The Hearts of Men

This guy’s a bit of an ass. That’s what I thought when I interviewed him for the newspapers in 2017. He was a big shot. The cock of the walk. He had on a very crisp white dress shirt—the whitest of whites—and turquoise suspenders. On either wrist were two watches. Two. Like one told the time and the other told his time. He ran an important company listed in the securities exchange. He had a pep in his step because he was at the very pinnacle of his career. He came with his massive trumpet and a lung full of air to blow it. He was hella cocky.  A day after the story ran, an acquaintance who happens to know him (six degrees of separation) called me and said, Now why the hell would you interview that fella? I said, what fella? She said, That man pulled a gun on my sister! I said, Who is your sister? His wife! She said. I was flummoxed. But he waxed in the interview how he had a fantastic marriage. Why would anyone lie about that when their wife and anybody who knows them would read that story? I asked her. He’s a psychopath, a terrible husband, she wailed. Is this gun thing in the public domain? I asked. She said no. I said, Well, now there is no way I could tell. Also, the story wasn’t about his marriage.  We had a back and forth that got unnecessarily raw. She was upset at me, like somehow in a male psychic way I should have known he was a bad husband who pulled a gun on his wife. I said there are tons of excellent CEOs who are lousy husbands. And wives. Who am I to know if they are lousy partners? We are not the National Inquirer. She was texting me from abroad, somewhere in wintry Europe. I was lying on the carpet on a warm Sunday wondering when the guava season would start. She said, you are a lousy journalist. I was bruised. I said, first I’m not a journalist. Second, you are rude and we don’t know each other.  She said, Actually second, frrk you! I said, Well, frrk you too. We’ve never spoken again.  Anyway, a few months later Tamms said she wanted a pet. A hamster. [For Godssake]. A hamster is just a rat you can’t poison. I never imagined that my offspring would one day want a rat for a pet but fatherhood teaches you open-mindedness and great tolerance. Besides she was still in a period of mourning because her previous pets had gone belly up, literally, in the aquarium.  She woke up one morning and she found them floating on the surface. And they weren’t sunbathing. They were called Baddie and Goldie. They died together, a great love story of tragedy.  I found a hamster but I couldn’t find a cage, so a reader here, said, come over, my son has a hamster cage he isn’t using. He’d outgrown it. When I went over she told me, You know the fella you interviewed? I said, What fella? The one in the newspaper, she said.  Oh, the topman, I said. She said he lived next door. I looked out the window as if I would see him walking by. I said, what a small world. He owns many expensive cars, she said, why do men need many cars? Is he a good neighbour? I asked, on a fishing expedition. She sighed and said no. There is a lot of drama there, big loud drama, she said, he’s not very nice. I said Damn. Her son, a very tall handsome boy with fantastic hair, brought out the hamster’s cage. Tamms mumbled a shy thank you.  Two years later he called me out of the blue. It wasn’t a common occurrence given that we hadn’t spoken since the interview. He said he had a story for me. Now, understandably I didn’t want anything to do with him lest the angry hordes attack me. I said I would look for him. I didn’t but then one day I ran into him at a bar and he said, Biko, don’t you want this story? I said what’s the story? He said, look for me, but I didn’t and we kept bumping into each other and it would be the same conversation. He looked less sharp each time I ran into him, the clothes sat on him like a pet monkey on a clown’s shoulder. He looked troubled, tired.  This one time I ran into him sitting on a high stool with his mates sharing a bottle of whisky. He was in over his head. His eyes danced in his eyes. He put an arm around my shoulder in a show of bonhomie and said, this is a good story, I have been to hell and back, Biko. Hell! I said, how does that look like? He said he had lost everything just before he turned 40 the previous year. He had lost his cushy job. His wife had long left him. His kids went with her. He had lost everything. From grace to grass. He said his 40s were giving him a hiding. Life humbles you, he said. I was piqued. I like things that bleed, that’s where real character is built. I wanted to poke that wound with a stick and find out what he had learned. If he had learned anything. The universe corrects evils. He said, No no, not here, let’s sit and talk, let’s sit and talk, this life, man, you never know, you never know. We never sat and talked. I still run into him at bars and he keeps saying, Let’s talk, let’s talk.  