We are back up


For the past week we have had some problems with the website. It kept going up and down. I’m no IT guy, so I was lost. It’s like going to the hospital and telling your doctor that you have this pain in your hip area and he makes you lie down and he presses your hips while looking deep in the eye (hopefully to see if you wince in pain not because he likes the colour of your eyes) and he says you must have strained it while you were jumping a fence or climbing a wall. “Have you climbed a wall lately?” he will ask.

“No, not that I can remember.”

“What about a fence?”

“No, I haven’t climbed any fence lately, doc.”

Then he mumbles, “Because I could have sworn this is a typical case of wall climbing.”

Then he will scribble something in that horrid handwriting of theirs and say if you take that for two days the pain will go. “And no more climbing walls,” he will add as you walk out the door. But three days later you will be back with more pain in your hip area but you will meet another doctor, one with side-burns this time, and he will look at your file keenly and then after a while he will look up at you and ask, “have you been climbing any walls?” And you will exhale slowly and say, no, you haven’t been climbing any goddamn walls. Or fences for that matter.

He will ask you to lie down and then proceed to poke your hips while looking into your eyes and you will start laughing and he will ask, “what’s funny?” and you will say, “oh nothing!” and he will insist and insist because people hate to be left out in a joke and because you don’t want to say you were laughing because of the oddity of the situation (him poking your hips) you will make up something and tell him the joke about the luhya guy and the homeless dog and he will not get the punch-line, in fact he will shake his head and say, “I’m luhya by the way,” while poking you harder.

Anyway, look; what I mean to say is that some chaps struggled for days to figure out what exactly what was wrong with the site because some of you could not access it from their phones while others couldn’t from some browsers on their computers. I was told it started from the last post 3-AM Man which got more traffic than the site could handle so we had to migrate. But it kept going up and down and they kept poking at its hip.

In fact, let me let Kaka (Christian Kakoba) – the chap who fixed it – to explain to you what exactly happened because I never get what he says this guy with all that IT lingo and his accent.

Please read this with a French accent that Kaka speaks in. Batoto Ba Congo, please tell the Gang what happened.

Hallo Bikozulu Clan. 

We managed to transfer the website to a more reliable hosting, with both fastest average connection time and no failed requests.

You may have experienced some downtime during the migration process due to the transfer of DNS between the old and new web hosts which causes the domains (bikozulu.co.ke & writing.bikozulu.co.ke) to go dark for between 12 to 72 hours after our request for the change was sent to the registrar. Combined with the need to transfer website files, restore important databases and get every software installations and subdomain configurations in working order. 

​We are keeping track of the site performance, just to make sure the website has the best uptime record. Sorry about that and thanks for waiting. 

I told you he speaks funny.

Look, good news is that we are up and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused. You will notice that during migration we lost numerous comments, especially with the post in question, Kaka is trying retrieve them from where they are floating somewhere in the cyberspace.

We resume our usual chitchat next week Tuesday.

See you then? Thanks for your patience.


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  1. Kaka’s explanation in English “there was some thingie preventing the site from working well. We fixed the thingie, the site’s back.”

  2. Thankfully I was able to access the site as usual.I read the last post JIT and as usual,it was a killer.Waiting patiently for that chitchat come next week.Thank you Biko for always making our,sorry my, otherwise would -be- boring week super awesome.Thank you.

  3. Thanx dude. Tho i experienced it some few minutes ago, while trying to open this post. Hope he does fix it. (no threats tho! heheh) just missing the fun. cheers

  4. That’s great. Twas really frustrating fit me, especially coz all went blank while I was mid-way the 3am article!!

    Speaking of which, I got the feeling that my wife and you had a chat before you wrote the damn thing! Huh? It’s now printed, framed and hung behind a door where it can’t be missed…….

    And that Beyonce song (if i were a boy) has been replayed a couple of times in the last week. The video is usually rewound at the precise point when a call comes through, the recipient checks who’s calling, and puts the phone away without answering…..


  5. The very day I decided to show your blog to a friend of mine, “Una fall my hand” (Nigerian lingo for “i was dissapointed”). Am glad the problem has been sorted.

  6. I have been having the same problems with my website. Sijui DNS server failed to do something it is supposed to do. Oh! And the experts are so many! Popular opinion was that I was (still am) getting more traffic than my blog can handle. But when I check the stats, they are just as lousy as usual.

    So I am still confused. My DNS sucks at being a DNS (whatever that means) and the downtime is still too much.

    And get this, you cannot access my blog via Opera Mini. Opera freaking Mini? Of all browsers Opera Mini is the one that feels like it was developed using diamonds, nkt. Like now I do not deserve. That I am unworthy of its time. Do you know just how many people use Opera Mini as their default browser? Well, get a DNS like mine and then wait for the tweets and WhatsApp messages.

    Good to have you back ondiek. I thought you were about to pull an Irish exit on us again. Remember that stunt you pulled in 2013? Ati sijui “Website Under Maintenance” for a week?

    I think I need to speak to that Kaka omera.
    P.S is he a sapuer? Asking for myself.

  7. a luhya joke to a luhya!biko!no wonder he pressed harder!a wordsmith sorry words betray you this time

  8. So now #Newpost has moved from Monday to Tuesday and sometimes Friday? either of us is not keeping up with this and I’m certain it’s not me, biko. I want more from this relationship

  9. Thank God for email notifications and smartphones I hate to be in the crowd asking what did he say?? avid and timely reader

  10. I understand a bit of this lingo because I didn’t have the luxury of outsourcing IT folk when I was putting up my site. I had to understand things like buying a domain name and hosting it using WordPress. Introduction to networking in campus also helped. I often like to think that IT just like writing is an art.

    Good thing this is resolved because I kept refreshing the site and getting an error message. I was already blaming our IT department because I spend quite a substantial time on bikozulu and probably thought they had barred me, I’ll have to delete those anonymous insults I had saved in my draft hehe. Anyway you guys can read me on injeyabox.com/

  11. Hi Biko, please tell Batoto Ba Congo am still having trouble with the website, atleast today Morning.. (Resource Limit Is Reached
    The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later. )

  12. “because people hate to be left out in a joke >>>>
    you will make up something and tell him the joke about the luhya guy and the homeless dog”

    haha i see what you did there biko. Some peeps didnt even realize they were left out!! 😀

  13. Guys please as you read, please vote for this blog at http://www.blogawards.co.ke/vote/ this stories are inspiring

  14. Hmmm… strange that you lost comments to your post which should not happen with a clean data migration. Something must have gone wrong during the backup process. I figure you are on wordpress which even has awesome plugins to automate much of that process for you. But glad you are back online

  15. Finally, the juicy stories are bk…
    The website ilikuwa ndogo kuliko its number of customers … Yea nd it failed terribly… Its back now (kamba accent)