was keen to settle down with him. “He was giving me a last chance. ‘If you have any love for me you should declare it now,’” he told me. “I told him that I was happy for him, that I hoped he found happiness and that if he was going to have a wedding I’d be happy to attend,” she says. He said, “Sawa. It was real. Be good.” Then he hung up. He had found a nice girl who worked in an M-pesa shop. A girl who was ready to get married, not one who was still running to Nakuru with her boyfriend.  A few weeks later Tom called and said he had called off the marriage. That he couldn’t go through with it. That he loved her. She sighed into the phone and said, “Tom, really.” Then Papa, called her too, and told her Tom was going crazy. Was there a way she would consider him? “I told him that it would not work. “Please tell him to move on with his life. I’m not the one for him.” This was in 2013/2014. Where were you in 2014? Whatever you were doing that was so important and urgent, just know that Tom was having his heart used as a coaster.   But he couldn’t walk away. He kept calling to say hello and ask how she was doing. Some time in 2014 she blocked him, apparently to help him move on. Tom was officially on ice. But over that year he kept asking about her through her friend. How is she doing? Is she happy with that guy? Does she ask about me? Her friend told him that she was planning to get married to that guy.  “Oprah says that a woman leaves seven times before she leaves for good,” she says. “I think I must have tried leaving my boyfriend more than seven times. Eventually I left him the same year I had blocked Tom.”  “One day, months after leaving my boyfriend, I decided to unblock him,” she says. “I called him and the first thing he said was that he had missed me. He was talking like we had just spoken the other day. He just picked up from where he had left off and over the next few months he kept pleading with me to go visit him in Samburu.” Eventually she took the trip out. Samburu is far. You take a matatu to Nyahururu and then jump onto a bus for seven hours (those days of bad roads) of a bumpy ride. She arrived, dusty, at about 9pm. “He was waiting for me with his boda. He hugged me and held me tight. He was so emotional, he was close to tears,” she says. They rode to his house in that starless night. She could smell the leather of his jacket and his broad shoulders blocked the wind from her face.  He had done some spring cleaning for her visit.  “His place was a culture shock of sorts, given that I lived in a self-contained house with running water and all,” she says.  It was a two-room house; living room and bedroom. The living room was also a kitchen. There was a flat screen TV and a set of floral sofa sets. The bedroom had one bed, no wardrobe. He kept his clothes in boxes. She stood in the middle of the house taking it all in without looking snobbish and spoilt. He was being a great host; dashing into the bedroom to store her luggage, happy as a lark.  “He carried my hot water to the outside bathroom which didn’t have power. To see which parts of your body to wash, you had to hang a torch from a hook dangling from the roof. The bathroom – as with the long drop toilets – were shared by seven other households on the plot. They were dirty. I showered and then went back in to have a meal of rice and stew that he had cooked. I was tired from the journey so we went to bed. Nothing happened that night.”  “He was a perfect gentleman…” I say almost sarcastically.  “No, of course he tried…” “Thank God he’s normal.”  We laugh.  Next day he introduced her to his family, against her wishes. They had lunch. She spent a few days in Samburu and then headed back to Nairobi. After a few days in Maralal she got back to Nairobi. They spoke daily. There was no plan, at least not on her side. He was just a nice guy to talk to; a guy in leather. After a few months, he said, “Look biashara is not so good here anymore. There are many bodas now so I hardly make anything.” “He couldn’t even make his rent which was 3K a month,” she says. “I told him that he could come to Nairobi and see if there were opportunities here.” He gave his stuff away to his siblings and mom, boarded a bus and came. Of course she hosted him.  “Did he come with his bike ama he left it in Samburu?” I ask, only because little details intrigue me. Turns out he came with his bike. It was hauled onto the roof of a different bus and arrived a day after he arrived, with the dust of Samburu.  Now they had each other. And a boda. Isn’t that how all love stories begin?: At the beginning it was just Tom, Jane and a boda.  He thought her place was heaven! Of course he did. It was a one-bedroom apartment, self-contained, flushing loo, a shower, a kitchen, the works. Another thing that happened that I’m sure doesn’t come as a shock to anyone here is that they started dating. While they figured out what he would do, he would stay at home while she went to work.  “He’s the kind of man who doesn’t like to feed off a woman. Even before he came to Nairobi he would always tell me that he couldn’t move into a woman’s house. So, after three months of nothing coming up, he started feeling emasculated. You know, having to ask me for money was not something he liked. He felt reduced.”  So she started giving him a stipend of ten thousand shillings every month to run errands with so that he didn’t have to ask her for money. That worked perfectly. The tension reduced. She had a friend who was doing tomato farming in Ahero, Nyanza. They agreed that he would give it a shot. She gave him some capital and off he went to Ahero to have a go at tomato farming. That went very well because after a few months he harvested and made four hundred thousand shillings. He called and said, “Babe, maybe we can farm nearer Nairobi. This whole thing of me being all the way here and you there is not working. We need to start a family.”  