That’s the first strange interview I have done. There are three of them. The second one faked his wife’s death. He took me on a wild goose chase, a great odyssey of fiction and hyperbole, the stuff of Stephen King. Then the wife got my number and called and said, “I’m not dead, I’m alive. That man is sick.” I don’t know if you ever watched Sanford and Son, the 80s sitcom, how Fred Sanford would grab his chest and stagger back in mock surprise. That’s how I reacted when the wife called from the dead.  The last and strange interview is even more bizarre.  Someone who knows someone who knows me called me and said, this guy is doing some pretty amazing things, perhaps you want to interview him? I Googled him. He was in the entertainment/ hospitality industry. There was little to nothing on him personally online. He was like a big cat online, with no footprints on the ground, just lurking in the shadows. He had never been interviewed before in the media, I figured he was those media-shy chaps who didn’t like tooting their own horns. I was going to break his media virginity.  We met at Nairobi Serena, in a small moody meeting room where men and women with serious mugs sipped tea, their legs folded. He had that low, almost stooped walk of a prized boxer. Wide shoulders. Very soft-spoken. To sip his tea, he leaned forward to meet his cup. He was deliberate and meticulous in mannerism. Normally there are those first few minutes before the recorder goes on when we just banter. Breaking ice. Most people arrive a bit tense; like they are about to get an injection. So you have to loosen them up a bit. So you might ask them, “Why do you like hot chocolate, it reminds me of high school. Did you go to boarding school?”  They might say something like, yes, they went to Kakamega Boys High school.  “Oh I remember them. They’d come to our school to play rugby. They were massive. Giants. Like the size of that pillar.” You point at a pillar in the middle of the room and that hyperbole might make them chuckle. Which is a great thing. Nothing like laughter to thaw them out. He’d probably ask, “Which school did you go to?”  You’d say, “Maseno School. So yeah, your boys were so massive. They looked like they went to the village and picked a couple of 35-year-old farmers and told them, “tutawafundisheko kuchesa Rugby mukikupali kufunja mifupa.”  He’s now chuckling. “I’m sure it didn’t happen that way.” “Of course not. It’s just that your drinking chocolate reminds me of high school. We’d have what’s called Cold Power, at night. That’s cold water mixed with drinking chocolate. Tasted horrible but then at 16 years you can put anything in your body.” “Oh yeah. We did that too,” he’d remark. “Is that why you don’t drink chocolate?” “No, I just don’t like it” “You also don’t like milk, I see.” He points at your black tea with his chin.  “Milk makes my stomach rumble,” you say trying not to sound like a bourgeois brat, “speaking of which, have you seen a cow give birth?” He’ll laugh loudly and say, “No, not particularly.”  “When you say not particularly, does that imply you might have seen it once but you forgot or you haven’t at all?” Still laughing and perhaps now questioning why the hell he agreed to the interview, “I haven’t. I didn’t grow up on the farm, unfortunately. Have you?” Then you’d say with a playful smile, “No. Not particularly.” He laughs. He’s ready now. He’s been seduced.  That kind of thing. Anyway, back at Serena. We found a common topic to chat about. Polite conversation, like two good taxpayers. Then I leaned over my phone and said, “There is only one rule. If it’s off the record, you have to tell me it’s off the record.” He nodded. I put on the voice recorder and we had an hour’s conversation. I don’t remember the conversation or anything about him that jumped out. He was mostly very middle of the road, giving middle-of-the-road responses, not ruffling or creasing. It was an unmemorable interview at best. Something that meets the deadline. I wrote the story and met my deadline and went about my life. Guava season came. Birds rejoiced.  