Just Tap

Just Tap


There is a pair of trousers that my fundi has been fixing for me. They have been ready for two months now. He keeps calling me and texting me to go pick them up and I keep saying, “Next …

What Stirs You?

What Stirs You?


The first thing that stirred her was her upbringing, growing up like an Indian; in a knot of relations. In an old four-bedroom mansion in Parklands with big windows and a restored roof. A house with an old carpet …

Sink And A Mirror

Sink And A Mirror


The guy on the right has never eaten chicken in his life. He doesn’t know what chicken tastes like. He doesn’t eat chicken. He also doesn’t eat fish. Or meat. He doesn’t know the pleasure of the first sip …

Memory Catcher

Memory Catcher


The night was off to a lousy start from the beginning. It wasn’t the sort of night you’d remember when you are old and graying and your grandchildren are holding your hand and studying the wrinkles on the back …