To Be Clear


Yesterday I was called a misogynist on twitter. Which means someone thought I hate women. That I want nothing but to erase them from the world and instigate their downfall. Oh, well, every day you learn something new about yourself.  As I sat in a corner, contemplating my ugly misogynistic ways, someone told me that I was trending. I was astonished because I hadn’t applied for a UK visa, so I went to the trending topic “Biko” and read through a mishmash of mentions that ranged from freedom fighting and South Africa’s Steve Biko to me and the Jadudi saga.

If you are on twitter, by now you have probably read the brouhaha around #1miliforjadudi – the sequel. Because I wrote the story here and asked you to donate for this ailing chap and you guys came out abundantly and in grace, I would like to make a few things clear here, because I owe you (and myself) that.

First, I think we all know the history of the Jadudi campaign. Zawadi approached me and asked me to be part of that campaign to help him go for treatment in India. My role was to tell his story.

Fact: The campaign wasn’t my brainchild.

Fact: I knew squat about crowd funding.

Later, I was accused of not crediting Zawadi Nyong’o, the person who spearheaded this campaign in a couple of articles thereafter. I should have given to Caesar what belongs to Caesar but in an error of tragic omissions, I didn’t. I remain very regretful of that oversight and to that effect I emailed Zawadi yesterday and apologized to her for not acknowledging her contribution.

I want to state here that after my last Jadudi post on this blog, thanking you guys for coming through the way you did, I stepped back into the shadows. With the exception of a BBC-radio phone interview, I intentionally avoided any and all media engagement. But it’s not only media I avoided, I also distanced myself from the post & the furor and excitement it generated. I mentioned here that I was not going to be involved in any of the financial aspects of the money raised or in any dealings between Jadudi and the Africa Cancer Foundation (ACF). I communicated here what I was told by ACF: that the money was going to be held in Trust for Jadudi and disbursed when his medical needs called for it.

Since then I have not been involved in any financial, management or social undertakings of Jadudi. I have not been in his interviews or press briefings. Although we WhatsApp once in a while, I have never revisited his topic in this blog or elsewhere. I don’t have any email correspondences between myself and ACF relating to Jadudi.  I’m not a signatory to any account and no red cent from this campaign ever landed on my hands, directly or by proxies. Which means that when news broke out on Twitter that NHIF took care of all his hospital bills, I learnt of it the same way you did, through twitter. To that end my nose and conscious remain untainted.

I am a writer. I write then I step back into my cave which offers me the familiarity and comfort of obscurity. Bright lights are not for me. There was never any bigger agenda in writing Jadudi’s story other than to help him raise funds for his surgery.

It is unfortunate that we are here. That such horror can come from such a good place, a place of compassion and humanity and generosity. I’m honestly quite distressed about this whole Jadudi hoo-hah and how it might affect the giving nature of Kenyans. This was supposed to be about us helping a boy fight a ghastly disease, not a mud-slinging jamboree, and if I knew it would turn into this circus, I would have easily walked away from it all.

But nevertheless, here we are, and I pray that sobriety and good sense prevails.

Chocolate Man. (Couldn’t help it)

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  1. You made this Jadudi story trend. That is why people associate this campaign with you. You did your job. It is infuriating that now this kind of bashing is happening. After Jadudi, several bloggers (including me) were approached to help different people. What happened to you is a deterrent to those who might want to help in future because some people think we are out to steal their thunder.

    Biko, you do not need to anyone’s thunder. You are a storm by yourself.

    Charity is about the cause, I still insist. Not the person. You do not give to be seen and mentioned everywhere. Unless you are a politician or an expat.

    Anyway, what’s done is done.

    1. Unless you are a politician.hahaha, Magoon i see what you did there. Pliz note,we will not defend you when thunders come looking for you!

  2. haha well put chocolate man don’t fuss about what people say, you know you’re doing something right when people trash talk you

  3. I saw the tweets and i automatically knew that “my Biko” can not do this. You did you part Mr. Big Forehead Chocolate man. May God shower you with his blessings all thorough to little Biko.

  4. There will always be that rotten tomatoe that spoils the rest.You did the work God sent you here to do(help humanity in any way you can),so don’t let anyone bring you down for doing good Chocolate man.

  5. well just to b clear. i too learnt of this jadudi stry from twitter but even upon reading the allegations against i wasn’t convinced you were in on it. i may not have the facts n its true good people do bad things samtyms but on this one i follow my gut and it tells me u are clean. n its prudent of you to write this piece to clear the air.

  6. Chocolate Man, I for one know your as clean as a pingpong ball. are they clean? Am just sad that some ninjas on twitter may make Jadudi feel bad for asking for their help. Yesterday I was thinking about that cancer patient who will not ask for help since he/she (See what i did am not misogynist) will be thinking of all the bad names they will get and prefer to let his body get bartered by cancer than by #KOT

  7. I am actually quite surprised you needed to explain all that. ..Personally i felt it was clear from the word go. Anyhow today you’ll be at the bottom of the trend and by tomorrow your worries will surely be a non issue. Let it go. The world needs more people like you and Zawadi.