Two weeks after the story ran I got an email from a reader. It said, in short, “Biko, the man you interviewed murdered his wife.” I read this email from my phone and said loudly at my phone, “WHAT?!” No way, I then whispered. I had Googled him, there was no mention of a murder. When did he murder his wife? Was it after the interview? Was it before the interview? He didn’t mention a dead wife. He mentioned a much older daughter and a very young child. And a wife. I emailed this person and said, “Are you sure about what you are saying?” So they sent me a link a few hours later. Then I realised what had happened. Let’s say you are called Kipkorir Onyonka Onyango Macharia but because you don’t want your name to draw attention you introduce yourself as Macharia Onyonka. So when someone Googles Macharia Onyonka they find bee farmers, printing businessmen and a picture of a guy in an oversized suit who sells real estate. That’s what he did. His business was legit. His names were legit, only they were in the wrong order.  I WhatsApp him. I said, Boss, do you have a court case? He said he did. I said, what’s the case about? He said murder. I said, murder? WHAT?! Who did you murder? He said, I didn’t murder anyone, it was manslaughter. You never thought I needed to know this during the interview??? I asked with ten question marks. He said, it just never came up. Never came up? Never came up?? My goodness. As if this was some small incident when he got a flat tire one morning when he was late for a big interview. Or the time he had cerebral malaria. Someone died. In your hands! I was shaken. This was way pre-Covid and I couldn’t believe I had shaken the hand of a murderer. The same hands that had strangled his wife to death. I was horrified.  I asked him; Did I not ask you about the wide age gap between your two children (22 and 3)? Was that not the time to mention that they had different mothers, one who you had killed accidentally? Oh, I was astonished. And cross. Apoplectic even. It seemed surreal. I told my editor, The guy we interviewed murdered someone. I sent her the article from She wrote back and said, ‘Holy shit. This guy is a psycho.’  The next day, after I had calmed down, I texted him and asked how this accident happened. At first he was vague, I pressed for details, he said they were having a physical domestic fight, he wound an iron box cord around her neck and she died. I had now read up on the case. This horror happened at night and in the morning he presented himself to the police station to report the case. The cops found the body in the store. I said, That’s not an accident. But why didn’t you tell me? He said he was sorry. Why would you agree to an interview when you have a pending murder case in court? He repeated that he was sorry. Then after a year or so, I texted him and asked him how his case was going and he said he was in Kamiti Maximum Prison, a guest of the Government of Kenya. The judge had thrown the book at him.  Every time I think of these people I think of how normal they all looked. They looked like me and you. Every time I tell someone these stories I marvel at the fact that we are not one person. We are many things. An empathetic and caring head nurse could be a despicable wife. A charismatic leader who gives rousing speeches could be a terrible husband and father who shouts at and demeans his wife and kids. A good boyfriend who pulls chairs and drapes a coat over his woman’s shivering shoulders in public could be an emotionally abusive one in private. Within heroes roam villainy. Great evil lurks in the hearts of good men. Bad men are capable of great acts of kindness. It’s a Rubik’s cube, an oxymoron, a paradox. You never know what or who you are dealing with. It’s like that movie, whatchamacallit, The Usual Suspects.  On a very nippy morning two weeks ago, a businessman friend of mine and I were huddled over our hot cups of coffee, when a man stopped at our table to say hello to him; a diminutive fellow dressed very conservatively in a drab coat, the kind of man that looks like he was bullied in high school, read a lot and preferred to stay alone. He seemed very pleasant, curious and showed no sign of hubris. I liked his disposition. I did. As he left, he placed a hand over his heart, bowed a little and said, “So nice to meet you, my brother.” After he was gone I asked my friend if the fellow was in the same biashara as he is and my friend said, “That man is with an anti-terrorism unit. He’s extremely ruthless. His job sometimes involves killing men.” I felt my earlobes shiver.  *** Last call to register for the August Creative Writing Masterclass HERE. If not, just buy my books HERE.