He came back. Bolstered by the gains in Kano, they invested the money in farming in Nyandarua and lost everything. He was back in the house, sad, discouraged and waking up to watch her dress to go to work. What does a man do with his time the whole day when his wife is out working? He waits for her to get back. Then he makes her pregnant. Nine months later they got a girl. He now had something to do during the day; taking care of their daughter.  After seven months, she had an idea. Mavuno church had this pastoral internship. “Perhaps we should enrol you in it,” she suggested. He had admirable oratory and loved the Bible, people liked to listen to him. We tried that. We also tried mushroom farming in Mlolongo.”  The period of the first baby’s birth and the activity thereafter was fraught with money fights. “I would be the one to provide the capital and because of that and the fact that my background is in auditing, I would want him to account for the money. He hated that. He hated being asked what happened to the money,” she says. “Eventually he got around to being accountable for the money and to understanding that when I want accountability I’m not questioning him.”  “Business isn’t what it is now but he can support himself,” she says. “I realised that money is only a small percentage of what makes our marriage work. We don’t stress over it too much.”  “So you are obviously the breadwinner, right?” “Yes, I am.” “What keeps you from resenting him for not taking care of you? What keeps you in that marriage?” “Don’t forget that I had seen what money could do with my ex. He had money yet I was unhappy. With Tom he doesn’t have money but he is there for me. I don’t question his loyalty. I just know he’s there for me. He prays for me every evening. He’s not intimidated by my success but instead keeps praying for me each evening, praying for me to soar higher.” She picks up a serviette and wipes her eyes then continues. “If you ask him what I’m working on now, or what my plans are for the next three or ten months, he will tell you in great detail because he is interested in me and what I do.” She blows her nose. “I think if I weigh the things I do financially in the house and what he does for me as a woman, it outweighs the money by a mile. I have chosen not to look at him as a provider but as a partner in life, someone who fulfills me as a woman.”  “You have a cold, kwani?” I ask.  “No!” she says, laughing while wiping her eyes. “I’m crying!” “Oh!” I say. “I thought it was a flu.”  She cries some more.  “Why are you crying?” I ask. “What is it that makes you cry?” “Happiness. I’m happy and grateful for him. Do you know he prays for me every evening? And he always encourages me. He allows me to thrive. He’s also a great father. A very good father. When I weigh what he is against what he isn’t, I can easily live with what he is because it’s more important to me than money,”  she says amidst her tears. “I’m sorry. It’s my hormones, they are all over the place.” “Imagine what people are thinking. They must wonder what it is I’m telling you to make you cry that much. They must think I’m a horrible human to make a pregnant woman cry so much.”  That doesn’t stop her crying. So I sit there thinking, well, it could be worse – her water could break.  When she’s done crying and has blown her nose, wiped her tears and sipped her Fanta to compose herself, I ask her, “What do your friends and family think of you marrying a former boda guy?” “Well, to be honest if you meet him you wouldn’t know he was a boda guy. He’s a good orator, very engaging. My closest friends of course, know what he used to do before we met, but I don’t think it’s a big deal. None has asked about his education. They are good friends. My parents know him as a biashara guy, a farmer. My mom is always suggesting other things he can do.”  “Are you proud of him, proud enough to invite him to the office without feeling like he would, I don’t know, embarrass you?”  “I am proud of him. Whenever we have workshops out of town I invite him to join me. I’m not shy to introduce him as my husband, not to my colleagues or to anyone. Not at all.”  “Where is his boda now? The bike?”  “It’s just there in the house.” She smiles. “Nobody rides it.” “What’s his weakness, then?”  “He has anger issues,” she says,“but never directed at me. He used to get very angry when we started living together and I understood why. He never knew his father. His father abandoned his mother when she was pregnant and that made her very bitter. He grew around a lot of bitterness and anger in their house – anger that was always directed at the children. So he grew up bitter. He grew up thinking that nobody wanted him. That’s still his greatest insecurity; that he will be abandoned.”  He went for therapy in church to unpack the past and now he’s better even though the anger still lingers slightly. “He knows his father is in Nyahururu and he is afraid to go meet him,” she says. “He’s afraid that he might look like him, or walk like him or speak like him and that might not be something he wants. For now, we have put that project to go find him on hold until he feels ready.”  Hopefully by the time you read this story the baby who loves Fanta and makes his mommy cry will have come. And what a love story to come from. 

