
I recently saw this boy in the parking lot of a certain mall, lanky and bony, dressed like a hungover Chris Brown. He looked about 19 or a few months over. He had on those golden high-shoes that kids wear nowadays and ripped skinny jeans showing both of his knees. He was leaning on a white Range Rover Sport chatting up this equally young girl who looked delicate and fragile with brittle twig-like bones, wearing the shortest skirt invented by man. A skirt so short that if she laughed too hard would show her knickers, or whatever it is that girls that age call whatever they wear underneath their garments. She was on her phone, typing and scrolling as the boy chatted. Rich kids. The driver’s door was open and they were listening to strange music, rap/hiphop/ pop music, one of those songs that are sung by shirtless chaps with golden teeth and tattooed torsos. Smoke came out of that car.  But it wasn’t firewood smoke, it was weed. I know the smell of weed.  Weed doesn’t smell like popcorn. Weed smells like weed. You can imagine my dismay. My utter indignation. What was this spectacle in front of me? If you are in my age bracket you probably had the same socialisation, so you can guess what I thought about that spectacle. I thought to myself: How the hell are they going to lower the dignity of a Range Rover like that? No seriously. There are some cars that demand a certain level of respect. It reminded me of those guys who buy (or are given) those sleek Mercedes, the S or E-class, and they proceed to put those loud sporty Subaru-like wheels on them, and add all these gaudy bells and whistles on the car, and then to add insult to immense injury, they play loud booming music from those cars announcing themselves as if an S-Class has ever needed to be announced. It’s pornographic. It’s like putting a bullhorn on a Rolls Royce. Or writing “Njuguna Constructors, P.O. BOX 23 Kutus” in small print on the door of a Jaguar XF. I mean, come on. And so to see smoke coming out of that Range like that….I don’t know, it made the Range look like a traditional hut. A very expensive hut, but a hut nonetheless. I imagined how that car landed in the hands of those kids. Maybe it was mom’s “other car,” and the boy said he was thinking of going to the mall to “hang out” with his “pals” because he was bored (only rich kids get bored by the way) and so mom waved him away telling him to take “one of the cars,” (there are six in the driveway and two in the garage) and to make sure that he was home before 10pm. And off he went, picked his chick up from, I don’t know, Lavington, then picked weed from his other pal and then, there they were, probably drinking Martel from an off-licence, as they listened to Fetty Wap or O.T Genasis, bobbing on his $200 flashy shoes, stinking up the upholstery with cannabis residue and feeling squat. I just thought that if they wanted to smoke weed they could have done it somewhere else, not in a Range Rover Sport. There are so many trees in Lavington they could have picked to go smoke their weed under. Even on the rooftop of a random building. Or at friend’s house. Not in a Range Rover, guys. You can smoke weed in a Nissan X-Trail, a Toyota Crown, a Honda Civic, and certainly in a Subaru. In fact go ahead and smoke weed in a Subaru; that car was built for debauchery. Not a Range Rover. Not a Mercedes. Not an Audi. It’s like pissing on a war hero’s grave. I drove away and left that crime scene and didn’t think about those kids again until I was narrating the spectacle to some chap who is a Range Rover enthusiast. I thought about that girl in a short skirt and thought, shit, someone somewhere calls her ‘his little angel’. Someone who is, what, 52-years old, and probably has no clue that she hangs out with Fetty Wap there, who has introduced her to weed and is definitely trying to get into her pants. Or maybe, God forbid, she’s the one who has been trying to get into Fetty Wap’s pants but little  Fetty isn’t too keen because he’s currently focusing on more important and urgent things in his life; you know, like weed. He probably did everything right, this poor father. He worked hard, he took her to a great school, he kissed her goodnight, he bought her books, he talked with her, he did everything to build her self-confidence, gave her opportunities and worried over her, and then he left the rest for Jesus; and while Jesus was on a bathroom break, Fetty here showed up and handed her a blunt. Amidst a haze of smoke, he told her that she had nice boobs and all the self-confidence her father instilled in her made her smile goofily and say, “I know!” She giggled and her confidence blossomed because now Fetty there with his torn jeans had validated her. Of course things start going pear shaped from there. I then realised that we are screwed. We are in the hands of weed-head Fetty. He has most of the cards and he can play any hand he chooses. I was seated at a bar sharing a table recently with two mothers as well as their 18 and 20-year old kids. The 18-year old boy was drinking a mocktail and the 20-year old girl was sipping on something that looked like a cocktail. He’d just turned 18 and that was his first time in a bar. I thought, how modern is this, your first time in a bar and you are with your mom and aunt. When I turned 18 I couldn’t even look inside a bar as I passed by. My mom would have collapsed from disappointment. The boy had that innocent look; still under the mommy’s shadow, Steve Urkel spectacles (and grin), skinny boy, seated at the curve of the booth, poking the ice-cubes of his mocktail with two colourful straws and smiling politely. I asked his mom if he drunk booze and she said he didn’t, and he added that it wasn’t for him. She prayed that he didn’t change his mind in university. But kids go off and meet other kids who may or may not have had the same socialisation and they might or might not change. Then they want to try out stuff – booze, sex, cigarettes, weed, crossdressing, nudism – etc, and some get over it while others get committed to the cause. Then the parents say, “Gosh, is there something I would have done differently?” Maybe. Or maybe not. They just met Fetty. And it’s scary out there. Kids are now trying out drugs and stuff much earlier, drinking booze before they turn 16. And the world out there is a minefield; drugs, alcohol, early pregnancy….I heard of a 19-year old who has aborted twice. Nineteen! I am 100% sure her parents have no clue. A 13-year old with cigarettes in his bag. Before long they will be packing guns and holding us up. By the way I’m all for people trying out stuff and getting it out of their system. How will you know you don’t like boiled maize when all you eat are ndumas? I tried out pretty much most things, with the exception of cross-dressing, which I’m too shy to try. I mean, wearing a Mother’s Union isn’t my idea of a Sunday afternoon chill. I just can’t imagine walking around the house (which would be empty of course) on a Sunday afternoon, wearing nothing but a dreadful grey Mother’s Union with lace at the back, opening the door to the fridge while humming a song by Muungano choir. Aii. That’s a stretch. I think having kids is like building a boat. You get the right wood. You build it without cutting corners. You use strong nails. You get the best sail and a strong mast and when it’s ready and you ask yourself, “Did I build this boat the best way I could??” If it’s yes, you push the boat out into the sea, where you can’t control much of what happens to it when it comes into contact with the elements of the nature. Storms will come. Maybe it will be toppled over by a menopausal shark. Maybe it will start leaking. You pray that it weathers all those elements because you built it well. If it sinks, it doesn’t occur because you built a bad boat, it sinks because something bigger came its way. And so Fetty is an element. Or maybe that girl in a short skirt is the element and Fetty is your boat.