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  1. Well, shit!

    In the wake of all the grief surrounding us, it’s really had to know the baggage we carry.
    We all walk around gracefully, unmarked. And only when our demons catch up to us, is our darkness exposed.

    You know, like the US involvement in Afghanistan, or transfered killer cops in Kenya.

  2. The nature of man can be very deceiving. Think of all the innecient looking and hardworking seeming humans walking our streets, who are corrupt and kleptomaniac to the hilt. Think of the well dressed, gentle and easy going adults who are cruel to, and mistreat their underage housegirls back when they get backe home. Its true that what many present in public is not what they are in private. Lovely article Mr. Biko.

  3. Within heroes roam villainy. Great evil lurks in the hearts of good men. Bad men are capable of great acts of kindness.

    Great read as always

  4. The things and demons people carry around on their persons…. crazy just. You can never what crazy chaps you are in the lift with….

  5. You never know until you know. Now I know why you haven’t jumped at my request to write my story. Take your time bro. Due diligence.

  6. Biko.. Please do a story on my cycling. I want ro reach the masses to create a community response to a community problem.

  7. The worst nightmare for a HR manager (They are called Talent Business Leaders nowadays) is when they hire a seemingly nice and promising chap/lady who 1 year down the line requires ….to be exited..
    They worry most about lack of “character judgement”. Your article proves they are right.
    Nice read.

  8. I wasn’t bullied in high school, no, but I sure read a lot and I most definitely love my company.
    Could I be dangerous?

  9. Imagine a priest saying mass on a Sunday morning and the previous night he assaulted you sexually, you are in for mass but bleeding continuously… People are just people… We are many things…

  10. People put out there the best versions of themselves but inside lurks great evil. You best said it, “Within heroes roam villainy”. Great read!

  11. Wow! Great article Biko. Lesson to take home. People will surprise you. Don’t take everything you see as the truth.

  12. My endangered gender has been targeted. 🙂 🙂

    My Lords, I submit that if the hearts of men are canyons of secrets, then that makes the hearts of women abysses. They can be cold, calculating, connivingly patient, and extremely ruthless and accurate when they strike.

    It the reason that the Russian Army chose women as snipers during the second world War. When picking targets, they just thought of them as exes they extremely hated. Twelve Russian women snipers registered 775 confirmed kills as at 4th of May, 1945. The most successful, Lyudmila Pavlichenko was credited with 309 confirmed kills and remains the most successful female sniper in history.

    Our latest example, comes from Elgeyo Marakwet

    I rest my case your honor.

  13. I enjoyed reading this. You have a way of telling stories that’s just so uniquely you. So captivating. Maybe one day I will tell you my story.

  14. ‘Within heroes roam villainy. Great evil lurks in the hearts of good men.’
    There is a lot of truth in this. For all of us, I think, the difference is only ever a decision away- and sometimes even that is out of your hands. It’s interesting how life can turn you into the very thing you despise by putting you in a certain circumstance. It goes so much farther than just looks. It’s also normal-thinking people. That is all I will say on the matter.

  15. The good book says that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

    No one can.

  16. Biko have you found your entire self? You should write about all your personalities so we know who we dealing with.

  17. The hearts of men very disturbing it means even when you kneel down to pray you should also pray to be delivered from people with evil intentions looks are indeed deceiving.

  18. “There is no need to blame the devil. Men are capable of every evil deed.” John Conrad.
    Okay, I saw that quote many years ago, at the beginning of the movie, ‘Bitch Slap’.
    We are angels out here, but hell is empty and all the demons are here as well. Within us.
    Sometimes we teetotallers are taken to be such.

  19. “You never know what or who you are dealing with” And that is why I will never refer anyone anywhere, who I do not know for over 7 years. A few years ago, a friend of mine had a direct reportee at work who he had known for a few months, kijanaa wa kanisa sana mpaka he was the common volunteer to lead in prayer before meetings and such. So one day HR discovered he was involved in some shady shit and this friend of mine was summoned and he definitely gave a clean record and reference of this jamaa saying he could bet on his entire year’s salary that so and so is clean!. Kumbe the guy was involved in multiple theft cases, before and even after joining that company. So mimi hii Nairobi, wacha mbogi yangu ikuwe smaller than a dot or rather be a loner in my dealings. Never trust anyone, okay fine, that could sound dramatic, trust but verify.