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  1. Wonderful story Biko, at last we are getting insights on women and marriage. This is a great couple, may God see them through every step of their way.

  2. Awww i am all teared up. I wish them nothing but happiness. He is one in a million, uplifts his woman rather than step on her and make her go lower than his feet.

  3. What is with men i think they pray to a special God because the one who says will marry you not matter how long it takes he ends up marrying you. as for us ladies i wonder what happens….

    1. Me too, have noted that with men..they end up marrying the women that they say they will one day marrynow am trying to look within the men in my circle to see who said that to me once

    2. I guess men go to God with a name and a face.They already know which wife they want.Mostly women pray for a husband generally without being particular on the husband they want .So they do not recognize him when God eventually answers.

      Or maybe God is a Man,and sort of favors His kind on matters spouse.What do I know,I’m just a wife.

  4. I don’t know whether it’s just me but am resistant to change, this change of blog appearance.
    When I saw UoN, Hall 12 and Mamlaka I just had to read on and probably see a replica of my story. Only that, I don’t care where a man is from or what he does as long as he fears God, ain’t lazy and will be there for me emotionally. ata kama alifika 8 (he hasn’t come). I can stand for the finances. These lifists from Mamlaka have very little to offer, if anything, and largely heartache.
    Tell me what makes a man…(a song)

  5. I like the way this story oozes with happiness…The first story in the Women and marriage series is a happy marriage story. We waited far too long with bated breath…Oh bliss.

  6. Yani you had to address the biggest elephant in the room. Finance in marriage… am happy for them that they found their balance. It is never easy for either party.

  7. Such a beautiful story…. Love will always flourish where there is respect and understanding and above all God is at the center of it. (He prays for her every evening)
    Wishing them happier days.

  8. wow!! am i in tears too? yes…not pregnant though but this is the greatest read of all. This is the kind of love we ladies yearn for. A man who loves you, listens to you and prays for you. God bless you Biko

  9. Crying too. Such a love story deserves my tears. I pray they have the best in their marriage. Hongera to her.

  10. Beautiful story this one. Girl, I love your spirit.
    Just wondering, do you still love your drink or you left it for Tom?

  11. Biko you dont know the impact this stories have on peoples lives ..atleast we have an extra thing to live for .always looking forward for tuesdays ..good read as always .

  12. Yooooooh, io part ya that womandem crying coz of how much value that man is to her, compared to the money she provides, imenigusa

  13. Thank you Biko for giving us a better font.

    “Happiness. I’m happy and grateful for him.” and to think that Mr. Engineer would have had her crying- for being so sad and miserable…When was the last time you saw someone cry out of Happiness? I am inspired.

  14. Sometimes it is not about money, it is about being loved and appreciated. You can’t put a price on that jamanani!

  15. I told you, you need the handkerchiefs on this series.
    I have a lady friend, she had a boyfriend once whom she left for being so needy in love just like Tom in the very beginning.

  16. Give a cookie to that lady…she deserves respect…. Not many people (men included) can do what she is doing…

  17. I love love and I love love stories but somehow am not lucky in matters love. Beautiful story. may God bless their union.

    1. Maurine I think this by far is the greatest and most beautiful coincidence of them all. I have a colleague by the name Mike He is set to wed early next month to his love ,,, guess her name.. yes you guessed right Maurine.
      So i think you and Mike should combine your unluckiness you already have one reason why it may work.