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  1. Hahaha lol that mother’s union part had me on the floor! And true to your words it is disappointing to come across a V8 with booming music its disrespectful to say the least. Ata those guys putting led lights on MercedeZ S classes have a special place in hell. Now on the serious issue of raising children I would say simply train a child on the way they ought to go and once they are old enough regardless of how much they veer off they will come back to the same path. It is like giving them default settings – doenst mean they can alter the settings but when they realize they have screwed up they will reset to default. Ni hayo tu kwa leo.

    1. I think you also have a special place in hell, I mean, you always put these long comments on Bikozulu’s articles while we, your greatest fans are dying from malnutrition of your blog!

      1. Lol Siloma I hear you! My writer’s quandary though is the trade-off between frequent contemptible posts and occasional sumptuous ones. I try though, I mean bi-weekly is not badly off. As of my presence here well it’s because I am an ardent reader of Kenyan blogs. I am sure if the ‘Kagumo lapper’ guy had a blog I’d read it too 🙂

    2. train a child in the ways of the Lord , and when he is old , he wont depart- i bear testament to this, no matter when , how much and where to one drifts to,

      the true north remains my parents words

      they taught us well, they taught us right


  2. “…wearing nothing but a dreadful grey Mother’s Union with lace at the back, opening the door to the fridge while humming a song by Muungano choir” I die. Sarcasm will be the death of you biko. And I see you want to take us with you. Excellent piece as always.

