Month: March 2016

Bring Back The Movies

Bring Back The Movies


The famed millennials are now too busy making memes, creating a storm online and tinkering with the internet and things that support the internet. Everything is on the internet now; jokes, houses, movies, series, medical consultation, food and girls. …

The Questions They Ask

The Questions They Ask


Over the weekend in shags I woke up at dawn and as I reversed I saw my dad, a toothbrush stuck in his kisser, asked me where I was going so early. I told him I was going to

From Togo With Love

From Togo With Love


The only reason we stay standing is because we are under the shadow of our mothers’ prayers. Every day our mothers wake up and put us in the hands of the Lord. And every evening as the light hands …

A Love Letter To Kidum

A Love Letter To Kidum


I have loved Kidum for years. Loved him because, for me, Kidum has always been genderless. Kidum, for me, has been a “thing.” A thing that brought joy. Kidum has always been a tune, a melody, a song of …

Light It Up.

Light It Up.


By Hanafi Kaka I Resident Geek

This smart, simple gadget is for those who have to bang copy at three in the morning, trying to turn simple words into complex sentences, and short paragraphs into sophisticated plots. ‘Transnighters’