  18. Beautiful love story, but now i’m worried because of this ‘Tom’ who’s been threatening to marry me. I’m a little less scared now. Thanks for sharing

  19. At times we never see it coming, but when love hits us, we are more often than not left off balance and the only way to keep standing is by holding on to the ones we love.. it’s a cocktail of emotions!

  20. Women and marriage. Someone said there is going to be tears here. What they didn’t tell us is what love can do. It can as well end with this story.

  21. Well, ladies,that guy who shows you how much he loves you despite you putting him off because you think he is out of your league,that could be your only happiness lifeline.

  22. Types of men, those are 6 and not 4.
    Lovely story. Many of us are breadwinners without complaining. It’s never that serious. Wish them well.

  23. I don’t know if you like emojis but will use them anyway because they express better how i feel after reading this……. Ati “you have a cold kwani?” Biko you’re such a clown….. Allow me to call you one hahahaa. Good one though. That’s one of a kind woman. A rare gem

  24. women always marry the crocodile. the guy who patiently waited for you to get the bad boys out of your system. the love may not be exciting, its the kinda love that grows and lasts and required to build a family.

  25. Beautiful story! You see, us women aren’t all about money. We just wanna be happy and loved. Wishing them all the best.

  26. It’s God’s grace for the man to peacefully live without feeling intimidated with Jane’s possession!
    May God bless Jane for looking beyond money…A happy marriage for these love birds!!

  27. “Do you know he prays for me to soar higher and Higher? If you ask Him my plans for the next 5 or 10 years he’ll tell you. ” The power of Love. Beautiful story to learn from.

  28. I just love this lady for not looking down on this guy despite her being on a higher ground than him in terms of career and money…May our good Lord bless your marriage and may you continue being happy by each other’s side,,, Biko your stories are amazing and they teach alot

  29. the king lion bado anatafta mrembo and painting Nairobi, Mombasa and Nakuru red. sad. i have learnt something from The Lacazatte read Lacoste of Samburu.

  30. Wow.
    I will repeat this;

    Proverbs 30:18-20
    18 There are three things that amaze me—
    no, four things that I don’t understand:
    19 how an eagle glides through the sky,
    how a snake slithers on a rock,
    how a ship navigates the ocean,
    how a man loves a woman.

    All the best couple, and welcome the young one.

    1. “One lesson I have picked from the two stories is that women throw reason out of the window where love is involved. Just scroll through the comments to see some yearning for loving robbers. Ptho!! Bure Kabisa”

      The 2 stories?

  31. “Eventually he got around to being accountable for the money and to understanding that when I want accountability I’m not questioning him.”

    Not just about money, even in other stuff most people are not willing to entertain that dimension.

  32. Good one and great piece to get us going.I am happy for them,… At the end of the day,all that matters is happiness in whichever form or shape it comes. Ps…I like Tom, I like his confidence and that he has not allowed money or lack thereof to define him., plus he prays for her every day….how sweet…She has the total package.

      1. I recall my high girlfriend using that phrase in her first letter to me since I was playing hard to get. She got her Tom later on in life. By the time I stopped collecting stones, all the diamonds are nowhere to be seen now. Life is such a bitch anyway.

  33. Jesus, what a story..The patience of that man is out of this world. She sounds like an outstanding lady. When people say i will love him without money very few can do that but she is a leaving example. It was a nice read as always.

  34. “Imagine what people are thinking. They must wonder what it is I’m telling you to make you cry that much. They must think I’m a horrible human to make a pregnant woman cry so much.”

  35. Little details intrigue you for sure, Love knows no monetary value. There are hollows that success cannot fill ..yes that hollow is LOVE. All the best .

  36. Well, loving is a journey with water and with stars, with smothered air and abrupt storms of flour: loving is a clash of lightning-bolts, and two bodies defeated by a single drop of honey.

    By Pablo Neruda, SONNET XII.

  37. Sounds more like a movie. So humbling and charming to know that such women exist in reality. The ones I know want to take and take everything including your self-esteem. Kudos to her and may her, her Tom and their baby live a long happy life.

  38. i think the introduction of her husband lacked the vim that a marriage is blessed what if he was a bodaboda driver?that should not factor in to the equation!

  39. I am trying to wipe the tears from my face before my office mates start wondering what is wrong with me. What a beautiful love story.
    I have my Mr. crocodile at home and I completely resonate with this story.