  3. My mom likes this verse in Proverbs ‘Raise your children in the way of the Lord and they shall never depart from it’. I always tell her that we’ll stray (oh how we’ve strayed) but we’ve never Departed from that path. There’s her voice in your head when you’re doing all those stupid things. And you always outgrow them 🙂

  4. Every parents prayer
    “You pray that it weathers all those elements because you built it well.”

    1. Me and my Subaru have been together 5 years now. We don’t smoke weed in there – in fact we don’t smoke anything in there anymore. We don’t do loud anything. We don’t even have sex in there anymore. We only want to go about our business quietly. So to Biko and Njoki Chege – please let us be.

      1. …..you don’t smoke or have sex there anymore,so you did all those things there and got bored at some point hmmmm *judging you*

        1. Njeri – if you buy a new car, okay, if you buy a 8-year old car that looks and smells new, you’ve got to have sex in there and not once. How else are you going to validate the expenditure?

          1. ‘an 8-year old.’ This damn section should be correctible. Or is it corrigible? I’m Charles Kagana, not Edward Heath.

          2. A Subaru is designed for debauchery said Biko and you just validated that. I am glad you outgrew that phase *giggling*

  5. Hahaha. This one killed me. to see smoke coming out of that Range like that….I don’t know, it made the Range look like a traditional hut. A very expensive hut, but a hut nonetheless. Maschosssiii.
    This is were i get in with ” Hawa watoto wasikuhizi” proverb. I have never drunk alcohol or smoked anything since i was born. So far, so good. #justsaying

        1. Totally agree, like those guyz who’d go for the mother of all weeds, you know? Enyewe don’t judge a book….

  6. Weed si popcorn
    …’and while Jesus was on a bathroom break, Fetty here showed up and handed her a blunt’….
    damn Fetty!(said All parents)
    .I like the boat parenting analogy. Great read, see you next week.

  7. Right on about respecting Range Rovers and Jaguars. Haha … Who smokes weed in a Range. It’s a bloody Range Rover. So grand that Moi still orders the latest models when it hits RMA Motors Westlands. Oi… I feel for the vehicle…
    Thank you Chocolate Man for highlighting it’s plight.

  8. I hope to raise my daughter right. i hope she will not meet Fetty. I felt like Fetty and little Miss short skirt raped the Range Rover.

  9. Thank you Biko, so you jua Fetty Wap ;-). As a mom this post speaks to me. That analogy of a boat is spot on. We can only raise our children the best way we can and let God do the rest!

    1. Lol Carol I think I am an old soul too I did not know Fetty Wap till about 3months ago when my 21 year old sister was jamming to his music.I asked around & my 35 year old brother knew Fetty too hehe clearly I live in a hole.But this rich kid phenomenon is crazy they try imitating stuff they see on Rich kids of beverly hills though.

  10. Fetty— such a scary thought for our girls… but he is someones son (i have boys too)..This is a double tragedy!

  11. Your last two sentences about raising kids being like building boats struck me. Parents try their best, pray for the kids and then the elements come. Peer influence, school etc.
    Sometimes all we can do is train up a child in the way he should be and pray for him. And hope for the best. I feel for you Biko. I know seeing that girl in the shortest skirt ever made you think of ‘the other girl’. May God raise up our kids for us. Parenting is a big deal.


  12. It’s pornographic. It’s like putting a bullhorn on a Rolls Royce. Or writing “Njuguna Constructors, P.O. BOX 23 Kutus” in small print on the door of a Jaguar XF. I mean, come on.

  13. Kwani how old are you guys, 100?
    But either way, when you find yourself saying ‘young people nowadays..’ Take a back sit you old person. The society evolves and you can not expect ‘young people nowadays’ to act as you did in the stone age.

      1. Haha! I’ve just noticed that. My bad. I meant seat.

        These old people will crucify us for spelling mistakes too. Smh

      1. Yes, and unnecessary. So if he is old, he shouldn’t write about his view on the ‘children of today’? I am old too, so let me sit back too.