    1. Only it was Zawadi herself who fuelled the claim that Biko deliberately did not give her any credit and made it look like he had come from a bad place and we all know that wasn’t the case.
      You should check out her twitter.
      I know we don’t talk about people here but facts are facts,right?
      I was very disappointed,to say the least.
      So for me,the world needs more people like Biko and the gang,period.

  8. #ChocolateMan please bear in mind that in this world not everyone can like you or be in agreement with whatever you try to advance. In life we write so many examinations till that day when your local SDA Elder will say ash from ash and flesh from flesh. Consider this as one of those many exams. You did your part in Jadudi’s case and the whole world got impressed, if anyone has an issue with what you did am challenging them to dare take the path of legal redress because courts are still open. Anyway Kenyans being who they are will want to pick beef with anything. I would only suggest that you continue keeping your head low as always. We are a country that suffers from episodic excitement. Today its #ChocolateMan trending tomorrow am sure it will be something else. And my parting shot to Wuod Kendu Bay continue writing it won’t go in vain.

  9. Biko i find that 99% of the time these things work themselves out. you did your part, your conscience is clear. ignore that bird twitter, and just go on living your life thankful and aware that when it mattered and before NHIF decided to run some PR shit off of Kenyans hard work, you did your part for free.
    as for you being a misogynist. people will always see what they want and interpret it as they want. again not your problem, its their problem.
    now this are two sad stories in a row make me laugh soon or so help me God am gonna get a “HAKI YETU” thing going!

  10. You did your part Biko. God knows the campaign was a success because of the huge part you played in it: telling the story. Many of us gave because of the compelling nature of the story narrated by you. You have never sought credit for it. That someone could feel slighted because they felt that not enough credit was given them or that your credit overshadowed theirs is unfortunate. The important thing is Jadudi got the help he needed. It doesn’t matter what people say, I am still very much your loyal fan Biko. I believe in you. I trust you and I am a woman. My first comment ever on this blog.

  11. Mr. Chocolate Man- forget the haters- their purpose is to always bring negativity. We stood with Jadudi because it made sense. We will stand with anyone else who legitimately needs help. Keyboard haters live only for that to hate.
    Brush that dust off your shoulders and keep your head (forehead) up.
    Also we are not going to Patpong.
    Have an awesome day!

  12. Mr Biko. You provided a forum where people of goodwill came forward to help. If called upon, I will contribute again and again. Let the haters hate….after all they are just that, HATERS.

  13. Oh chocolate man,it is unfortunate that nowadays people take part in noble causes for recognition. Hail the cameras and all things publicity. You did your part by giving the campaign the popularity it needed hence its success so sit back and tell us more stories. Forget about people seeking thunders.

  14. It’s a shame and how quick KOT are to judge and point fingers is so annoying. It is such minds that destroys good will & is killing us as a nation. Take heart Biko, you diligently fulfilled your purpose. It is well

  15. I was personally appalled that someone wanted recognition for this noble venture. Speaking for myself, when I read that article it was all about Jadudi and the ‘thing on his head’ and how could I assist? Not the brainchild of sijui what campaign, not misogyny and certainly not Zawadi ;and the only part ACF came in is when we were assured that the money would be held in trust AGAIN for Jadudi. Not anyone else. I still insist if she wanted recognition, she should try acting like her sister and leave the ones who want to help, help without expecting anything in return.Reading her reactions to the alleged ‘erasure’ left me totally disgusted . Puuh!

    Biko continue doing what you do best.

  16. I intently followed the Jadudi story and I was stupefied that you avoided the limelight entirely. (I recall Jeff lamenting on jkl when he hosted the chap). I admired that – immensely. that in itself speaks volumes. Look here Biko, you can’t impress everyone, however saintly your intentions and actions are. and don’t allow such misplaced slander dampen your warm heart. I’m with you 150%. cheers!

        1. That’s right, Muthoni. The gang understands. Biko Zulu remains my man of the year – let whoever say what they will! #1Milli4Jadudi – any day, anytime, especially when #chocolateman speaks…

  17. Every time i scroll through twitter and see this nasty rumors, i just have this snobbish look….. very sad that some blogs are fueling rumors on this Jadudi issue. Its very unfortunate that some people feed on spewing hate! just keep doing you Biko

  18. Biko, we the gang knew that. You didn’t have to explain, it was obvious from the word go. Nonetheless, I am firmly in your corner. You did a good job of it and we know it.

  19. you played the role GOD wanted you to play in the whole thing and that is all that matters. keep going and helping where you can.

