How Nduta Got Her Groove Back


So last week I received this rather odd and interesting email. It was from a chick who had attached this piece that I should read. It was a personal account of what happened to her when she recently went down to Dar’ for jobo. She wasn’t looking to be published in my blog because she’s a journalist with a well respected international digital outlet, so getting published on my blog “wasn’t a big deal for her,” she wrote.  (Waah! OK!). What she wanted, she continued, was to take a stab at a genre I do here – creative non-fiction – given that her writing was mostly industry and business heavy.

Anyway,  I read the attached story and I was like WHOA!! WHOA!! I read it again, this time slowly and I thought, “Shit!”

First it was obviously very well written, with a fresh, eloquent and saucy voice. A seasoned writer, I could tell. But then it was very very sexual. It was basically pornography and art meeting at a junction. I haven’t read Shades of Grey but I hear it’s about a rich guy who ties up this hapless innocent girl on chairs and on trees and on boats and in changing rooms in clothing stores and does very very bad things to her. One day I will read it. Erotica generally isn’t my cuppa.

Now it might not occur to anyone here, but there are certain beliefs I harbour that I transfer as tenets on which this blog leans on. Things I don’t compromise. For the benefit of those who joined us recently; First, we don’t do gossip here. Second we don’t ever glorify “celebrity” on this blog because I think the real celebrities in Kenya are unsung. We only have people who dress well and appear on TV, have many followers on social media or have one single song that hit just after Hardstone.

We don’t slander people here. Or offend individuals. We NEVER belittle people or make them feel bad about themselves. Sure, we will make fun of a group of people but only in the hope that they can laugh at themselves by appreciating their idiosyncrasies . Which means if you can’t get satire then don’t bother reading anything here. In fact, as a general rule, if you are one of those people who are prone to crying when they get drunk, you will probably miss the whole point of conversations here. Having said that, should I write something that is directly offensive to someone and you call me out on it, I will never have a problem offering an apology.

We don’t do “beef.” We don’t beef with people here. We will disagree on principles and when we do we will be decent and grown up about it, but we will never beef with anyone here because it’s beneath us. And because we just don’t have the time.

We don’t do tribal. Of course we will always make fun of that dreadful Kisii music (or worse their dance) but only if they are able to laugh at themselves. We will also beg Kuyu guys to try and buy shirts that aren’t always necessarily colourfully checked (cough*Andrew*cough).

On this blog there is never going to be “us” and “them.”

We don’t do religion. Hell, no. (Saw that?)

Lastly, we don’t do sexual. Migwatos is great but not in a tacky or crass way. We are tasteful. We have good sense and good judgement. (Mostly). In short, we rise above mediocrity and negativity and we come here to celebrate life and to laugh (even at ourselves) and to feel good about things that mean the most to us. When it stops being about that I would have failed and I will pack my shit, go back to shags, buy a boat and get into the fishing business with my cousins Bruce and man Otose. (You have to pronounce it in a Jango accent; Man Otose).

So then my first impulse after reading this piece was, “Aii, too graphic sexually, I can’t run this.” So I bounced it off two of my ardent and trustworthy readers here, a chick and a dude. The chick said the language was too strong, that you – readers – won’t appreciate it. Tame it or can it, she advised.

The dude said, “your readers are artists at heart, that’s why they come here. They will see this for the art in it. I say run it. Besides, aren’t your readers all having sex?”  (Actually I don’t think so. I think people who comment here with odd names are people who aren’t getting laid).

Anyway, I went with the chick’s advice because generally women tend to be more pragmatic than us. They have better intuition. So I emailed the writer and told her to cut the sections I felt were too uncomfortable and words that I felt were too strong and do a rewrite with those changes and I would have it up as a guest post.

Here is the dhing. (Hehe. I will never get over that).  While editing her re-write I struggled with certain phrases/words/references/ sentences. For example, I wondered if the word “vagina” was a strong or even offensive word to allow. I certainly wouldn’t use it in any of my pieces here, but then what’s the point of a guest post if I want to control a guest writer’s character? There was a particular sentence she used it in and when I replaced it with “lady parts” or “ private parts” or “ crotch” and read that sentence out aloud in the office (with door closed), I realised that the new word stole the thunder from the sentence. It changed the intended persona of that sentence, it’s very tone and intention and it turned it into a flat and lacklustre sentence that wobbled and staggered, clutching dramatically at it’s bleeding heart.

Take two words, “vagina” and “penis”, do both of them project the same “brutality”? Do they assault you in the same way when you read the? Are they offensive? Is to use the word “vagina” to sensationalize? Vagina, depending on context, mostly alludes to an anatomy, something asexual, like an appendix, no? But it’s still so powerful , graphic and loud, no? Something you can’t grasp for too long in your palms…figuratively, of course.

I think the word “penis” in comparison isn’t as harsh, it sounds practical, like something you would use to open a beer bottle should you not find an opener. “Boss, ebu pass that penis I fungua this beer with.” No really, a penis sounds like a multipurpose tool, something you can go camping with. It sounds, I don’t know, inanimate. It doesn’t sound as brash and as “threatening” as  the word “vagina”. Vagina sounds sacred, respectful, something you whisper in reverence: (Insert scared whisper) “Today I saw a vagina. It was just sitting there, basking in the sun.”

Ok. I’ve probably said too much.

Look guys, I don’t know, but I let that word run. I let many things run. Maybe it was a wrong call and if this piece is too concentrated for you, I apologise. But I’m going out on a limb here and letting it run purely on the strength of its lovely prose. If you get totally offended by it then don’t worry, this week you can always read about Chero’s good time trying to shed off some weight. (Hey, Chero!).

Gang, meet Nduta.

Nduta, karibu sana, you filthy filthy woman.


Bridge Pose

By Nduta

It’s my first time in Dar es Salaam, and the day begins with me shaving my pubes.

In our ‘naturalista’ community (you might know them as Natural Hair Nazis, na mimi ni member), I have what’s known as 4C hair –kinky, tightly coiled curls, and the hair shaft is actually quite thick. So I hate hair grooming in general, and pubes in particular, and only do it for social acceptability. Except armpits. Armpit hair I am happy to get rid of regularly, because having underarm forests is just nasty.

So in the shower at this hotel in Dar es Salaam, I suddenly figure that I’ve been doing shaving wrong all this time. You’re supposed to aim for the base of the hair and take it off with a clean stroke, not scrape back and forth and get chunks of hair stuck in the razor.

I smile.

This feels nice! And it’s almost like a Buzzfeed headline: “One More Thing You’ve Been Doing Wrong Your Whole Life.” I toss the razor in the bin and finish off my shower, then look at myself naked in the mirror. I’ve never been this slim in my entire adult (and even teenage) life. My ab muscles are even almost defined. But I still have a big ass.


He walks into the conference room, smiling broadly and says a boisterous hello to some of the guys there; he must know them from somewhere else. I’m the only woman participating in this workshop/ summit/ conference breakout session. Later, I’m going to try and remember the moment he said hello to me, but I can’t remember. Even now.