    1. No buddy, we wont sit not “take a back sit” nk1!! it is you who is too young for this forum. Please do not murder the Queen’s language again!! B

      1. Okay then. You can rant about it all you want. I’m sure you’ll save lots of lives. The ozone layer thanks you. Global warming just ceased because you expressed your disapproval of the current generation. Demand for a nobel prize o protector of the Queen’s language.

  14. ..Go ahead and smoke weed in a Subaru; that car was built for debauchery. Not a Range Rover. Not a Mercedes. Not an Audi. It’s like pissing on a war hero’s grave… hahaha

  15. Description fitsthe story of Muhoho Kenyatta and Firyal Muhammed and the accompanying photos on Friday’s Pulse magazine.

  16. “…and some get over it while others get committed to the cause.” lol some are definitely committed to the cause!!
    Its a very scary thought for any parent, that you can do everything right but still things could go awry. Therefore we trust in God and commit our children to Him co He takes no bathroom breaks 🙂

  17. Having kids is like building a boat,you pray that once you let it into sea it will weather all the elements.I like that.

  18. I’m in that age bracket and it’s pretty hard to resist this changes(sort of) and if you do, you deserve an applause. Really needs someone who’s got it together.

  19. THIS!!!
    ‘Having kids is like building a boat. You get the right wood. You build it without cutting corners. You use strong nails. You get the best sail and a strong mast and when it’s ready and you ask yourself, “Did I build this boat the best way I could??” If it’s yes, you push the boat out into the sea, where you can’t control much of what happens to it when it comes into contact with the elements of the nature. Storms will come. Maybe it will be toppled over by a menopausal shark. Maybe it will start leaking. You pray that it weathers all those elements because you built it well.’ – Biko Zulu

    1. Ditto.
      I think parents nowadays have a much bigger challenge compared to our parents. I wouldn’t say I was raised in a religious or strict household. There were certain values however, my old man was pretty adamant about; all of which always lead back to this one value: Accountability (especially to myself). Nothing made him more furious than making excuses or blaming someone/something else for one’s actions (strangely enough I encountered teachers & bosses who were big on it too). I’m forever grateful for this. It has proved priceless when it comes to my personal & even business relationships. My siblings seem better off for it too. You know what he would have told Fetty had the Waspoid tried to borrow his car? “If you can’t afford to own it, you don’t get to drive it.”

  20. Hahahaha. Well, I am 25 but I am very sure that my mom would be disappointed if she gets to know that I drink.

    1. You are doing just fine young man, you are not Fetty and neither do you have a girl in a short skirt in your life. Be easy on yourself, you’re on the right track. Unless of course all this time I have been deceiving myself that I know you

  21. Lakini we be serious kidogo. What did Subarus ever do to writers? And also this is my generation. And it’s not as bad as it seems. At least twenty years fro now when the toi steps out of line you can chapa them while listening to nae nae. *now watch me whip..*

    1. Subs are cool. Very. I don’t know why they are ditested but I’d buy one. Just to see it in my garage. Outback to be specific.

    2. I also think Subs have been inaccurately labelled, its a fast sleek car, like the new sub outback ama imprezza sport it also carries its weight as far as price is concerned, actually owning a subaru cant be said to be cheap, a nice mover on the road, despite the negatives the car is awesome… Chocolate man repent looo

  22. You’re right Biko…we parents are screwed. Our kids are being exposed to things at extremely early ages. I’ve heard of a 14 year old who has aborted TWICE. A baby for every term of her form 1 year and that is the scariest thing ever. I wouldn’t agree that you should sample everything because you know every drug addict started with ‘just one puff’ and every alcoholic started with “just one sip.”I’ve never drunk or done drugs simply because my mum raised me up in the church and while I have strayed every now and then, I always go back because of my grounding.Parents have a responsibility not just to feed, clothe and pay school fees for their kids, but to guide them and prepare them for life’s challenges. After they finish high school you can only hope and pray.