  20. Every good story has a bad ending. Its so sad that good intentions can turn taint your image. People thought you made a name out of it, that’s why you see all this revulsion.
    It wont affect our spirit though. It was a act for a good course, don’t waste your energy thinking about it.

  21. Biko Relax…..humanity is cruel …you help this kid by writing his story and contributed I gues … But people will always judge you whether you do good or Bad…Let them have their moment

  22. Your conscience is the most important. You did your best to help Jadudi.

  23. Hey Chocolate man, you did your part and did a mighty good job of it if i do say so myself. That is all that matters.

  24. Jaduon’g Biko, sobriety and good sense will prevail.Don’t tire doing. Accountability is vital in money matters but again leave it to them to give account.

  25. I believe the way, after high tea at the British High Comission, did they release the visa ama?

  26. I hardly keep up with the Joneses on twitter, and yes, it’s really unfortunate we are here. Your story that kickstarted Jadudi’s fundraising did mention Zawadi tweet asking for your help and that the fund went into an account run by Africa Cancer Foundation (of which Zawadi is CEO). I know this because I read all 1800+ words. We are only here because of their (KOT) inability to comprehend anything beyond 140 characters. Should we care? {probably, is this our childrens future (!)} but in Highschool, I think not! The Gang is with you on this one, Chocolate man 😛

  27. This too will come to pass just like the smoke from the privates of those girls from Bangkok. We get you loud and clear and hopefully this can as well be shared as many times as the previous related ones.

  28. Chocolate Man.Don’t take them haters seriously. I think the folks that (might) have needed credits are those that donated the millions, and you already thanked them enough.Ero kamano,
    Biko.God bless.

  29. Pole sana Biko. Unfortunately sometimes that happens to people when they are a brand. I don’t even think NHIF would have done that had you not told Jadudi’s story. That is the power of storytelling.

    1. I totally agree! Biko’s story and the support that followed embarrassed NHIF enough to cause them to pay. Jadudi’s case is just one in a million cases that they should pay for but never pay.

  30. Biko what you did was selfless right from the onset. That kind of awesomeness is rare. I still applaud you, Zawadi and of course Kenyans. and I’m never ever calling you chocolate man.m

  31. ooh Biko pole am not on twitter right now so not aware
    of the Bashing but well these things happen and this is
    life. You do realize who thrive on pain and hurting others
    Ever It actually does not really matter for me I will still
    patiently wait for the next post and if you call for help
    again I will still do what I can.

  32. The gang is always going to be here to support you, on twitter or right here at home.
    ION: Why are women ok with being feminists but won’t hear of misogynists?

  33. this is not the time to gloss over words.we tell it as it is.we are a rotten society to the core.havent you heard the clamour for matunda ya uhuru?i know of places where the advent of independence was its own rewards.but here we want the is not enough that we did it for the country and is this syndrome that has spilled over to all our srata in our society and the hyenas think there was something for you.bullshit.your conscience is clear so is ours

  34. It is only fair to get Zawadi to write a post on this blog explaining everything. There are a lot of unanswered questions which has led to Twitter going berserk.
    Talk to Zawadi, give hear a platform to clear the air.

      1. There would be no point in inviting her.The intention that fueled the funding was pure, all this other hullabaloo should not be given airtime

    1. There is no point, if she wants, let her start her own blog of explanations. Let us as the gang rise above mediocrity. We are a community of prudent people and Biko has demonstrated just that.

  35. Chocolate Man, you did your part and became a fundamental component of a beautiful journey for Jadudi and other Kenyans. You should never regret that whether or not you gave credit to Zawadi and others. Your part was to create awareness of Jadudi’s case and rally kenyans behind him, which you did beautifully. If something else crops up in the future, it does not reduce the quality and importance of what you did. After all, we know the way NHIF works and how it drags its feet, so it is understandable that it could have come latter to pay for Jadudi’s medical treatment AFTER he was already in India. I am sure they would not have done that without your incredible rallying call. Efforts by other people (especially in the media) to throw mud at such a noble cause are regrettable but not enough to make the whole exercise incredible.

  36. You did it for Jadudi. And it was good. No matter what other people say. You are at peace with yourself. Remember that you don’t have friends in Nairobi.
    Mr Chocolate Man.

  37. Just a vote of extremely high confidence in my literary hero, and to remind the naysayers that Biko never wanted the attention from the onset of this noble but recently tainted cause.
    Biko i hope this negativity doesn’t make you regret your involvement in the selfless act of humanity. Most of all i hope it doesn’t make you shy away from future opportunities to turn around another person’s life. Who knows? It might be a mother to the most negatively- vocal tweep right now (God Forbid). After all, the pen WILL always be mightier than all.