  40. I have no problem being the breadwinner in a home, the hardest part though is The Tom’s don’t exist,most men are threatened by a successful woman. A few would stay in such an arrangement and be happy. It’s a beautiful story, may God bless them.

  41. What is it with these last weeks of pregnancy and tears. I was just trying to explain today why I am on the verge of tears….and yes, I am at that point where I am afraid to cough, sneeze or laugh too hard lest I shove this baby out. Glad to see that the tears are a normal part of this journey……..A beautiful love story…let me go cry.

  42. This story is such a captivating read. It leaves one with that feel-good aura.
    Love the women and marriage series already.
    Thanks Biko

  43. He was a perfect gentleman…” I say almost sarcastically.

    “No, of course he tried…”

    “Thank God he’s normal.”

    We laugh.

  44. Sometimes what you are looking for is right in front of you and money isn’t a factor. Great story am glad he prays for her success and truly cares. Wow

  45. What a beautiful way to start the women and marriage series! I read the story smiling all along and waiting for the happy ending. Great piece

    And the font is great too

  46. This is my testimony about the good work of Dr Moon who help me.I’m Katherine from usa. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to by this world top spell caster that brought back my husband which left me out for past 2 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 2 days, my husband was back to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told have come to pass and thank you sir. Please i want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to problem, i advice you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tell is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email address is ancientshrine12@gmail. com or directly on whasapp +2348112338431

  47. Hey Biko; I’m an ardent and avid reader of your articles. They ignite my soul. And some send shivers down my spine. I just love your stories.
    Would love to share my story too if you give me a chance.


  48. Good read Biko; I’m an ardent and avid reader of your articles. They ignite my soul. And some send shivers down my spine. I just love your stories.
    Would love to share my story too if you give me a chance.

  49. My story is similar, only mine is not from Samburu, neither can he ride a bike. But I’d never tell because people wont understand.

  50. Wow….what a story! For once I loved being in Nairobi traffic! Great story that I suspect is the story of many a women!!

  51. Beautiful read, I love happy endings.
    Let me just be the wet blanket, I want a man who will take care of things financially.. been doing the opposite for far too long so here is me saying, I want my man to provide for his family.

  52. Ooh wow..true love and they found their balance and a guy who fears God..But you said there are four types of men but i counted six..Anyway..such a beautiful story..all the best to them.

  53. I’m still waiting to know if it happened on the 2nd day.. it did since nothing happened on the 1st day.

  54. This doesn’t sound like you Bikozulu. Are you sure ni wewe umeandika hii story? Coz it’s too all over the place.

  55. They are one lucky couple. Many marriages between people of extremely different backgrounds and upbringing rarely make for happy endings. Sad but true. I should know.

  56. Almost jerked a tear. Oh, well…here comes the waterworks. Such a beautiful tale of love at a time where everyone wants money. All the best Tom and Jane. Maybe when the baby comes, Tom will take you for spin on his bike.

  57. This is such a beautiful way to start a series. I know of several women, who have been very supportive of their husbands, there’s nothing as powerful as mutual respect. Great marriages are made there, in respect land.
    Tom is a visionary

  58. But how beautiful did all this end up? I had tears towards the end with the happy ending. A man who loves God is the only man who can love you how u need to be loved otherwise the ones who don’t tend to change in accordance to circumstance! Nice read!

  59. Lacoste from Samburu… Shaft of Samburu… Is 4 or 6 types of men – lion, hyena, cheetah (him & lightening Admins in the same WhatsApp group ), spider, snake and crocodile (Lacoste)… Nice piece…

  60. When I read your work, an urge of sharing is allover even before am finished.
    Great piece that many pple can relate and refer to.

  61. True Love story.. True epitome of what marriage should be about.. Am honestly in love with this union. May God hold you together.

  62. Lovely love story. When I told my wife I will marry her one day, she giggled and brushed off the story. Well, here we are!! 9years on and she is still my best friend, wife n heir to my all. The good thing about reading this late is to devour the story and the comments from the Biklets!! I am a Crocodile too.

  63. I loved the men and marriage series. I am so sure I will love this one too! I’m glad that the first story is a happy one. I am so happy for them that they got their balance. I have read it over and over. I shed a tear and oh this made me so happy.