  23. The analogy at the end-of raising kids being akin to building a boat is apt. Looking at my students this afternoon from a different perspective. Beautiful read.

  24. I am for people trying out stuff and getting it out of their system-that is what i keep telling my aunts who want me to lecture my young cousins about the life they are leaving,its a try-it-all time,i was there once,time has a way of fading the glory from somethings,especially if all it makes you do is piss a lot n nurse crazy hangovers.

  25. Ati “next they’ll be having guns and holding us up” like they dont already havr guns. Plus kids in their early teens 13 and 14 yrs old are having sex and trying out “stuff”. What next 5yr olds drinking booze? Oh wait, there is a video of a kid about that age drinking beer and cries, throwing tantrums every time its taken from him. What do the parents do, take out their camera and film the damn thing! Imagine that… Seems like parenting 101 involves filming these days. *sigh* this generation of parents though. Hio mambo ya mother’s union pia mimi nimekataa. Great read biko.

  26. a wise man once said you never really know the smell of weed unless you’ve hit a blunt or two. so biko.. hmmmm

  27. As a parent of a teen, this post hits home. The rate at which you find booming cars of the expensive range in shopping center/mall parking spaces drinking and smoking (only God knows what) is scary. I ask myself whether I am doing or have done enough, or what more I can do, all the time.I pray she never meets Fetty, or if she does, is not swayed.

    Great piece as always Biko. Hilarious in all its seriousness.


  28. humming muungano choir songs hahaa i thought i was the only one who was brought up listening to those songs
    always a good read, thanks Biko, you rarely dissapoint!!

  29. If it sinks, it doesn’t occur because you built a bad boat, it sinks becausIf it sinks, it doesn’t occur because you built a bad boat, it sinks because something bigger came its way. And so Fetty is an element. Or maybe that girl in a short skirt is the element and Fetty is your boat.e something bigger came its way. And so Fetty is an element. Or maybe that girl in a short skirt is the element and Fetty is your boat.

  30. Kids nowadays.Anyway,growing up Sunday school was compulsory.Whether your mother went to church or not all the childern in the area went to Sunday school.Simple gesture but went a long way.Y’all up here complaining and your kids spend Sunday ‘family fundaying’…They dont even know what the hell Sunday school is!

  31. Weed doesn’t smell like popcorn. Weed smells like weed……Humorous yet to the point….Nice piece as usual.The last 2 paragraphs very informative!!

  32. Fetty is smart for now. A Range Rover gives you immunity. You can do literally anything in a Range Rover. Next time you are in any mall. go to those soldiers/cops/askaris and tell them ‘wale pale (pointing the Range) wanavuta bangi’ and see what will happen.
    But after 2 years Fetty will be zombie not even a junkie. The rehab in Redhill is full of Fetties. As for the girl…………. we will just have to wait for the boat theory to take effect.

    1. If he’s lucky, he’ll end up in Red hill & get his life together. If not, it will be much, much worse. What bugs me about the 2 kids: 1) Both don’t seem to have any common sense. You’re smoking it up at a mall of all places (worse, post Westgate). You’re just begging patrol cops to arrest you. Gal is hanging out with said guy so clearly she’s not smart either. Okay, so maybe they’re used to their parents bailing them out of every situation which brings me to: 2) They may get over the experimenting with weed phase but it’s already ingrained in them that their parents’ money somehow makes them invincible; a dangerous illusion. So you end up with adults who don’t give a damn how their actions impact the world around them; adults who forget that no matter how powerful you are someone will always demand (and collect) their pound of flesh.

  33. “Life is a storm, my young friend.
    You will bask in the sunlight one moment,
    be shattered on the rock the next.
    What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.
    You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome;
    ‘Do your worst, for I will do mine’
    Then the fates will know you as we know you’
    Count of Monte Cristo. Alexandre Dumas

    I endeavor to bring up my kid(s) to weather the “Fetty Elements”

  34. Point to self: Google Fetty Wap. He sounds wapped.May our prayers over our children be in the All seeing all knowing Lord’s focus continually with no breaks to accommodate miniskirted lol gals of Ferry loving kind and vice versa.