  38. Chocolate man, you did your part (tenda wema) and you moved on (nenda zako). You don’t owe anyone an explanation of what happened after your article. Anyway, I hope that you will be of help the next time a “Jadudi” will be in need of your excellent writing skills. Yours truly, Charcoal Man LOL

  39. Dear Mr chocolate man. A young man is alive todag and probably on his way to full recovery from the big C because you told his story. In addition Janet Kanini is probably going to get all the finances to fight her battle because you told the Jadudi story. You have done your part. You probably did in one short story more than most of us will ever do for another human being in our life time. As they say, those who can’t do write, sorry I meant talk (see what I did there?).

  40. Ama someone also withdrew 7m from NHIF and has realised there’s nowhere to hide and has turned Zawadi into a scapegoat knowing very well that with her dads past as health boss it’s easy to conjure the story we’ve been reading…hii ni Kenya..magical Kenya…we specialise in making money disappear

  41. What you did Biko was a real Shujaa and selfless act. You helped Jadudi, and you helped bring out the best of Kenyans- we gave and we felt great to be a part of bringing a +’ve change in someone’s life. Every day, through your humor, you change our life’s, you brighten our dull moments, you make us live longer. And for that, we love you and applaud you big time. Forget the “small people” vibes.

  42. The cries of the frogs do not stop the cows from drinking water…

    At least I get a second read, two days in a row, Wow! Love your work Biko. Soldier on!

  43. You should have mentioned her, bold, Italic, comic sans underline and a bow on top!! Steve, you shouldn’t worry about this at all. I don’t know from when did charity become show-fest.

  44. BIG surprise about NHIF catering for those costs…..
    So what did ACF do with the Jadudi money? We contributed for him ……..
    Why must people be lauded and sang about when they are doing their job?

  45. Woishe! Just woisheyest Biko. Just for the record, i totally believe you. Your heart is clean and so were your intentions. Anyone who sees anything else clearly needs to make an optical appointment. This gang member is totally witchu on this. Call us up again anytime, and we will support the cause. This too shall pass.

  46. I think it’s time the gang met you, biko and we all gave you a huge group bear hug. You are clean Chocolate man. And the Gang knows you are.

  47. Biks Biks Biks!!!! I love this ‘such horror can come from such a good place’.

    You are one of the people who I know believes in gender equality…this misogyny business is just Bull…Pamoja!!!

  48. Thank you Biko for appealing to the public who came through their numbers and felt the need to help Jadudi during his time of most need. You did your part and don’t owe anyone an explanatio or apology.

  49. How predictable you are Biko! I was expecting this and I’m glad you wrote it. There’s lots of misinformation out there-yesterday I was clarifying tosomeone that you did not manage the paybill number; you just wrote the story. Anyhow, the news was heartbreaking for me. That notwithstanding, it does not change the good that you did. And that was formidable regardless of recent ‘developments’

  50. Anyone who wants to know Biko’s position in all this should actually take time to read “the thing in Jadudi’s head”. It’s self explanatory. I applaud (is that the right word?) you Biko!

  51. If you do something something inadvertently goes wrong…its in our DNA.Even if its something great.forgive the nay sayers…they will learn.

  52. Biko, if ever there was a time a sister was proud of you this is/was it! You did your best and leave the rest to God. Sometimes, when we least expect it s*** happens. We applaud you and Zawadi. Hugs

  53. Hi chocolate man 🙂 (just wanted to call you that)
    personally I donated because your article spoke to me, I Hope this mess gets sorted out too for other people who might need help in future.
    Otherwise ;), walk with you head held high Ulimtendea binadumu mwenzako mema and God was pleased with you.

  54. Rest easy Biko… Eat. Drink.Sleep.Play with the kids. You did your part. With you all the way including braving our big foreheads:-)

  55. Chocolate Man (He he) I get you on this. Having been involved in the #Give4Ezra campaign, I remember the social media police branding us rent seekers out to ride on the generosity of Kenyans. But if your soul understands that you did it for the good of Emmanuel, then be fully satisfied. Be carefree of what someone else understands. Its none of your fault. Your mind is clear and grateful of the part you played… Too bad my Ezra did not make it *(sob)*.

  56. You did your part. we all knew Zawadi was involved I think you did acknowledge her in your thank you blog. My question is…..why didn’t NHIF stop the campaign when it was on? why did they wait till now

  57. Whoever said ‘life is unfair, live with it’ must have seen this coming. I looked at u and perhaps wondered why some idler in twitter could be so hard on u and make fuss over ur post, better could it be if it was ur forehead trending. I’m by ur side chocolate man. pole woishe

  58. we are your follows they aren’t, we contributed they didn’t, you said thank you they didn’t, they offered their criticisms and bad mouthing all for nothing… do they matter to us? no they don’t but at least we know the weed in the wheat farm.. biko when you do your harvest you know how to separate your followers… keep up the good work sir. we the readers are happy ( I hope I speak for many here)

  59. Woi Biko….i don’t know you much but i would bet alot to assure anyone you are a good guy…rub that GREAT guy….don’t worry what the bad guys do in good name you did the right thing so did anyone else who gave….forget it and lets go back to Bangkok stories…(why do i feel the need to end with i love you and a hug?)