He’s Tanzanian, I can tell the moment he says, “Vipi, baba!” and goes on to use words like “kibali”,“stakabadhi” and “kana kwamba” in the first five minutes of conversation with his mates in that lilting Tanzanian Kiswahili. Words that I only ever hear during the 7pm news bulletin. Here, people actually speak that way in real life.

(By the way, it’s pronounced Tan-za-nii-a, four syllables; not the way Kenyans say it, Tan-za-nya, three syllables). But when he switches to English, there’s a very Kenyan middle class edge to it that is instantly recognisable. The over-pronounced consonants; the broad, open vowels; the phrase “you guy”.

And there’s a ring on his finger.


We’re talking data and statistics, and I doing my presentation – a reinterpretation of a bunch of surveys conducted in Tanzania. He’s sitting right in front of me, slightly wide-eyed behind his Ray Ban glasses, a little crinkle in his brow.

The problem is that he’s pretty, in a Hassan Omar Hassan or Ali Hassan Joho kind of way – light skinned, thick lips, goatee and moustache. Normally, I’m not attracted to pretty boys. They are rarely layered or complex, and are generally lazy and entitled, especially in bed. Some even think they can make you cum by gracing you the privilege to look at them. So the sex is just mediocre, always.

But this one is smart. Really smart. And it throws me off. During the break we talk representativeness, urban/rural skew and the framing of research questions, and how that influences responses. Then he tells me that he was the author of the bunch of surveys I had basically just torn into. And smiles.


When the day is done, and the mzungu World Bank guys are milling about talking “impact assessment” and “scalability”, he asks if I want to go somewhere and catch a drink. I say yes, and he calls up his driver who comes and picks us up.

There’s a pillow in the back seat, with flowery embroidery. He says that it’s for his daughter, for when she wants to take a nap in the car. We go to a rooftop bar on the 11th floor of some building – the driver waits for us in his car – with coloured fluorescent lights that glow and change colour from under the white seats. The view of Dar es Salaam is incredible – the dark-blue ocean, the yellow cranes hanging over the port, the high-rise buildings right at the water’s edge.

He tells me he’s from Arusha, and went to school in Kenya, right from primary up to university. That’s why he has that Kenyan edge when he speaks English.

He asks me what set books I did for KCSE. I start firing them off (of course I remember them all) – “For English: A Man of the People, Encounters from Africa and Aminata; For Swa: Kilio Cha Haki, Kiu…” Then I notice a twinkle in the corner of his eye, and realise it’s a clever way of finding out my age.

He recently started as head of research at a leading Tanzanian NGO; it’s hectic, really late nights, and stressful too. I tell him about my sons, he tells me about his daughter. My older son and his daughter are almost age-mates (born October 2012 and January 2013).

And we drink.


He sends his driver away, and takes me to dinner at a restaurant on the 21st floor of another building. The view is even more incredible, but in a few minutes, I realise that’s not even the clincher. It’s actually a revolving restaurant, which gives you a 360-degree view of the city below. That shouldn’t strike me as so incredibly amazing, but it does. (Why?)

We eat, and drink, and talk.

He tells me of his barber who disappeared for some time, only to return with a fantastic story about a beautiful woman he had met, who kidnapped him, locked him in a room at a guesthouse and fucked him for hours, maybe days – he lost track of time. The woman then suggested sex on the beach, which the barber readily agreed to. When they got to the edge of the water, the woman walked into the waves and disappeared. Kumbe she was a mermaid.

I take out my phone and snap a photo of him, “In case you’re a merman,” I say. He laughs.

I tell him I’m getting a little drunk, and I can feel myself loosening. I tell him I can feel the night going downhill. He says he wants it to. Later, he goes to the bathroom, and when he comes back from behind me, he puts his hands around my waist and kisses my neck.

There’s a smell that a man gives off when chemistry between you reaches beyond a certain tipping point. It smells like heat. That’s a horrible word (think, ‘the cow is in heat’,) but really, it’s the most apt word I can think of – it’s something partly earthly and visceral, but mostly just pure, radiating heat. That’s what I smell when he kisses my lips and sits down across me.


We go back to the bar with the coloured fluorescent lights. He lights up a cigarette, and I light one up, too. My first one in six years – except for the one I shared in May with my girlfriend, when she was crying about her abusive husband, who had kicked her in the back with his shoes on, and she couldn’t sit down properly for days. They are back together now, and that just breaks my heart.

But this is a happy cigarette. We smoke. He tells me he feels so light, and relaxed, like this is just what he needed. He’s sitting on a high bar chair nestled in a corner, and I’m straddled in between his knees.  He puts his hand up my dress, and pushes my panties to the side, and just brushes my shaved lips with his hand.

When he pulls my dress back down, I notice his ring is gone.


In the hotel room, I first get into the bathroom to pee, and when I come out, he’s already standing naked. That makes me burst out laughing (I don’t know why. Is it the wine?), but I immediately regret it because he looks deadly serious. This means business, I think to myself.

He’s built in a stocky way that I see with Tanzanians, and especially Ugandan men sometimes – he has thick thighs, and has an ass too. He takes my panties off first, then my dress, then bra. He kisses me; then kisses my breasts. I’ve lifted my hips and most of my back off the bed, with my shoulder blades hugging at the back (my fellow yogis will recognise this as ‘bridge pose’), and I’m rubbing my vagina against his abdominal muscles.

He puts a Durex condom on, and then begins trying to push inside.


Now, the thing is, I haven’t had sex for over 300 days, nearly a year since I broke off my previous relationship. I had taken a one-year vow of celibacy, just to clear my mind and regain control over my body, mind and spirit. It’s six weeks to the one-year mark. Sex is all wrapped up in contradictions for me, and I struggle to pull it apart and arrange it in neat little rows, the way my mind likes things to be.

On the one hand, women are sexual beings. We can – and should – be sensual. Sensual in the way James Baldwin used the word: not just in the common understanding as something erotic, but something “much simpler and less fanciful,” Baldwin said, “To be sensual is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself, and to be present in all that one does, from the effort of loving to the breaking of bread.” Baldwin thinks that something very sinister happens to the people of a country when they distrust their feelings, their life force, and I agree.

That’s why I love sex.

But on the other hand, my intellectual and analytical mind struggles with the loss of control, with the sheer depth of the earthly, visceral heat. I don’t understand it, and that bothers me.


But the immediate problem at hand is that I’ve literally tensed up like I’m a virgin again (later, when I tell this story to one of my girlfriends, she ululates and high-fives me. “Girl! Mungu halali. Thank God you got laid! I was starting to pray that you don’t shrivel up!”) So with a little difficulty – and me persuading myself to please relax, please relax – he finally succeeds. But after a short while I push him off and turn around, so that he can enter me from behind. I want to come quickly. (This is a good place to watch the video “Nasema Nawe” by Diamond Platnumz ft. Khadija Kopa, especially after minute 4:00, to get a sense of what I was attempting to do with my ass at this point. When in Tan-za-nii-a, do as the Tan-za-nii-ans do, right? Warning: NSFW).