  35. Before we throw those stones we should look back at our own youth. Gauge it by the standards of that time most of you would rank high up there with fetty and the girl with the shortest skirt ever invented.

  36. When I turned 18 I couldn’t even look inside a bar as I
    passed by. My mom would have collapsed from
    disappointment.” hahaha Biko! most parents would do the same

  37. Wow remides of me when i was fetty’s age but of getting my dad’s car or rangerover, i got the better end of his whip which by the way was his favorite “tool” n boy am i glad that he built his boat perfectly part of his fortune would have gone to the mental institution

  38. I am not a parent however I sympathize with parents everywhere. It is frustrating and heartbreaking when you give your blood and sweat to raising your kids only for them to turn into fetty wap. I sympathize also because at one point in my life i wanted to be with fetty wap. Thank God i outgrew that phase. To all the mothers here, keep building the boat and leave the rest to Jesus.

  39. Drinking and smoking is a choice. Doesn’t matter how hard the pressure is. I personally don’t do it because it makes no sense. You’re right though, let’s hope the boats we build can withstand the storms and waves and land safely in the harbour.

  40. change his mind about drinking in university….should also pray he doesn’t buy cocaine,weed,booze etc with all his school fees then proceed to call off the sem….

  41. “A skirt so short that if she laughed too hard would show her knickers, or whatever it is that girls that age call whatever they wear underneath their garments” The word “Knickers” is so archaic for any generation alive in this century. Yet Biko seems to like using it. Ladies, please assist him with the politically correct terminology for the item of clothing in question.

    1. Biko clearly caveated the piece by leading with the statement “if you are from my generation…”. Furthermore whimsical archaicisms like ‘knickers’ are what make his pieces so entertaining. Get over yourself. Or stick to websites that use words other than ‘knickers’. Spare us your pedestrian feminism.

  42. A good part of parenting should include praying for children. The world out there can be bad news and one can only helicopter-parent or tiger-mom for a brief season in Time. After that, they face the world and have to make their own choices. Confidence to make right decisions in the face of peer pressure is key.
    Funny though, out here you give the kid the training you were brought up with, (except spanking because that’s a sure way to lose your child to the system) but in school, the foreigners have their own style. I’ve made it clear to my child over and over that I am an African mum, and she should respect that. The softly softly way they are handled in school makes some grow up to do insane things, like thinking every animal is a pet. So these British university graduates feeling happy they’ve passed their exams decide to fly to Australia for some backpacking. At midnight they decide its too hot and want to jump into some lake to swim. They ignore the ‘No swimming, crocodiles in this lake’ sign and dive right in..one of them becomes the croc’s midnight snack. Sad.

    1. The softly softly way they are handled in school makes some grow up to do insane things, like thinking every animal is a pet. #funny,true and sad! #Cheers to African mum!

  43. I agree,raising kids in this Era is a ‘Jesus Take The Wheel Walk’,hoping every step of the way the elements dont go against you.

  44. Good read! “I think having kids is like building a boat. You get the right wood. You build it without cutting corners. You use strong nails. You get the best sail and a strong mast and when it’s ready….Well put

  45. I’m from this fetty WAP generation. I have tasted weed (just like most of you guys) kidogo. my mum hana range so hio sijatry. anyway most of us do these things to experiment. After you try em and realize hazikusaidii u stop. it’s a matter of time.

  46. I was wondering why it was past 10 and nada! Zooch! Kaput! No mail from Biko then bang! Fetty comes knocking. Love it.. i believe life is a learning curve. We make mistakes to learn and maybe. Just maybe either of the culprit will respect him/herself and that Range Rover someday

    Subaru owners must be boiling in bile. Too much shade Biko

  47. A good read indeed. The last two paragraphs very powerful!!!!…….I think having kids is like building a boat.

  48. now this is deep shit! no one can build a shit boat knowing that he/she is going to use it through storms!