  20. “A charismatic leader who gives rousing speeches could be a terrible husband and father who shouts at and demeans his wife and kids. A good boyfriend who pulls chairs and drapes a coat over his woman’s shivering shoulders in public could be an emotionally abusive one in private. Within heroes roam villainy. Great evil lurks in the hearts of good men. “
    You couldn’t have put it better .

  21. My earlobes are shivering too.. I thought of googling Macharia Onyoka and then my ancestors whispered, we have taught you better. I still googled. Good read. Let me go seek some libation. I have people to appease.

  22. The hearts of men, moreover, are full of evil and there is madness in their hearts while they live, and afterward they join the dead – Ecclesiastes 9:3b

  23. This story confirms that you never really know anyone well enough to even imagine you know them so well to spend the rest of your life with ……we have all been disappointed by very close friends, boyfriends, girlfriends! Truly u can’t judge a book by it’s cover .

  24. Looks are truly deceiving, within heroes roam villainy.
    We all have the ‘unknown pane’ and the ‘hidden pane’ in the Johari’s window which is opened by pressure from triggers in our environment that is why it is important to be mentally healthy and emotionally intelligent.

  25. Apoplectic is right si I have always said it as apopleptic. Glad the circles I used it in didn’t know any better .

    Now I feel like you were softball/low-key giving us this story of the guy who killed the wife bila any priors and his former classmates are alarmed. Stabbed. And maybe the wife was your follower?

    May God protect us from such crimes of passion.

  26. I keep wondering how life would be if we all wore our stories on our foreheads!!! I’m just wondering!!! Sheeesshhh!!! This entire article made my earlobes shiver!!!! Dang!!

  27. Dear Biko, I guess I’m one of your biggest fans from South Sudan. I don’t think I have ever missed any single blog post from you since October 2018. And even though I rarely comment, I’m consuming a lot from your work.

    The thing is, our hearts as men are sometimes mixture of flesh and Bamburi Cement. Meaning, they can be rocky at times. When I read the excerpt of this story, I was in the middle of something; which I let it go. A few weeks ago, a Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Diaster Management (whatever that means to President Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar, I have no freaking idea) in my country (South Sudan) had a big case that has been trending online. The fella has been abusing his wife, Aluel Garang popularly known by her professional name as Aluel Messi constantly.

    At one point, he/his body guard pulled out a gun to stop a football match that his wife was participating in the competition. And now the current case that let to most of us who don’t fancy domestic violence signed an online petition for his removal from that office. How do you beat and stab someone’s daughter? How do you keep her around and don’t let her go to her people if she is serial headache and then go for the type that your heart desires? These questions are rhetorical and that’s what brings me to this extrajudicial killing. Personality is like a salary, you can earn it both home and on the street if you work for it. May justice find that woman….great read on a fine Tuesday. It’s still 11am in my country. Let me go and sip some kahawa tea.

  28. I know the guy who apparently pulled a gun on his wife. He’s my cousin, a very good gentleman. Life is just life

  29. There’s a phrase in Kikuyu – “mîciî nî ndogo”, meaning a lot of sh*t happens in homes only they’re not seen/known. Or what the late musician Kamarû alluded to – people are equalised by clothes. If we were to be truly naked – most would die of shock on knowing who their “loved” ones are.

  30. Tell me i’m Not the only one who searched this Case on still shook..
    Someone please send the link of the guy who faked his wifes death,i reread it…

    1. was really looking if someone else had also noticed and asked this question or I was alone. perhaps the chap maintained his cool and managed to sneak in with his number there?

  31. Hi Biko,

    The title of your story is an oxymoron by itself. What hearts?!!