He enters, and I gasp immediately. Then he leans to the right a little, and with that, there’s a spot he’s touching that makes me feel like he’s just about to make me explode.

I want to tell you the all the dirty things he was whispering in my ear in Kiswahili, but I can’t. I can write fuck in English, but I can’t write fuck in Kiswahili. It’s a hang-up of my 8-4-4 education. I feel like Wallah bin Wallah or Ken Walibora will come looking for me to scold me because, “Nimekosa nidhamu.”

The End.

Image credit

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  1. should I call this telepathy? was on your Facebook page hunting for something new to read then the mail notification from bikozulu pops up. my heart skipped a bit…trust Niko to make your day

  2. Biko.just the right amount, I feel like I would have been blushing if I’d been reading in the presence of my mum but it has just the right amount of suspense, the unknown and existential crises. Also I stayed in the loo an extra 10 minutes to read this. Too fucking real!

  3. hahahaha! ” Some even think they can make you cum by gracing you the privilege to look at them” ,,,Biko ,this (erotica) aint my kind of fav literal piece too but the way she wrote it is amazing !!That phrase got me cursing because there isn’t a better way to put it! félicitations Nduta !!

    1. You know, when I started reading this after the email poped up,I immediately put it on hold,voz I knew al end up avoiding the dispenser for the rest of the day

  4. Abit 50 Shades-ish but I love the prose. “But on the other hand, my intellectual and analytical mind struggles with the loss of control, with the sheer depth of the earthly, visceral heat. I don’t understand it, and that bothers me.” I can definitely relate.

        1. Is it a long tongue? a thick tongue? a sloppy tongue? what kind of tongue was it? i know nduta is lurking in the shadows please answer this…and you jackson, how do you talk about a penis then deliver an article devoid of the member? how?!

    1. it was like she was writing it to relieve her guilt…..nothing interesting in her piece- actually Biko’s intro was better!

    2. My sentiments exactly!. He is a married man. After the first few paragraphs, I just knew where this was headed. Yes she is a good writer but I will pass. I hate to read about glorification of sin.

    3. Its a nice read, but devoid of the values Biko has espoused on his pieces all along, especially the seemingly glorified adultery coming out as artistic expression that needs applauding…the message to me doesn’t cut it. Disappointed.

  5. I’m reading this as a lecture goes on and the best thing that would happen to me is the lecturer kicking me out so I can have all time to myself to absorb the strong words slowly.

  6. only serves to justify the sexed up society we are creating biko; the society that is being taught by the media thats its almost ok to have adventures, to explore sexual escapades; even if you are in relationship.

    1. so true!Bikozulu’s high school is allowing diversity in its staff..i doubt if this would have passed in its younger days but i guess times are changing!

      1. Is sexuality a new thing? is it mentioned somewhere in the old testament??? i think the media is just trying to open up the society as it was not introducing anything new!!!

  7. Nduta has just nailed it.Biko, it’s okay to do things out of the norm sometimes. I wrote my piece last week and thought it had erotica but wapi!! This is the real deal. I like it.

    1. well, i will ask for the raw footage. thats the real deal. but then how do i walk to my bosses office after reading the piece?

  8. today I saw a …just sitting there and basking in the sun..darn I can’t say it. Anyhoo nduta reminds me of those racy novels I used read under the desk in class seven

  9. It was very well written. Vagina is a sensual word, its a beautiful word,
    but its not an offensive word, it clothes a woman not makes her naked.

  10. She had me at shaving my pubes.
    Also…unedited version.
    Also..if you’re starting to read erotica, don’t start with 50 Shades. It’s a nonsense book/series with an even more nonsense movie that should never be classified as the best of what the 21st century had to offer in terms of mummy porn. It’s embarrassingly bad. In fact, if it were ever to be included in a time capsule to be sent out to alien races, that would be the main reason they would choose to obliterate this small green planet, a la Star Wars. YECH.
    I’m so pleased at this piece! My kind of piece.

    1. ha ha,Abigail if we were to be judged by 50 shades I suspectthe powers that be would press a self destruct button somewhere and save the aliens the trouble

    2. 50 shades is the worst book erotica EVER… But I figurE the demographic they are targeting is the young The third book I skipped to the end just to feel I completed the book(LUCKILY I GOT THE EBOOK)Don’t get me started on the movie. The bad casting, the bad acting..waah!

      1. Yeah. I still can’t believe that those books not only got published but have a movie..with a Sequel! a Sequel!! why oh why.

      2. Kay, it was so bad yet you read all three books? I thnk people criticize the books just because someone big in the literary world did it. If a book was terrible I wouldn’t go on to read it’s sequel. It’s certainly not the best book out there but it’s not the worst either…It was just soft porn. That’s what Fifty Shades of Grey is

        1. The thing is, Esther, sometimes – I don’t think it is the same for everyone – but once you start a book, it is hard not to finish. Even if it is a trilogy. That’s how I ended up reading the whole thing, and then being SURE that it was atrocious. It’s called speaking from an informed perspective. Can’t hate if I haven’t read. 🙂

  11. Aki si i have chekad, i know this is supposed to be some serious stuff…but dang its amusing and ends just on the right note – keeping the reader yearning for more info yet the tale is complete as is.

  12. I like the way ladies call you Niko! (and am not talking about Elsie).So,Biko,I see what you did here.You really prepared your readers for what was to come.Oh my! things Ndutas say when they go wild are unprintable so believe you me, this piece is bloggable and palatable.I enjoyed it and stole a tip(after all,I have an odd name and I dont get laid).You see,if I had two sentences:
    1.As playful as a cat.
    2.As playful as a kitten.
    “Kitten” denotes more playfulness(who am I schooling?)
    Thanks for allowing the piece to run.Why else does poetic liberty exist?I read it on my laptop(with a minimised screen ofcourse) but its something I wanted to consume!
    PS: Kindly enquire from Nduta whether the guy has a sister.(for a friend of mine)

  13. I am an ardent but silent reader of your blog Biko,
    let me kill the “silent” today…
    This is a beautifully written read,
    makes me want to write my escapades as freely as she does. She’s good!!

  14. I was reading this on my way to a meeting, one of those life changing ones! I have had to call to put it of for another 30 mins. A guy needs ample recovery time.

  15. You go girl, getting your groove back and all. Although I think it’s the wrong platform, I read Biko’s blog because it’s witty, hilarious and sarcastic but most importantly I can relate to in one way or the other. This just reads like something i’d get on wattpad

  16. Uh… well I guess tanzaniians owe us a thank you note. Our Nduta took real good care of… what was his name? Damn even Nduta didn’t get his name. 300 days is a long time to be asking names.