  64. Omg! Am currently in the same situation, with a boda guy! But am at the stage where am pretending to be in a rlshp to ward him off but he’s still there, great, hardworking man, Aki why did this have to be the first story, Biko you are a wizard .

  65. ……Isn’t that how all love stories begin?: At the beginning it was just Tom, Jane and a boda……this is one of the nice ones 🙂

  66. It will not last. Women are wired for security especially financially. Lacoste better step up or she’ll get tired of feeding him eventually

  67. Lovely story, your writing never ever disapppoints. Two inconsistencies I noticed are one, the paragraph on her being pregnant and almost due seems misplaced… and two, you wrote that there are four types of men, then went on to list six!!!

    Keep writing Biko!

  68. At long last Biko
    Women and marriage, I have been waiting for this for the longest time. Nice story, this is true love.lesson learnt;money is good good but it is not everything. Wishing them well and may she have a safe delivery

  69. I have just learnt here, in between a very beautiful story that Biko, a father of Seven, at 70 years of age does not know how to diffrentiate homa from tears. Ama is it because the lady is heavy?!

  70. A beautiful love story, I am happy you did not materialize him but saw him as a partner. I hope the Women of today would see men as partners and not some bank account

  71. That is what true love is all about. Money is not all that makes marriages successful but a shared mindset to be together and make the marriage work. I hope the fanta loving baby came safe and healthy.

  72. Man i Don’t know,,, but I guess i liked the men and marriage series more. This shii with women crying n All don’t seem to be my thing but then again Biko is just one hell of a talented writer n you gotta love his writing. Of which I really do. Been reading all your articles men n will still read more to come. Maybe am biased coz am a young engineer as well with a fuelled car n paid for house n expenses who’s painting the city red . Great writing Biko Zulu

  73. “…when I weigh what he is against what he isn’t, I can easily live with what he is because it is more important to me than money……”got me thinking.

  74. okay fine, the hall 12 and mamlaka part is so very us, he has a hockey stick instead of boda and i have volleyball shoes.. and he has proposed severally with grass rings and a boat.. and i will say yes again and again, forever for me is one day at a time and italian ice cream.

  75. I am also surprised such women exist! Because for me as much as I value good character in a guy, I cannot be satisfied if he is not in a good financial position.Anyway to each their own and I wish them the best.

  76. Lovely story with a great ending. Was hoping not to get a twist as I was progressing
    My prayer to this couple, may your love for each other remain genuine as it is now and forever!

  77. This is one hell of a love story. The attention that women seek, is Tom. But you gotta make a choice.

  78. “He was not just painting Nairobi red, he was also painting Mombasa, Nakuru and Eldoret red because he was an equal opportunity kinda fella.” Too funny!!!! Really cracked me up!!!

    You lied though… Ati there are 4 types of men. Then described 5… Lion, Cheetah, Hyena, Snake, Crocodile…

  79. What a beautiful story.. Money is not the center of a relationship or marriage but happiness, understanding and loyalty are .. Thank you Biko

  80. I hope that when you find what you’re looking for, it’s still what you want the most.

    If you know you know.

  81. Because of this lovely story i believe in true love again. I have learnt two lessons; we should be keen to spot genuine love by the consistency of the people who claim to love us because someone who truelly loves you will not give up and never look down upon anyone,you just never know.

  82. Beautiful….
    It has taken me three days to finish reading it..(well not because I’m a snail…)but because I wanted to savour each word…each feeling ….
    Thank you Biko

  83. You know I ask myself what my world be without stories well told by Biko. Biko, man, why are you this good? Your writings are extraordinary ventures. Most of the times, I have read stories on your blog, I am gutted. I am an African man, a pastoralist, Boran one but then again, your stories whip me into oblivion. I cry. A little tear will always lurk around my eye. Overwhelming.

  84. Wow very interesting and captivating. Finding someone who believes and wants the best friend you is finding true happiness irregardless of his financial statement.

  85. Am crying with happiness ,money is not everything it’s understanding each other and have patience as u hold on to God

  86. This story is addressing an important issue in a marriage but is not complete until this guy gets money of his own….and then hear it again

    1. Only time will tell but with God on their side like he has been so far, I do not foresee any problems, he is the Alpha and Omega.