  49. Or writing “Njuguna Constructors, P.O. BOX 23 Kutus” in small print on the door of a Jaguar XF hahahaha

  50. “It’s like putting a bullhorn on a Rolls Royce. Or writing “Njuguna Constructors, P.O. BOX 23 Kutus” in small print on the door of a Jaguar XF. I mean, come on.”Hahahaha Biko really?This is very funny indeed!It had to be Njuguna wa kutus. Well, i was expecting a father’s day cliche, but you have done an exceptionally educative piece instead.We as parents build the boat, and most definitely try our best.”Parents can only give good advice or put (kids) on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” Ann Frank.

  51. I am certain women who wear mothers union don’t buy lace! Biko have you been to blackout on Ngong road?

  52. Mom told us that dad always prayed for us when we were younger. He would ask God to guide us where the wisdom they had instilled in us would not take us. Mom swears he had a clenched fist whenever he said this part of the prayers. Probably punching imaginary Fettys. But we didn’t turn out so bad; all eight of us. Clearly God was listening.

  53. Seems our daughters fate has already been decided; They will either end up with a sponsor of a fetty wap unless of course you have no daughter

    1. thats if you used the wrong material to build the boat.it is not about having or not having a daughter,it is about how you nurture them and what you teach them on how to handle what they find out here when not under your care anymore.

    2. why such little faith in some of us…barely two decades old n i cant stand disgusting old men ..and dumb boys my age who act like the said fetty….just instill self pride in your daughters and they will always come out strong even though theyll make mistakes

  54. “…it made the Range look like a traditional hut.
    A very expensive hut, but a hut nonetheless.” hehe (that’s a light
    chuckle by the way, not a hee hee laugh, you get? ergh just try get it)

  55. Niko hurt you included an xtrail there. Keep polite cars out of marijuana conversations. Unless someone has souped it up! Hiyo ni dhambi ya kuzimu.

  56. “In fact go ahead and smoke weed in a Subaru; that car was built for debauchery. Not a Range Rover. Not a Mercedes. Not an Audi…”
    Hahahahaaa…So accurate!Lol.

  57. Hi, Biko that fetty thing is so real. Just recently
    we held an intervention for my younger 21yrs old bro
    who decided to join some rasta-group and smoke weed.
    My mum was so worried she summoned all of us home.
    Well I honestly did not know what to say to this young
    man who is convinced at 21 he knows all there is to know.

  58. I once saw a jaguar with gaudy…no…atrocious rims that looked like an ugly carousel and to top it off, he drew…yes…drew the jaguar symbol on the side of the jaguar. I went home and apologized to my mother for all my past sins, for I finally knew what disappointment meant.

  59. I know some Subaru-lovers who will be gunning for you LOL!
    The rest is uncomfortable true for us parents but you just have to trust that the values you’ve instilled since birth will steer them clear of the quagmire that is life….

  60. Hey Biko, if one day I come to own a Range Rover, I promise (infront of the gang) never, ever to lower it’s dignity

  61. the example you gave at the end about a boat in relation to parenthood is very true……..parents should not blame themselves for a child’s failure.

  62. Yani Biko unaskilia Range uchungu na huoni hiyo ni bangi hawa watoto wanavuta?
    when I started reading I thought the pain expressed was about youth and drugs.. for real.

      1. Yea I know..thats why I’ve said ‘when I started reading’
        Am only reacting on the range rover part for real

  63. Muungano choir…ha ha…nice piece biko…lakini these uptown kids aki

  64. I am kisii, i drive a subaru and i own a stethoscope.its been chilly here lately Biko! Give me your address i send you a bottle of that 18yr old chivas uwache kutuingilia sana…..