  60. “You did the best you could, the best you knew how at the time.” Oprah. You don’t need explanations for the good deed done.

  61. From the onset, Biko, I noticed you try as much as possible to avoid the spotlight, even where it’s honestly and truly deserved. You wove a great piece on Jadudi’s storo that spoke to the hearts of many, which is what good writing is meant to do. Do not allow jaded and seriously lost people take that from you.
    P.S. Can I turn the Chocolate man into Chocolate thunder? Sounds waaay cooler 🙂

  62. Aren’t these the same people that plastered Jesus on the cross?? To expect anything better from them is to fool yourself. People talk bro, usiku watalala. When we wake up tomorrow and they here north eastern has been auction off to some country or other then that will be trending. And what insinuations being held against you (haven’t heard anything about though, must be following the wrong things on twitter) will be long forgotten

  63. in kikuyu there’s a saying “kirîîdí nô kíríà kìàri na muthà.translation the mass is still the same as it was with Moses in the bible.” the gang saw this unfold from the start let those twirrer hehe am sure they call twitter that talk you did what you set out to do now let them hate…

  64. When you help a person and you sit there to be awarded with recognition? what do you call that? Just asking….. Pole about the whole saga. I just cant help it…choclate man.

  65. I honestly think it was childish for Zawadi to brew a storm..This is an issue she could have sorted by a phone call to Biko instead of taking to twitter .. Well done Biko..tenda mema

  66. Anybody with half a brain can read your blog from the start of #ImilliForJadudi and and realise all you did was to give us a background and context of Jadudi’s situation… I dare say money has been poured to tarnish your good name and noble gesture in these sideshows.

  67. From the word go, I knew that Mr. Cholate Man is innocent. We are a society that curses the good and praises the evil. I know that you are a good man! Keep doing what is good! I never knew that it will reach a point where an honest man has to explain himself yet we all know he is innocent. Keep writing Mr. Chocolate Man.

  68. Can’t believe how desperate some people can get for CHEAP publicity. The first place I ever read about Jadudi was this honourable blog. I then remember watching the interview about this campaign on Citizen TV with Julie Gichuru and Zawadi Nyongo. I also remember very well Julie saying Biko was in the studio but he didn’t want to appear on screen (because then he won’t be able to tinkle freely on James Gichuru road). I thought ok that is what men of distinction do. They help and that is it. No self-assertion. Unatenda mema unaenda zako. PERIOD. I also remember reading an article in this blog titled “That Thing in Jadudi’s Head” and I recall these lines….Zawadi Nyong’o also tweets me asking me if we can help Emmanuel (@Jadudi)…. This monies will land into an account run by Africa Cancer Foundation… We all helped a brother and wished him quick recovery. After that I don’t understand what this twitter hulabaloo is about and how some people were cut out. For heaven’s sake, cut out from what?? For sure Ahsante ya punda ni mateke. Kwani now every time we help we must stand on rooftops and let the whole world know that we helped or that we were never mentioned? For those seeking cheap publicity please seek it elsewhere and leave Chocolate Man alone. He is a man of honour, his work speaks for him and no other blog I know has quite the cachet of bikozulu. Please leave us alone we want to enjoy Thailand’s ping-pong show piece in peace. Ok?

  69. We the gang understand all we pray is Jadudi get well soon.For us who came up when our gang leader called will come again should we be called upon.We go back to our caves until then. Gang member

  70. I clearly need to be on twitter more.I had no idea this was going on.LOL.. So living in a bubble.BT this is all very kenyan minute we r helping n trending we r one hash tags n the next its hate speech n accusations nn all that bla blah..its nothing personal Biko

  71. Pole Biko, some people are just spoilers..Its clear that perhaps the bill was paid, but by the time you and Zawadi publicized the Jadudi story, no one knew it was going to be anyone trying so hard to look for a scandal is just being a spoiler…we gave with our hearts, and personally I dont mind even if the money is used to build Jadudi a house, or pay his school fees..,there are other expenses apart from paying hospital bills, so sielewi kelele ni ya nini..,Dont be discouraged Biko

  72. baas baas chocolate man!! iza Headmaster…. suck it up and do your thing. Me ni ule mrui wa gang school, seated backbench. Bangi zangu zimenishow usitie shaka…. SIR.God anacheki hii vibe na ako na wewe

  73. And to think someone somewhere couldn’t be happy Jadudi got his treatment and let it be. You did a good job Biko. Let the haters hate

  74. One day, In one of her shows, Tyra Banks told John Legend,that there was a strip club somewhere playing His songs… And strippers were busy shaking their money makers to his music. She further on went and asked him what he thought about the same. I have never forgotten his reponse. It became a life principle I live by. John Legend said that , then he was sure he was famous..

