
A sojourn in Turkey

A sojourn in Turkey


So there was a massive snowstorm across Istanbul last week, which prompted our Turkish Airlines flight – and a bunch of other flights – to divert to Antalya instead of Istanbul, which should have worked out well for us …

How I Spent My Christmas Holidays

How I Spent My Christmas Holidays


Remember those days in primary school when they made us write about our holidays? A whole one page foolscap of it. You wouldn’t believe how I would embellish mine; half-lies. Tales. Lores. Then they’d send you off with 37/40 …

Cry for Lamu


Remember those old men of Lamu? Them with the long white beards and faces carved by the sea’s tough hands? The ones who used to huddle by the seafront at night, sipping kahawa chungu from steaming tiny tin mugs …

Day Eight #UnexpectedKenya


End of the road…not for us.

This is going to be a quickie. After one week we part ways with these two gentlemen. Now, I won’t say they have been like family, that’s too dramatic and emotional even for …

Day Seven #UnexpectedKenya


Turtle Bay Resort’s kitchen staff meandered, dancing their way around tables last night, carrying this chair adorned with leaves and twigs, like an imperial chair reserved for royalty. They struck at pots and pans and drums, singing some birthday …