    What can be considered a heart in majority of men (yet to find out what it’s called) only temporarily peeks from its darkness where it concerns their parents or biological children.

    Some religious men are the worst. They hide behind religion but in real essence, they’re psychos behind closed doors. Mad men with evil habits & vices that would shock the living daylights out of you. Their wives, mistresses & children would know.

    Nonetheless, we still have a few good men left walking the face of the earth. Very few. Sincere & well-balanced men who have consciously worked at taming their baseless sense of entitlement, pride, selfishness, insatiable immorality & baseless inflated egos.

    May we meet these few remnants. May we genuinely love & support them, so that they can raise sons & daughters just like them.

  32. Biko, will you sit down to get the story of the grace to grass two watches in each hand guy? I am curious to read that story.

  33. I wonder what lies behind the Biko we know, the father who dots on his kids online, the online writer we love to follow, what evil lies there? if any

  34. Behind our shining smiles lies unprovoked lethality in great potential.
    This is so true.
    ‘We are many things. An empathetic and caring head nurse could be a despicable wife. A charismatic leader who gives rousing speeches could be a terrible husband and father who shouts at and demeans his wife and kids. A good boyfriend who pulls chairs and drapes a coat over his woman’s shivering shoulders in public could be an emotionally abusive one in private. Within heroes roam villainy. Great evil lurks in the hearts of good men. Bad men are capable of great acts of kindness.’

  35. Wah….That was intense! I totally get how you were apopletic. He literally led you by the nose. Kwanza that manslaughter charge is 2nd degree murder. He did what with an iron???? Men be putting other people’s children through hell.
    Let me go and meditate in a quiet corner. Those are encounters of the crazy kind.

  36. I had to put my google skills to test. Is this it?

    1. Wow Tina. Could you find the 2017 interview article for business daily? I’m curious who the former CEO of the blue chip company is.

  37. I have read this article 3 times. It is so deep and has touched my soul. I have tried to track down the interviews. I have only managed to trace one. Keep writing and we will keep on reading.

  38. Soo….did you speak to down-on-his-luck business man?? I want to hear about his ‘real character’ now that he’s bleeding. And yes for the murderer in jail – deserves it. I saw some news story featured on citizen about a woman who forgave her husband after he stabbed her 17 times!! I thought she was incredibly daft for doing it. Let men & women who are filled with rage and murderous intent go to jail, save the rest of us from their wrath. Don’t absolve or acquit them – or rather do so, but while they’re safely ensconced from society.

  39. You texted him and “He said he was in Kamiti Maximu Prison”. I din’t know those people actually have phones!!.Nice read though.

  40. Jeremiah 17:9
    The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

    Most times, people are not who they say they are, not who they portray they are, not who other people think they are, not who they think they are, it is a paradox, I agree.

  41. My one beef – for what it’s worth. This is probably the last comment on this piece; but if you or your editor gets to it….
    It’s not the first time I am encountering ‘How does that look like?’ statement/question. It offends me. ‘What does that look like?’ or
    ‘How does that look?’ is how it ought to be!
    Such a little mistake – for me – mars an otherwise excellent piece. Surely, you or your editor can do better!
    Thank you.

    1. Kenyan English is just as effective in this part of the world as pidgin or American English is in other parts of the world. The primary purpose of language is to communicate effectively among a group of people.

    2. My friend, if you are getting vexed on a grammatical error, I would advise you stop reading and do something more useful to your heart and your blood pressure – something like rearing pigs.

  42. And all I picked from this great read were the WhatsApp convos between the murderer and Biko; had me roaring with laughter.

  43. This was not hard to find.

    1. “You might conquer work and fail at home. I see a lot of divorces and separation cases. That failure includes your children not being the kind of people you’d want them to be.” -Ezekiel Owuor
      Red flag

    2. Tried reading the article couldn’t finish. My mind couldn’t get over the fact that he wound an iron cord around the wife’s neck until she died.

  44. Stuff for discovery ID. I believe we are all potentially evil. Two beasts lie within each person:the good and the bad. The one you feed dominates. In every devil is an angel, in every angel, there is a devil. What am I even saying?