    1. the uncut version Biko!!!
      just incase u need a bit of persuasion..people maybe we start a facebook page advocating for it

      1. sorry njoro..wanted to leave a comment on the main story realised i left a reply on your comment. which i still wanted to do coz yeah…what’s his name?? but you get?

  17. Nduta :)now the unedited version.
    Biko si your into was long …don’t bother with the 50 shades..I read anything but that one I read the 1st two chapters then skipped to last.

  18. Wueeeh! Someone should have warned me not to read this in the office. Now all I can think about is how to get le cobwebs removed!

    1. Just go to Liddos on Friday night and tell the host what you need, and how you want it done. There shall be no more cobwebs.

  19. Having been with a Tanzanian man for the past 8 years, my imagination goes to all the swahili words that passed from Mr.Tan – za – nii – a to Nduta and I immediately feel a craving and it is not for a cold krest or a cold Snapp….

    It takes me back to the set book called kiu na aina tofauti za kiu…..

    You rock Biko

  20. Reminds me of the mills and boon novels I read in high school…However, am definitely googling the yoga brigde pose right after here…..

  21. “There’s a smell that a man gives off when chemistry between you reaches beyond a certain tipping point.” Too true and only a certain kind of chemistry gives this.

  22. Interesting read! I’m very visual so I was reading in pictures and I just love the picture she sent in with her story! I’ve just shared it as well… With my wife! This will make for an interesting dinner conversation. As for Nduta, great writing… Biko has left us hanging a little bit, but then again isn’t that what great storytelling is about? The suspense?!?

  23. heee,ok.i must confess that erotica aint my kind of literature but this flows well. also,si umejitetea hapo juu aki! my thoughts,this blog has many readers who enjoy different things so if anyone reads something that he/she doesn’t fancy, there is always another Tuesday……

  24. Biko you built it up and I thought it was going to be more racy than that. She writes beautifully and keeps you present. She also has some nuggets like the tensing up… it is honest. You catch yourself egging her on. So you don’t really owe us an apology and we need more Kenyan sex stories otherwise the Ugandans are always going to claim “Kenyans don’t have sex. Even when they are having sex , they are not really having sex.” Well done Nduta kwa kukosa nidhamu.

  25. I haven’t read Nduta’s piece yet,but getting to be published here is a big deal,the ultimate affirmation that if Biko is the Principal of this high school you could at least be considered for the PST of department Head

  26. i get what you mean when you said that this was sexual in an artsy way. This is spot on! And it put so many things into perspective especially when she uses Baldwin to explain why she loves sex. Good piece overall!

  27. It was a fine piece. She is a very good and articulate writer. The suspense plays out just right. I am a fan of her work. She is a welcome guest.

  28. Beach towns have a canny way of bringing out the best in us. This reminds me of a movie I watched long time ago titled “how Stella got her grove back” A movie whose setting is somewhere in Brazilian beach in South America. And true to the title of the movie Stella surely got her grove back. And back to your earlier concerns Jackson, to me the article would pass for a PG 16 only. Most of your readers here are adults who have seen it all. Let me see the first stone being casted my direction if I have lied.

    1. I think Biko has sadly confirmed that most of his gang here are not what they seem to be. We just read him to try erase our ‘grown up’ mentality. Sorry Biko.

  29. ahahah, nice one Nduta.So far, this is the best guest writer’s work.
    Biko, tuonekanie na unedited version. I swear we won’t tell anyone, you emailed us.

  30. Liked the prose. Biko I think most of us here read Mills and Boon and Sweet Valley High.If we handled the erotica and that tender age, what of now? Unedited version please. The good thing with words is that ones imagination is limitless. And by the way that accompanying photo up there well summarizes the post.

  31. LOL,, kumbe all that talking was to prepare us for this. Uuuh and on that note we need the unedited version haraka sana 🙂

  32. Hee, thank God i’m a woman, otherwise i too wouldn’t get the guts to walk up to the water dispenser after reading this. *fanning my face*

  33. Absolutely fantastic. Well scripted. What an introduction. This Nduta girl deserves a beating. Maybe another beating from behind. I didn’t write that. Hehe.

  34. Great story lakini! Great writing by Nduta. Great intro Biko! You guy (hahaha) you are all shades of awesome! You and your friends (read guest posters)

  35. awesome piece….still comprehending“Girl! Mungu halali. Thank God you got laid! I was starting to pray that you don’t shrivel up!”)…nice piece!!

  36. Biko, you don’t have to jitetea so hard, LOL.
    Nice piece, Nduta. Though the ending was so abrupt! Where is part 2? And Biko we don’t want your edits this time!

  37. Well written, its just like a scene in a movie… Now the unedited version… tuma kwa mail or send me a link to download it 🙂

  38. I know she is a good writer because I was dying to read more,or maybe that’s just the perve in me.Thanks for making me errrr horny nduta…but 300 days gal? u crazy!!!great intro Biko..made me laugh.needed that.

  39. “We don’t do religion. Hell, no. (Saw that?)”

    Biko , Don’t tell us……it kills my innocent laughter …my light bulb moment once i see you highlighted it!! So its ok to nail someone who is married nowadays huh? may karma honour us all with our dues.

  40. I don’t know why I always have this cold feeling when I read a lady’s sexual encounter…especially if she’s praising the dude, i feel like we’re in some competition and the lady is telling me off.
    Nice piece though

  41. “Besides, aren’t your readers all having sex?” Well,Not all.Others are like Nduta, 300days and Great article. Unedited Please

  42. Waah! Biko, that was bold most of us associate you with straight edge stuff only. Nduta should get her little corner of this blog like chero.
    Nduta, lakini 300 days! Jesus was to come back?

  43. ….I am flabberwhelmed and overgastted!!…that’s my level of confusion at the moment!. …felicitation Nduta!..picked a tip or two!…eeiish yawa!..dingehota!

  44. Thirst is real! Aish, would that I defined/understood sensuality the same way she does. In all seriousness, an eloquent, raw and enjoyable read. I vote she comes back.

  45. This mami Nduta!!!!!……One month into my sworn year of celibacy, then Biko allows Nduta in here…. All the best Wanjiru…haha

  46. Hey Biko, when you say ” those who joined us recently” I think you are talking to me.Am ready to abide by rules and regulation and ready to laugh and to enjoy life like you said. I feel home. This blog has filled a gap in my life I didn’t know it was missing. I want to be where Biko is-always….it is a nice read. Actually you should not have edited it (haha). But tell Nduta not all pretty men are lazy.

    1. @derrrick i also feel not all cute men are lazy.some of them only realize they are once they are told not once but twice within the same day.

  47. …and I’m rubbing my ‘lady parts’ against his abdominal muscles… Biko this is what your piece would have appeared (shame on you!!!)

  48. It’s funny that no one noticed that she was having sex with a married man.Just putting it out there as most of us celebrate her sexual liberation.
    His daughter probably has a mother who would be devastated if she ever found out.
    Nduta made a conscious decision to sleep with a married man … Nothing edgy about that and for me, the enjoyment ended when she said “I noticed thering was gone …”

    I will just leave this here …

    1. I noted that too….it’s actually not that great of a story….like she is gloryfing being able to get away with it….Lookingforward to a better post next week.