    Simply put, the publicity he got still helped him along his career line.

    Usikonde Biko…. as long as they are still talking about you (whether good or bad talks) , It means that you are still relevant to the society… When they stop, then you have lost meaning as a person… 🙂

  75. The issue of erasure of women’s contributions is widespread and occurs almost instinctively for many men. Sometimes it takes the ‘haters’ for one to face the truth about their social privilege. Hope you learned from this one.

    1. How exactly did Biko erase Zawadi’s contribution? If an article is written out a certain way, how does it become the interviewee’s responsibility? Not once did Biko not state Zawadi’s role adn competition. And quite frankly, as a woman I am fed up of the habit of lynch squads and the turning of everything into a women-victim story. It is disrespectful to the strength and power of women who actually have a real issue to fight. I am disgusted by the pettiness and by the loss of sight of what is most important in all this: the saving of a young man’s life through the efforts of ‘his people’, his country men and women. Serious guts, take a chill pill. There is a young man fighting cancer. Shame, shame, shame. This constant mauling of one another over stupidity that can be resolved with a conversation is so damaging to the soul. It feels so diabolic, the purpose of which is to divide and sow hatred where there had only been good. No woman’s contribution was erased. Bas! A woman has spoken.

    2. I have had to google this drama since am not on twitter.What I don’t get is why someone would be so hungry for acknowledgement for a noble cause regardless of their gender.I am a very rational feminist and I have seen those myopic comments on ‘erasure of women’s contribution in digital spaces.How shallow can we get honestly…these skewed perceptions of social media feminists will be the death of noble things.Maybe people are dealing with bigger issues like having a kid sister who is effortlessly drawing all positive vibes in Hollywood…and wanting to stay in the shadow of fame and recognition. But seriously,stupidy has acquired a new face canvassed in feminism.

  76. Biko, Twitter is weird place. I have seen some valid questions and many misguided tweets about the Jadudi story, many of these will erode trust and the Kenyan spirit of giving. You did your part and I didn’t even expect you to explain your involvement. It was pretty clear from the beginning. I think all that is left to say is don’t lose your trust in people. Keep doing good.

  77. illogical, and self-centered.
    Forgive them anyway.
    If you are kind,
    people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
    Be kind anyway.
    If you are successful,
    you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
    Succeed anyway.
    If you are honest and frank,
    people may cheat you.
    Be honest and frank anyway.
    What you spend years building,
    someone could destroy overnight.
    Build anyway.
    If you find serenity and happiness,
    they may be jealous.
    Be happy anyway.
    The good you do today,
    people will often forget tomorrow.
    Do good anyway.
    Give the world the best you have,
    and it may never be enough.
    Give the best you’ve got anyway.
    You see,
    in the final analysis it is between you and God;
    it was never between you and them anyway.

  78. You did well omin, looked at the twitter feeds yesterday and just saw some bitter women/men craving for recognition, maybe they were never kissed goodnight as children.

  79. Biko it saddens me how people usually fail wait for somebody to act in good faith and then “poo” on it like it was a child’s joke yet somebody’s life was on the line.

  80. Biko you did a fantastic job and thats all that matters. I hope that this experience doesn’t discourage you and others like you from lending a hand. And who is this Zawadi who isn’t behaving like a gift? Ashindwe!

  81. I only came to know of the #1MilliForJadudi effort through this blog, and from the outset it has been clear that Biko didn’t want any of the adulation/glory of a successful fund raising effort. It is one which was successful and whose template has been emulated since. From what I am gathering Biko was simply giving a narrative of the entire episode from his perspective. That didn’t please everybody, Zawadi started throwing tantrums and ascribed it to the cause of all evil according to her ilk, patriarchy & misogyny. The usual suspects joined in the lynching and it was ugly. That one has to write in a certain way to suit some politically correct sensibilities is a tragedy.

  82. Its amazing how we can some times lose sight of the vision we set for ourselves. This campaign was a team effort and nobody has bragging rights or whatever be it the person who just clicked “share” or sent 500 bob or the doctors and everyone who took part. There is no credit to be taken cause it is all God’s providence and mercy at work. We are only servants in the Lord’s vineyard.
    The blog post you did was one of your best works and am sure there was no dry eye left on those who read it. It was real.I think its important for each team member to appreciate the part they play and do their best. Its not a competition.

  83. “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun.”

  84. Actually, I started following your blog posts faithfully after you did the Ja-dudi story.You helped save a soul, receive a standing ovation.

  85. Dear Chocolate man,
    when you wrote about ‘the thing in his head” I had to give not because I had much but because I believed in the nobility of the course. you’ve been judged for the good you did but it’s okay…the gang gets you and most importantly believes you too.That said, I could give you a bear hug but am not one myself.
    yours truly,
    member of the gang.