  87. God lives.This is a photocopy of my Life,we gone through it all,(Brokness,Him Needing financial advise and support And hes always supring me with his Love that never dims,His energy to make me happy makes me wonder what type of clay God used to create him…All I want to say is,Women Should look at some ones inner potential not only material wealth

  88. On our second date I told my wife I wasn’t going to be her boyfriend for long. That I was going to marry her. She was shocked, she was 22 I was 29. . I was a receptionist with a dream. I saw her and I knew she was mine, I wasn’t going to let another man have such a perfect woman. Next year will be our 10th year in marriage and two lovely babies

  89. The thing I love about this story is that there is a man who loves an empowered , intelligent woman and prays for her to thrive and soar higher. I don’t want to get started on how men get insecure after meeting beautiful, intelligent and mentally strong women.

    Hi gentlemen,live your empowered woman, be her support system, be her peace, encourage her to climb higher. Love her without restraint. She isn’t competing with you.

  90. This lady kissed a frog for soooo long,that made her appreciate when the prince arrived.She learned a great lesson that learned ladies don’t under stand-happines is all that matter,not money.

  91. Once upon a time a girl punched a boy and laughed uproariously at his dry lines.
    Boy: Do you know you are punching your future husband?
    Girl: Pwahahahahaaaa….. eeeeh?
    ….few babies /years later….

  92. ooh biko i have met a crocodile and yeah he measures twice and cuts once and deep.with near military precision.

  93. Damn, I once knew a guy liked this, he wasnt broke but he listened and was there for me in campus ..too bad he moved on for real and has two kids..these guys are the good guys! Happy for her, wish them nothing less than more happiness.

  94. Salut to Mr. Engineer for providing the very necessary pressure point for her. His shenanigans allowed her to be sober enough to want more in life. But seriously yani, how do you put coaster and heart in the same sentence? Brutal Biko ‍♀️

  95. When Love is true, certain things in a relationship do not matter. Interesting story, I have enjoyed reading it.

  96. Biko you said there are 4 types of Men Lion, Hyena, Cheetah and Spider. You’ve ended up adding 2 more, Snake and Crocodile I am tired already I love the happy ending though

  97. “No!” She says while wiping her eyes,”I’m crying!”

    That did not stop her. “Well it could be worse, her water could break.” 😀 😀

    “Hopefully by the time you read this story the baby who loves Fanta and makes his mommy cry will have come. And what a love story to come from.” 🙂

    Beautiful beautiful story.

  98. Like the cutest story ever!! As i read it I feared for the worst e.g. maybe he had turned violent from feeling emasculated and what not. i was happy that this is such a great love story!! Go go gal….and Tom… and the kids.

  99. I am really happy for this woman. It is not all about money. A person who values you and is there for you is better than a tycoon who keeps you stressed

  100. I had struggle relationship with my husband in the past which led to divorce with my first husband. After i and my ex husband got divorced, i had another chance to re-marry again and just 5 years of my second marriage there was another divorce which almost killed me emotionally. I stayed for another two years been unmarried and a single mother. Honestly I wasn’t really happy it because every woman need a man in her life, there was a time i saw my first husbands photo and i realized how much i loved him and have missed him. I tried to get to him but i was told that he moved on with his life and we may never been together again. I wept bitterly that night thinking i have lost the man that i have had so much love for. I asked for advise on what to do and a friend of mine gave me a contact of Osasu Solution Temple, i consulted him and to his very best with his powerful spells he helped me with a Reunion Marriage Love Spell to returned my ex husband back to me, in just 9 days i had enchanter with a spiritual reunion prayers with priest Osasu everything turn around for good in my life, I am now happily living with my first husband again and sort out the divorce issues. with the help of Osasu temple, his a man of wisdom and care. Thanks and i appreciate all the help you have rendered to get my ex husband back into my life again. I testify here today that Osasu temple is powerful it can resolve all problem in a broken relationship with love once. contact him for solutions to any kind of relationship problem. Email….([email protected]) You can also call him or add him on WhatsApp +2347064365391

  101. This lady is something else. She decide to look beyond someones flaws and decided to settle with him. You can’t find many like her. Really touching story. Loved it!

  102. Wow, the story is very encouraging
    Story of hope.
    There is hope at the end of everything
    Things can change to better.