  49. Struggling with the fact that you think vagina is a ‘bad’ or vulgar word. It is a word to describe a part of the female anatomy. Kindly do not contribute to the humiliation women already feel about their bodies and terms used to reference it. It is a VAGINA…say it with me now..VAGINA…also please note the number of women who have appreciated the guest blogger. Kudos on accepting her work, the edits seem alright and i enjoyed reading her work, VAGINA sex and all.

  50. Ha ha such writing gets people all hot and bothered and especially when written by a woman. Sorry to crap on the parade but they are both involved with other people. Such escapades could cost them a lot.

  51. The only thing that bothered me on this read is the ring on his finger. Has society stooped so low that this is now applauded? Why even take it off? Taking it off does not somehow make him unmarried does it?

    1. Right?
      The ring makes it impossible to celebrate her getting her “groove back” I really think that she should have left that part out.

  52. Great Intro by Biko as always. I think the narrative by
    Nduta is average. Plain writing. Nothing
    extraordinary. Really. Without the raunchy stuff, I give it a ‘C’. Ok guys, I studied Engineering! Kill me
    now! Tee hee

    1. I would have given her a D…which she already got anyway….glorification of sin,as someone aptly stated,is all this writing was about..sigh.

  53. Biko please! We need this kinda stuff sometimes. I want the raw version as well! Does this mean we ‘don’t get it’ as you said there? #hiding!#

  54. Good writer. Living writing.

    That said, you used her. A test balloon. Perhaps to say things you wouldn’t and shouldn’t say, perhaps as market survey. There are places where graphic sex belongs. There are places where tasteful has a standard. Nothing to do with vagina and so forth. The true erotic-poetic gift is in the sensual suggestion, the never really getting down to naming of parts, but getting the message across.

  55. I demand she finishes that story. I am also way beyond 400 days without sex and I just had an orgasm with her. Totally enjoyed reading that Nduta! You filthy Woman!

  56. I read erotica widely and intensely back in high school. I hung up those boots kitambo. I find that after reading too many of them you can write yours; the same feeling you have after watching too many soap operas; you can smell the story lines from miles away.
    So this one here caught me a little off guard. Eroticas ain’t funny, just steamy. You read them with an enviable concentration. But Nduta can surely make sb laugh!
    NB/ I would have loved to read the original story though.
    Biko:raia isikuchoche na hio Fifty shades; one, coz there’s more intense stories & then again it ain’t your cuppa

  57. The real deal (Prof. Bamba style). Living, working, puffing two cigarettes years apart. Then a charming encounter with a penis strapped on a brained being. Sip on some cold cocktail, it feels like, like we have earned it after reading this. Good stuff Nduta. Biko, where can I buy a boat? My friend wants to buy one and I figure I can make some money while at it.

  58. “Some even think they can make you cum by gracing you the privilege to look at them!” Ouch!!! do they bother if you cum?? really???
    but kiu ya 300 days shld make you cum just by the “heat” LMFAO …. Nduta indeed got her groove back

  59. Uhariri mwema Bw. Biko or should i say Nduta.. Tafadhali tupee Pt 2 ya nakala hii ya Groove. Inaonekana wasomaji wa jinsia ya kike wamefurahia sana kwani comment nyingi ni zao. Lakini cha kitataniaha ni mbona Nduta kuishi siku 300+ bila sex!! Hujama hapa…

      1. Shukran dada Njeri. Pia mie nimependezwa na jibu lako, ustadi wa lugha ni kitu kizuri. Nadahani tukimpata Nduta atatueleza maneno aliyoelezwa kwenye lugha hii yetu..he he

  60. Thank you for pointing that out . I was confused the whole time it really that easy to sleep with a married it acceptable now?because I think I’m still(and I’m not complaining) too old fashion..this is all a bit disturbing

  61. Biko, when words paint a picture so vivid to a point of an Out-of-body-experience (OBE), reflexivity forces you to share as an artist.

  62. The piece is nice like a mills n boon. Am judging Nduta…yes I am….the man is married. Shame, shame! The sex was paid for with dinner n drinks….n on the first day?!

  63. Good writing. Biko, you went over and above to explain yourself for accepting this piece. That was rather unnecessary. After all, isn’t the blog called Bikozulu. So it is infact, your call.

    Not to crazy about sensual writing. However, Nduta is a skilled writer. And pretty boys, agreeably an overrated lot.

  64. A one night stand…I think it’s different to have sex when you already have kids than when you’ve never had one. Is the better then?

  65. Maybe it’s just me but the stuff that has been of celebration on classic 105 fm has found it’s way to high school. Are we really celebrating adultery now? I guess we’re the generation that would laugh at other people’s pain because it’s not ours…’s fun because it’s not happening to us

  66. WARNING!!!! If still imaginatively agressive avoid readin this in a ma3 esp if you wear tyt pants…. a fellow abiria literaly grasped at the sight of “mole” hill on my trao.

  67. Heh Nduta…..I really want to ululate you for getting your groove back BUT…..the guy had a wedding band yo!
    That being said you had me at “Cow is in heat” smell and yes there’s no better way to describe that scent.

  68. I didn’t find the writing as good as Biko described it. The fact that it’s erotica has guys going on and on about how good it was which it really isn’t.

    1. Well said Mumbi, there is nothing here for me to “ooo n ahhh” about! Compared to how I left here the last time I visited( Rwanda still cracks me up), this piece was not all that …

    1. Lolololo he had me at figuratively speaking (the Wo flies off in a whisper). That said erotica is plain raunchy and impulsive but the married dude ruined it for me thinking about the lies he told his wife

  69. Am looking for Magunga’s comment na leo sioni. But Biko,how come i don’t see you comment on his posts yet he is always here commenting religiously?

      1. She should have a blog. Tell her this is the first article i have read and called Jesus in the middle haha. Damn this is good!!

  70. not to be preachy, it’s a very well written piece, and were it any other guy I’d be cheering her on with the rest of them, but the minute she realised he was married he should have been off her radar

    1. You lied. You gossiped. You stole only 5 shillings. Someone stole 5 million. All the sins are the same! And I thought Biko began well by stating this this a blog we don’t point fingers at people. We are simply lovers of words that come here to create humor at life’s adventures in a creative way

  71. I am a fun of erotica genre’s and from my reading experience Ndutas writing is up there with some of my best authors. Good work I love it

  72. Seriously Biko thought it would be raunchier than that given your intro..good erotica in my book is steamy without vulgarity.a thin line though…this was good..big up Nduta…the unedited version?plus you only wrote of his reaction to your chemistry.what about yours?Biko was a bit worried about guest writers…tony mochamas was so anticlimactic given the way I wait for your posts

  73. One word “WOW” thumbs up Nduta. Pretty good read and we should have read the unedited version. And Biko you should read Fifty Shades the tripogy – erotica is my cuppa

  74. What! You edited and it still tastes raw! By the way vagina is a polite word for “cunt”. So you have no reason to get worried when it surfaces in your writings.