  86. Isn’t it just amazing what some people are capable of? Do your thing Niko. As long as your conscious is clear you don’t have to answer to anyone.

  87. Biko, what others think is one of your business. Actually, I am a bit ish-ish that you chose to reply, dont be a common man, easily shaken!

  88. chocolate man, this is what I choose to take from the whole jadudi business… I still have faith in the good spirit of a kenyan people. the call was clear and we all rose to the occasion. Full stop. Biko you did your part and just like in the church, we gave our tithe…it’s not our business how it’s handled (if you are a believer) that’s God’s business. thank you for your tremendous role and don’t even think twice about it. God will deal with the rest. I’m proud of the kenyan spirit. I will keep giving. Just keep telling me the story. God bless Biko. God bless Kenyans.

  89. U can never bring down a good man….never stoop down to their level….we “THE GANG” are with you in this….


  90. Are you kidding me?? This has really upset me, dude you even refused to appear on the Trend when Zawadi, Jadudi and his mum were on simply because you didn’t want to get the ‘glory'(oh it wasn’t because you were hiding your forehead as you’d humbly state!!) Please do not let it stop you from doing what you do and treat all this nonsense with the contempt it deserves.

  91. biko, you didn’t need to apologise. You were speaking on behalf of yourself. If they want that attention let them start their own blogs. Big up chocolate man

  92. From my personal point of view. I contributed towards Jadudi’s cause because of your article.It really touched a deep part of me.I mean I was moved to tears with the narration of events… I would never have known about his case if it weren’t that am an ardent reader of yours. I still can’t remember the lady’s name(no offense) up to now because for me what she did was to use you as the medium for mobilizing people to that coin has flipped and now people are claiming ownership and global citizenship award is till beyond me…. please what’s her name again???? relevance people relevance……. Good Job Biko.

  93. Biko, I believe you. You came from a good place. You wanted to help Jadudi. Maybe someone or some people used the contributions for personal gain. Maybe they didn’t. If you called on my support again, I would support.

  94. Its dissapointing after such good work some people have guts to bash u…but tenda wema nenda zako..they can go hang themselves

  95. Most people here – everyone perhaps – understands the role you played Biko. Quite frankly, that campaign was successful because you wrote that piece. I for one, I am full of nothing else but utter admiration of the fact that you were not shining the light on yourself – even though it is clear to everyone that you played a major role. Unfortunately, the distractors will always live among the good doers.
    You did a noble thing; a great thing. The Gang knows it, Jadudi Knows it and God knows it. That settles it.

  96. Do not give up on the good. Do not give up on the power. We will not let the tainted after effects wound our hearts. We all did good. You did good. NHIF only came through when it was too embarrassing for them not to, and they came through only because you dared, with your heart, to lead us to our hearts. And the good of everything is that Jadudi is healing. The tears of a mother cannot be faked, and we saw the truth on his mother’s face. We must be aware of the powers of awfulness that will always try to intervene to kill the dream and evidence of our better selves. I deny it, I renounce it, I refuse it. To all of us who cared here, we did damn good. And you Biko, best of all. Thank you. And to Zawadi for recognising that you had the heft and the reach to make the dream happen. Dear Kenyans, we did so well. Nothing will ever take that away from us. It certainly got NHIF to do their bloody job, as anyone who has ever tried to obtain even fifty bob from them can testify..

  97. Keep writing, Biko. Don’t let the side shows distract you. Most of us don’t know Jadudi, and we may never know him, we simply sought to support our fellow Kenyan. That was out bit. The rest, not in our hands. Proud of us still.

  98. Most people contributed because they were moved by your article. Whats her name came to you in the first place cause she recognized your ability to mobilize people with your words . the gang is behind u 200%.

  99. Wow….just checked out the convo on twitter and they sure had some good ol’ laugh abt you taking all the credit and how you are ” Erasing women “….this is enough stuff to keep you up at night.But your heart was in a good place and we believe the lack of mention was an honest mistake.chin up man

  100. Psalm 109 is agood read for you bro. Atleast now you know you saved alife . JADUDI from that scary thing in his head.

  101. I make sure to read your articles. they aren’t shallow. they are deep. leave shallowness to simple people. and keep doing what you know to do. write, write, write. while it may shock you that people are shallow, not all are subscribers to mediocrity.

  102. But this twits on KOT are special…How did this story get twisted to become a woman’s issue? Someone give this woman a billboard already. The rest of us will actually work to make a difference. Keep doing you chocolate man.

  103. I haven’t been on twitter for a while so really don’t get what happened but from the comments what I can say is that I hope it does not discourage you from helping someone else in whatever capacity you can in future. God bless you and as always good writing.

