Month: February 2023

They Were Left To Grow Like Trees In The Forest

They Were Left To Grow Like Trees In The Forest


Kids are highly inappropriate. And rude. That’s why they don’t get invited to parties. Kids think it’s appropriate to ask anybody their age. [Cue squeaky voice: how old are you?] They are always asking about your age. Maybe that’s

Nothing Is Normal Today

Nothing Is Normal Today


A good black dress for a widow costs 37,000 shillings. That is if you import it. For another 3,000 shillings you get a black veil. But she didn’t want a veil because she didn’t want to cover her face. …

A Cold 14th

A Cold 14th


You remember the dark grainy night when your lover went into the rain and never came back. You sat on the old chair that belonged to your dead father and waited and waited and the rain stopped and the

Daktari Mgonjwa

Daktari Mgonjwa


There were no doctors in her family tree. None. Just hunters and gatherers, teachers and masons, farmers and small scale traders, an engineer and a handful of lawyers. [What’s the collective noun for a group of lawyers, anyway? A …