  45. A way out would be to do a background check. But how feasible is that? Doing background checks on every interviewee. Tis time consuming and costly to hire detectives for that, plus the editors are waiting for the stories which have to go to print. Tick-tock. Hard small.

    No wonder the psalmist prayed, “Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.”

    The psalmist (King David) was loved by God, because he knew to worship Him. The way to get through God’s heart is worship.
    This same guy saw a woman taking a bath (No wonder her name was Bathsheba…haha) and chose to kill her hubby (Uriah) so that he could have her for himself. Now see.
    It says alot about the heart of man.
    Prophet Jeremiah said, “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?

  46. This reminded me of my great love for cold powerWithin heroes roam villainy. Great evil lurks in the hearts of good men. Bad men are capable of great acts of kindness

  47. Damn…Maya Angelou once wrote that she was human and nothing human could be alien to her…evil is not alien to good men

    1. Furthermore Biko, you are not the moral police. If you got an interview with the devil himself and its a good story I would still read it.

  48. Are murderers part of the people the good book says will be forgiven? ‘come to me all who are heavily burdened……’

  49. The hearts of men (ergo humans) are evil & conniving – I had to re-read this after visiting the old article & court case reporting. Cold.Steel.Hearts

  50. Biko, the 3rd guy didnt tell you he murdered his wife because you didnt ask him. Simple. I cant believe you didnt know that!!

  51. “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances,
    And one man in his time plays many parts…” In life, we often play different roles with hardly any consonance.

  52. Sometimes Great evils lurks in the heart of good men truly life has no formula sometimes things just add up.: I am an Undergraduate graduand with Bachelor of Science in Clinical medicine and surgery currently in the outskirts of Eldoret awaiting internship any leads to health related job will be highly appreciated (reach me on 0716404010)

  53. “Within heroes roam villainy. Great evil lurks in the hearts of good men. Bad men are capable of great acts of kindness. It’s a Rubik’s cube, an oxymoron, a paradox. You never know what or who you are dealing with” Biko you are a wordsmith. much respect. I will be buying your books soon!

  54. I was once invited by my sister to go watch a movie done by her friends. After the movie I texted her and said twas nice leaving now. She answered sawa say hi to the guy with locs before you leave. I look around and spot a slim guy locs cum Afro. I catch him and introduce myself as Ruth’s sister. He said am Eddie Ashioya.. He looked nothing like my mental image of him..

  55. I don’t understand why you’re so surprised, there’s almost always a parallel between leaders and psychopaths. There’s a psychology book, ‘snakes in suits’. If you read it, it might answer why these unassuming men didn’t give off evil vibes. We all wear masks.

    1. When we were created we were born with light.The proof is in the bible in that we are made in the image and likeness of God(we have his mind).What happens is when we open our doors to darkness and allow it to reside in us,we put out the light.We allow darkness it is not in each one of us.

  56. Great read of course but I feel like I was just beginning to read and it ended. Am left without having known what came of the guy in white of whites.

  57. The scary bit is that ‘These evil men’ could be us and we don’t know it. Yet again, the ways of the heart are hard to tell.

  58. Seems Biko has innocently (or intentionally) opened a can of worms for people to vent against men. We are here to stay. No need for hatred. Just count on your luck. Thank you.

  59. In today’s life of pressure, stress, abnormal living because of covid19. I think one should not judge too quickly. Like ‘ I like this guy, I like your son, your daughter is rude etc
    We befriend people whom we don’t know their dark sides or even have no idea what their hearts are saying as they talk the opposite to you ( trying to hide the true self) I like your story which has brought out a topic of the season. Where by we are supposed to know that things aren’t always what they look like and All that glitters is not gold. Lastly let’s know those who are closer to us better.

  60. Bad men are indeed capable of great acts of kindness. Story of my life, one that I would live to tell one day. Biko I would look for you when I’m ready to tell it.