  75. Story is good but its not gang related (get it?). Ama we’re leaving high school &joining campus soon? Or do the sponsors have a hand in this?

    1. Your email addy is rejecting emails. If Nduta wants to keep writing this kind of story I know of a blog and audience that would love her work. Don’t want to promote another blog here though (and no, it’s not mine although I wouldn’t mind having her).

      1. It’s not mine too but I wouldn’t mind having her as well – especially in that pose she has described. My eternal favourite.

  76. Hmmm! Since we are all adults and it is “just body parts” we are reading about, even DVDs routinely include “deleted scenes, bloopers and much more”. Hebu you do the necessary and then tell us how many episodes we can expect. Thanks in advance.

  77. I had to remind mysylf severally that this is a well established writer who just wants to experiment with fiction cause I could relate….being one who attends all these fancy workshops with intelligent men who openly flirt with you during sessions..I could so relate…only thing that makes me kill that vibe is how close my professional sector is.

    Meanwhile the article is in touch with reality..a man is still a man whether married or not so really the wedding band thing we cant pretend doesnt happen.My only realization is that ‘Nairobi onge chwor ng’ato’for those who understand universal!!

  78. Good story, but very nearly crossed the line between sensual and vulgar. It’s a good breather, but may not command attention for long… As you see, many wanted more detail. But how much more detail could be added without making it just another cheap erotica story?

    1. Its absolutely very boring. Biko killed it with the introduction. We expected much more. Maybe the unedited version would have nailed it. Boring boring post

  79. Hehe, this piece got peeps creeping up from oblivion into the comment section.Kept checking the URL just to confirm if I am still on

  80. Biko( read mbiko) you were beaten at your own game, prosewise…… Can I get to read that piece about socialites from your blog. there’s something I am looking in it.

  81. Nduta cleared fourth form in 2003. The set books……Pass that ‘spine’ please I open a bottle!Stupid me I leaned to the right a little for nothing.

  82. I will wait for Nancy’s article. Disgust is what I feel. Any form of cheating should not be glorified period. I am sure she lost most married women at he had a ring.

  83. I have, from time to time, visited this site. And never read anything like this. For a literotica blogger (I dabble in it from time to time), this is crisp writing. And beautiful. But the suspense!

  84. Well done Nduta. You my kind of homo.
    Thumbs up bikozulu. I have been reading this blog courtesy of a good friend of mine sharing to me.
    Two months ago she let my hand go and i had to book mark so as to read them.
    Two weeks ago i subscribed and damn…best decision ever!
    I would raise a toast to that but heard its a bad omen to do that with water. 😉

  85. Waaah this is crazy ……“Today I saw a vagina. It was just sitting there, basking in the sun.”

    Nduta is filthyyyyyyyy [in a good way] , I missed erotica and this brought my groove back too. Sensual.

  86. I love writing, i used to write. I love the way writer can make you
    see through your inner eye. This could have been fictitious
    but i have a problem with it. I don’t appreciate when we accept
    vices in the society as the way of life. Adultery was and still is

  87. This piece isn’t for your blog Biko. “Give them an inch…..” I read few lines and I was like; there goes the neighbourhood. They’ll pull you into the mud, watch.

  88. “Nduta, karibu sana, you filthy filthy woman.
    Bridge Pose
    By Nduta
    It’s my first time in Dar es Salaam, and the day begins with me shaving my pubes.”

    Thank you Biko, you had me in stitches.

  89. There once used to be a … let say lady, who would chronicle her Nairobi nights on her blog. I found her writing interesting because it was something new and unexpected. Her thoughts were organised; her diction above par. Such competence made me at times doubt she was a trader, but her writing showed insider trading (knowledge). Then times changed. Creativity in writing about sex ended. Not much new was being written. You could tell where things were heading after a few sentences. I tuned out. But, hey! to each his own.

  90. Biko…I won’t lie to you. Nothing to write home about this. Just another female gossip by randy ladies in a salon. But as they say, one man’s meat….well. Looking forward to your next more entertaining post

  91. The story ain’t all that. Kwanza the fact that the lady has no qualms in the marital status of the guy……even after seeing the pillow for his daughter in the ride…… turn off 4 me.

  92. Biko your intro was a spoiler. Squeezed the juice out of Nduta’s story. Now I can’t even
    judge her for sleeping with a married man

  93. Biko, I’m debating whether your long unwelcomed intro made the story more juicy or it
    took away something …anyway while I muse on that, is Nduta going to be a regular. As your Dude proof-reader said… we have sex (I speak for myself). There should be more sensual stuff on this blog.

    Welcome Nduta… lovely writing… you got me at “There’s a smell that a man gives off when chemistry between you reaches beyond a certain tipping point. It smells like heat.” I
    agree that it sounds bad but it’s the only way to say it… “Joto tupu”

    Meanwhile *wink* on the Yogi Bridge Pose. I see we have two things in common, the other being Naturalista 4C hair… 🙂

  94. LOL—-I love this. Nduta your writting is impeccable. This is just enough content that makes you yearning for more…i wonder Nduta if he used phrases like,’ Naomba niku……’lol!

  95. This is serious shit. Biko Nduta should be writing more often just like Nancy who is losing weight. I didn’t mind it. Biko can you email those of us who want unedited version?

  96. From the trail of comments , I think I’m the only person here with a different point of view, But because we don’t Kill happy moments here, I will let it slip by for the happiness of the gang…..

  97. Amazing read, a real deal. Eloquent and a polished writer. I love, I love.
    She took me away to the roof top restaurants so easily. Keep it rolling Biko.

    1. I kinda agree with you Wangu about the moral bit especially for those still trying to adjust their moral compass, nonetheless she is a great writer..Mgema muue na haki mpe

      1. Good sex is what is being exalted.That in my opinion(and everyone else s who would want a good sex life), is a good thing.

  98. I bet am so used to reading “Biko-rature” genre, so am just gonna skip the Chero stuff and give my eyes a massage with Biko’s stuff. Anyway, I guess am a little conservative and so Chero’s stuff here did not stimulate me at all!!!

  99. This article is very factual.
    Very many Tanzanians especially from the general Arusha area are in true essence Kenyans. Went with school with a lot at Kenyatta High School in Taita Taveta.
    There is a restaurant/bar on IT plaza called High spirit where they had the first round of drinks. The revolving one on 21st floor is Akemi, I had the pleasure of opening it as GM in 2012.
    Jackson Biko if you remember we met at Cape Town Fish Market in Dar at some point in 2014.
    All in all, very good read.