  104. Am sad to hear that someone doubted your good intentions.
    Do you hate women? i don’t know man. but it got me thinking from your writing.
    thinking about how you describe women in your life.. “The Missus” and this descriotion about a girl who works in you office caught my eye too

    “There is a girl in our office (the only girl in an office of about nine) a campus girl called Lucy who has been hired by Fred to handle his social media things. She’s a mouthy, brash, witty, and quite hysterical. ” (taken from the birthday cake blog)

    Well majority of your following are women. I think i will read your writing more critically now and of course with an open mind about what you think about women

  105. Matthew 6:1 says that we are to be careful when doing acts of righteousness-which is giving to the needy. We should not do it unto men-because it will be fully rewarded by men but unto God who sees in secret then rewards us in broad daylight- (presence of all men). The tricky thing about giving is that we are not sure that we will receive from men just as we have given. So the only thing we are sure of is Ourselves and God’s word. You might decide to go with what the world thinks or rest with what God says giving is. He engineered giving so trust Him to go about it right. From the physical position that He is seated in, we can be sure that He is way above our thoughts and our judgements and can be influenced by none. He also sees the inner man, si we don’t take the conscience clarity lightly because that God’s measure of judging.Our conscience is actually more important than what people, that what anyone says.He has the other judgement of wisdom, that is, He sees what needs to be done and not what has already been done (learn to perceive like this also). He gives equal grace for equal needs so no matter who wronged, He treats them right because that’s who He Is (see what’s important here-who we are takes us through what has been said about us). So He gives back to all those who gave in His cause and giving to the needy is His cause. He gives forgiveness to those who are clearly on the wrong before He decides for the future. And finally all the time belongs to Him and so with time He Makes Everything (victim and offender) beautiful.

  106. Pay them no mind Chocolate Man. We’ve got your back.
    The gang and the hundreds of Asian women who oh so wish to touch that you.

  107. Biko, a man is known by his deeds! The gang knew you before Jadudi and will stand by you through thick and thin. You did what you were meant to do for Jadudi at that time, move on. We come back to this blog because of you Biko. Full Stop!!

  108. I will make google my friend and see what the hullabaloo is all about since I am not on twirra**Anyway Biko…may good sense prevail

  109. I bet zawadi had no problem with anything, You both were acting out of goodwill. Pay no attention to online busybodies. The noisiest ones are probably those whi did not chip in at all!

  110. I don’t do news. I also don’t do newspapers or magazines except watch out for your articles in them. What am i saying? I would have had absolutely no way of knowing about Jadudi if it weren’t for you. How you wrote about him,labored to make the struggle real and painted the picture of a young man in need of our help made me contribute immediately after reading.

    I ain’t active on twitter so i also don’t know about the hate there but haters gonna do what they do best. You do what you do best…..write them into oblivion.

    And Chocolate man? Really? The vanity in you Biko,the vanity! I laugh all the same

  111. Biko,You did what was right .if criticism of your writing had led you to believe that you are not a prolific writer then the gang would never have had the opportunity to assemble and “listen” to Chocolate Man.Your conscience is clear and let not this rumbles of nay sayers dissuade you from doing what you believe is right.

  112. Didn’t realize there was so much fuss over something so noble. Pay no mind to the nay sayers, you did your part and that’s all that matters. Seeing Jadudi smile makes my heart warm and it wouldn’t have been possible without people like you.

  113. Facts are facts, the #1miliforjadudi campaign got that much publicity because of you and your God-given talent of writing and that’s why Zawadi approached you and not other bloggers. Your humility, honesty and transparency in light of these facts are what I applaud and that’s what keeps us, the gang coming back to this space. Keep doing you Jackshon.

  114. Exactly, agreed. When you donate to a cause, don’t let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. Why do we want to compromise the peace that Jadudi should be experiencing and time for recuperation with scandals? That money will be used for other cancer victims I’ m sure. That’s just fine in my books, why do we want to change a beautiful story like Jadudi’s into an ugly one? Is this the Kenyan mentality? Have we stooped so low? NHIF payment is politically motivated to increase client confidence. Its not a genuine gesture like the one that volunteers and Kenyan citizens made to donate to Jadudi’s cause.! The focus should be on NHIF and not on the effort of Kenyans to save Jadudi’s life!
    this has made so much sense to me.
    from a post by @evanjeri on NairobiNews website

  115. Chocolate man, pole for trending for the wrong reason. Unfortunately sometimes this is part of the deal when you write for the masses. The gang will be with you even if it means calling for a public demonstration to clear the air.

  116. Biko, the kid got his surgery. any little contribution anyone made (money, story, prayers), it gave him a chance and was well worth the effort (and backlash 🙂 ).

  117. Biko you should sit down with the likes Larry Madowo for tips, he is now immuned to the narcissism that’s ailing our social media. You did your bit and honestly i thought you conducted yourself with a hell lot of modesty despite the fact that you played a major role too. I think misogynist is a very strong term though, 🙂