  100. methink biko said it earlier about what some of our ardent readers here are complaining about. And gave a heads up. Actually this is a nice piece and an unedited one will be highly appreciated too. Me loving it… And about the water dispenser task….. just sit and allow creanation take place. Will allow the body concentrate on more important issues like staying alive

  101. wow nicely done but I’d love the raw version .
    She’s quite good love the humor , she should do this often not the sexual ting but write something fun once in a while

  102. Biko all was well until the ring! Now that’s a no no. Anyway this is nothing compared to reading a Brenda Jackson book, only in hers the guys are single, get married and live happily ever after.

  103. Never commented here though I read religiously.Four things:
    How come Nduta is the one sleeping with the married man and not the married man sleeping with another woman?Hypocracy!
    Also,Most ya’ll condeming have been,are or once were fornicaters.No diff.
    Third,I just realised I am below 10times in count of laid times and its almost the end of the year!Wasted year!I need an escapade of my own.
    Last.Biko,Eehhh people here are not as innocent as you assumed.Gosh look at how thirsty they are!!Loved the intro though.

    1. You spoke my mind. hypocrites! if you slept with
      someone before you got married that in itself is adultery.
      And yes hata kama mulioana bado its adultery. And like
      Jesus times the lady gets all the “heat” after getting
      good “heat”. I don care how you view it adultery is
      two way and trust me all of us have lusted at one point
      or the other so cheers to the “Saints”

  104. What a shame, sleeping with someone’s husband and looking for a platform to brag about it. This is why men treat women the way they do. Nduta you are a letdown.

    1. She did not brag about it.She simply told a story.However, if we are to evaluate your comment according to the spirit of your criticism, this is what I would have to say to you; Adult men, just like women have their own minds capable of rationalizing between right and wrong.To assume that men treat as they way you have have said they do is to say that we as women essentially pull the strings as to how men behave and therefore concluding that men do not have minds of their own. I think we can all see how that materializes into an insult to the male gender.

  105. Now now biko, why do me like that!!!! Cut the story short as it gets interesting! tsk!tsk!tsk! I liked it,it was well written, I could almost visualize myself in the room, however i was a bit disturbed by the fact that he could be married! Adultery is not my cup a’ tea, that said I do appreciate a good read.

  106. It was like reading a serial killer’s diary,am curious, maybe even intrigued but when they are done telling their side of the story I want them to get caught and suffer the same fate they subjected others too. Decent writing skills lakini.

  107. I want to address all the comments about him being married. There are moments in everyone’s life when life just happens. And nowhere did she brag about it! She did not go to Dar looking for a fling. It just came by itself to her and she willingly allowed the wave to sweep her over.

  108. Lol, Biko after reading the comments here, its clear that Erotica is generally the gang’s cuppa..heheh. And I don’t think you will be joining man Otose anytime soon for some fishing. For Nduta, well its life and sometimes, the ‘heat’ is just too overwhelming..religion, morals,laws,not withstanding.Great piece

  109. 4c pubes on her..i cant say it! sorry, I dont getit..lemme get my morality out of ya vaginas – definately not my cuppa, lets try the notoriously uncensored version but until then its straight back to poetry!

  110. Gosh BIKO you’re uptight! I finished the piece while still waiting for those explicit/exotic/strong parts of the piece that you took ages warning us about!
    When you mentioned …” nduta you filthy woman”… I instantly thought of a young, female DAVID MAILU. and got excited.LOL *I hope you know him*.
    and no, am no filthy reader. Seasoned:). AND am 22.
    Too flat for my liking. OR you raised my expectation too high .

  111. I think am the only one who found the story a bit plain… Biko i want to read the original copy. I feel like through the editing process, so much was lost. The story has a heart but not the legs to walk it to the next level. I hope that makes sense. And Nduta if you read this, more details please 😉

  112. I like the read, it challenges the norms.
    As expected guns out blazing hitting at Nduta. It is not Nduta responsibility to make sure the guy honours his marriage vows, he has. The man chose to sleep with another woman other than the wife, willingly not under duress.
    Like Jesus said in the bible.. Let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone..

  113. I think the word “penis” in comparison isn’t as harsh, it sounds practical, like something you would use to open a beer bottle should you not find an opener. “Boss, ebu pass that penis I fungua this beer with.” No really, a penis sounds like a multipurpose tool, something you can go camping with. It sounds, I don’t know, inanimate. It doesn’t sound as brash and as “threatening” as the word “vagina”. Vagina sounds sacred, respectful, something you whisper in reverence: (Insert scared whisper) “Today I saw a vagina. It was just sitting there, basking in the sun.”
    This did it for me. It was a great read. After Chero attains her desired weight Nduta should sigh up for “thirsty thursdays” (see what I did there)

  114. Indeed pornography meets art. I would like to read the unedited version.
    I would like if we would have a few more guest bloggers with the female view on sex topic whether true or fictional…This writer has made me feel so normal and able to speak and share about a similar encounter without “shame” and fear of being given labels..

  115. Biko was excellent in introducing Nduta…however, the fun in the piece runs as far as shaving the kinky pubes from whence i feel completely disassociated with the article….Let Nduta stick to her sexual stuff elsewhere isince this article does not auger well with the reader’s expectations (read me).

  116. “Then he leans to the right a little, and with that, there’s a spot he’s touching that makes me feel like he’s just about to make me explode.”….. Nduta I can so relate… Oh yes!!!!!

  117. the introduction by Biko was more interesting than the piece by Nduta. this guest writer did not do it for me.the only filth in this story is how we are not honouring our marriage vows.
    otherwise we are all enjoying sex one way or another.

  118. The guy is married, Nduta should have known better. & the Tan-za-ni-an removing the ring does not make it a lesser evil. & to think that they were discussing their kids to validate their actions, sick!

  119. is it just Me! I was fascinated by bikos disclaimer more,felt like somewhere at the end I will get an agree or disagree check box

  120. Reading her story is like watching a sex scene, it’s one of those things you sometimes feel guilty about but you know that once you start, oh-oh, you gotta finish it. We don’t quit here.

  121. Hahaha Reading this is like deja vu for me. My employer seconded me to Tanzan-ii-a for a three months stint. I had been untouched for over 365 days. He was a consultant with my company. Tall, dark and handsome. On the day we met he invited me for drinks at a fancy restaurant. Sparks flew. Our first of many romps was in a city hotel. He’d mentioned a girlfriend but it was too late for the both of us. He came to Nairobi a year later and I returned the favour. And I totally feel Nduta on the Swahili sweet-nothings….

  122. There is a raw sense of chirpiness about Nduta that is refreshing and bold. A very interesting read. I must admit we are not used to sex here….but Biko, those rules need a referendum once in a while.

  123. I’m an avid reader of your texts because underneath the humor you also have something to pass along. And up until this moment I’ve shared in your thoughts and feelings about this troubling and exciting moments of our lives. This one is not you. Telling your sexual adulterous/promiscuous escapades, just so, doesn’t have anything inviting for me. I do lots of stupid things but to hand out pages of my gory-scened diary beats the sense of having put them in the diary on the first place.

  124. Hmmmmm, not my kind of story, the guy is married….I feel like it tainted the page.

    And though set in Dar, it’s got Nairobi written all over it…

    Looking forward to Biko’s next post.

    P.S – The name Biko is always being autocorrected to Niko!

  125. Biko, first time commenter here. I read all your posts religiously and I enjoy each and every one of them 100%! This one is a no from me. I am uncomfortable with glorifying any form of cheating. Even if ‘everyone’ in Nairobi is doing it, it still don’t make it right. I have enjoyed all your writing because it’s creative, interesting and very captivating. None of it has been uncomfortable. If I was sitting in a room with your writing and Nduta’s writing walked in, I would walk out. Not because her writing is bad, but because it walked into the wrong house.

  126. Biko this story was not great! A story you do not think about after you have read it, is not great! and there was no tingle in my body sef! The hype of the story was better than the story. The part you should have edited should have been the part about him being married.

  127. Very good Prose Nduta. Biko, I laud you for uploading this…. Riveting read from both you (prologue) and her. However, despite the beautiful writing and Ndutas ability to capture the imagination of the reader wholesomely because this was a long post, I have a question that may not bode well with the masses judging by the comments above, What was the point of the story? It is lost on me. She had sex with a beautiful specimen of a man, and then what?

  128. First I rarely comment , second this is a well written piece in all manner of saying. Its art, factual or fiction it doesn’t matter Nduta has a way of creating an imagery that makes one want to hop to the next flight to Dar. Cast a stone only if you haven’t sinned in word thought or action. Would love the unedited version in my inbox. Go JB.

  129. They will see this for the art in it. I say run it. Besides, aren’t your readers all having sex?” (Actually I don’t think so. I think people who comment here with odd names are people who aren’t getting laid). hehehehe
    does my name sound odd am not starving though.
    Nice piece

  130. the unedited version: she is moving fast….she is racing…wanting to reach the destination badly. she can’t breath…she needs air..she needs release…still going…she is begging for more, but her words are incoherent as she moans in pleasure… her swell and ripe boobs bob up and down with her rhythm…she is moaning and begging. She is about to cum..she increases her speed…oh how she craves and desires this…oh how she had missed it. She is about to explode but the fingers stall. Oh no! damn fuck fuck she cries out in anger, frustration, pleasure and desperate want of that sweet release. She pounds on the guys chest with her hands…..she is mad. As her anger increases, her body obeys he pleas and her hips start grinding on his thigh. Her hands soften and he thrusts his dick in her and she catapults over as sweet warm …….
    My unedited version of how ‘Nduta’ got her groove back. loll

  131. So much hype for such mediocre filth. After all is said and done, he goes back home to his wife (poor thing) and most probably forgets about nduta… She goes back home a winner in the eyes of her kind, possibly with a ring in her ‘vagina’ (ok.. Perhaps i am pushing it). See, half the crowd here is sexually starved and the other is generation ‘Y’… I take it Bikozulu is neither.., perhaps that’s why he thought this post could have resulted in some sort of backlash. That said, why do these followers keep pasting excerpts from the blog on the comment section then effing ‘lol’ at that? And why are they such a superficial bunch? I have had it up to here (points at throat) with these guys!!

    1. “That said, why do these followers keep pasting excerpts from the blog on the comment section then effing ‘lol’ at that?” <<<< LOL

  132. I wouldn’t mind reading those dirty swahili words, or the end of that story. Feels like the lights went off and the draft got sent.
    She writes beautifully, it didn’t feel vulgar or offensive. High school (here and in the outside world) is not as pristine as we would like to think it is

  133. Too many people on here are okay with her sleeping with a married man. To you I say, I hope when it happens to you, it will be easy for you to be happy for your spouse and his/her lover(?) I hope you will give her a pat on the back and say “Well done. I celebrate the GREAT SEX you managed to get from my husband”. I hope you will celebrate her sexual liberation as you are doing for this Nduta despite the fact that it will have been your husband that gave it to her not_so_good (lets face it). Men, I hope it turns you on as much when it’s your wife’s ring disappearing as she bridge poses her genitals on another man’s abdominals.

    Also, can we just calm down with this “hypocrite” issue and use it in the right context? Just because I know I wouldn’t enjoy it if my husband was taking some woman out there on MY ride, doesn’t make me a hypocrite…

    May Karma find you. I hear she’s a bitch.

  134. The writer got me at “the day begins with me shaving my pubes”. Set
    the tone for what was to follow.

    The scene transitions were rather too fast, I reckon.

    Good to know that Ted’s “Naked Man” trick works.

    Hard to tell whether Nduta is being creative or the guy was.
    Nice prose, would have been nice to read it in its entirety!

  135. The comments are hilarious. The story touches a nerve, better yet an artery. Sex between consenting adults is not illegal. A country that embraces chips funga ,mpango wa kando and glorifies celebrities whose only claim to fame is naked pictures in real life , suddenly acts horrified when its in print…kuweni serious my guy.
    The gang voted and the ayes have it while appreciating your dilemma in seeking a happy medium, rest assured a Ninche exists for tasteful the elephant in the room is will ..Mr. Biko sign the Thirsty Thursdays act or Veto…lol

  136. I honestly enjoyed Nduta’s adventure. 300 days though, she needed it. Happy for you Nduta, you were cleansed. Now this confirms these pic quotes I saw onDr Hart’s page that said “when a girl says ‘OMG I can’t believe am doing this’ just know she had it all planned from the moment she shaved” and “Alcohol! Because no great story ever began with a salad…” He he I couldn’t agree more. Biko this feels like a confession Nduta needed to make to someone and she chose you and your audience. The catholic in me is thinking “Forgive me father for I have sinned…” 🙂

    1. If i reply, am sure the comment wont see the light of day….lol. it sounds even bizzarre in Kiswahili.

      Meanwhile Biko, you could direct the gang to Philip Etemesi. He has the kind of stuff that would make f
      or an enthralling reading, for those in need of the edited version.

  137. Nduta should visit Dar more often… We are willing to sponsor her trips. Cord should have come up with a paybill for Nduta instead of teachers.

  138. Whaaat!!! I nearly called my dad to report how abruptly the story ended…theflow was awesome..kept you going on, i love how real she is.
    Good piece…very good piece.

  139. Spot-on Erotica. Thrilled. The locations are real, meaning the story is verified. So shush it, Thomases. Don’t even get me started on the ring debate. Soils the intentionality of the story. Wow!

  140. Wow amazing stuff right there. Made my day absolutely.At this rate I’m going to read every single story on this site.

  141. I couldnt stop laughing. The comment that guys who have wierd names couldnt get laid, got me giggling. Of course not to mention the use of the sacred word; Vagina. Were u trying to prime the audience by mentioning it 5 times b4 Nduata’s piece? Note; I’ve written the comment b4 reading the main article.

    1. Its official; I’m a prude & I’ve been one since I can remember. The article was ok. What unhinged me was that the guy was married. Lets just say I respect the institution & I’ve got peculiar idiocyncrasies.