    1. Hahaha I feel your pain,I share in your sorrows(okay,minus the Subaru and stetho-what now? parts)

  65. You nailed it Chocolate man….in the end they set sail & you hope the best for them in navigating the elements!!

  66. Every parents fear,well I pray I build good ‘boats’
    And that they wither all the bad elements in life~sigh

  67. Clearly someone is mad that people have rich parents. Jesus Christ I could feel your anger in between the lines. Attacking people for the ‘bad’ music they listen to or the ‘bad’ behavior they have is extremely sad and down right pathetic. This is the first time I read an article by you so no I don’t know what your writing is like or what your blog is about. But I have heard of you. So you can imagine my disappointment when I opened this link only to find a shit piece on young people. Honestly who gives a damn where you do your weed. I don’t smoke week but if I did, I can smoke it wherever I damn well feel like. If I have a range rover and love to smoke a blunt that I’m going to do it in my range rover. What the fuck you mean?!?! People can smoke a fag in their german cars but weed is somehow not allowed. Anyway I’m sure plenty people agree with you. But I don’t. I get some of these ‘rich kids’ are even scary to look at, but don’t attack an entire group of young people. This article made everyone who likes smoking, and is from a rich family sound like complete scum of the earth. My point I guess is don’t bash people!!!

    1. Really?? The ‘young people’ always impatient and quick to react. We are not at war here. Read Biko’s article ssssllllooowlly, and if you have some time, read a few more articles. If you still don’t like his writing, and I doubt you will, just move on. I am sure there are more ‘suitable’ writers out there. This is not the Kenyan Constitution. We are not obligated to read his articles. If it’s not your cup of tea – move on.

    2. First i suggest you go through Biko’s work. All of it. Secondly you missed the point….ukooooo kwa gate. Come slowly

    3. I actually see how you could get that but I don’t think Biko’s article was to bully young people. And maybe you left this comment on here so people could click your link which almost makes you the most devious commenter and I love it. HAH! It’s borderline genius! More people should have read further into this comment. It worked for me at least. Wanted to see who was this bold! I love your channel by the way. But I honestly don’t think you hate Biko.

    4. LEVIS RYAN!!! You don’t come for Biko, he’s kind of a BIG deal. Just like we don’t come for you on YouTube.

    5. Fisrt things first… Biko I’m such a fan! secondly… people need to calm down. How people will view this article is a perfect example of generational age gap. From Fetty’s persepctive, he might look like he’s “bashing” the youth but from Fetty’s father’s perspective or all those rasing children who may or may not turn into Fetty’s and his pretty little friend, he’s spoken so much truth! And also, and this is the most important… RESPECT THE RANGE ROVER BOY! (fetty not you Levis. Lol)

  68. Pretty serious stuff. If it sinks, it doesn’t occur because you built a bad boat, it sinks because something bigger came its way.

  69. Knickers.. Does that word still exist? We, Lil Mr fetty & clan molesting my dream car is wrong.. Condemned in all words possible.

  70. Great read as always.Just like everything in life ,hope is not a strategy.You have to put in time and effort.

  71. You can imagine my dismay. My utter indignation. What was this spectacle in front of me? If you are in my age bracket you probably had the same , so you can guess what I thought about that spectacle. I thought to myself: How the hell are they going to lower the dignity of a Range Rover like that?

    This made my day haha. Biko I am 23 ukajua pahali naishi bro!

  72. Awesome read Biko…
    “…pissing on the grave of a war hero” haha true. that is a SIN
    God forgive our youth of today…

  73. So I just introduced my boyfriend to Bikozulu & he asked if it’s gay. Haha… I think he’ll like it here 🙂

  74. So astonishing was the revelation that “only rich kids get bored” I almost sunk into oblivion…I was effortlessly distracted and ushered into a life so hunky-dory… So the next time a poor soul tells me they are bored, allow me to tell them- You just don’t wake up to be Mediocre!

  75. Some of us commenting are Fetty or the girl with the shortest skirt known to man. I have had my ‘Fetty ‘ moments but as it says, teach the child the right ways and they will never depart from them. At the end of the day I know what I’m supposed to (or not)do. And I will always find the right way that was instilled in me

  76. Ehe easy Biko. Easy. The boys will remain stupid. No I see them more stupid than I was. I will send my girl to Venus or Mars

  77. For sure…i had not heard of Fetty…he sure looks scary when i looked him up…may the Good Lord help us built our boats(children) solid and though the elements in the open sea be harsh,and they get a few knocks here and there,they will return to the track.

  78. ati kwa Range Rover! am finished. Someone needs to be shot dead twice. How now. I would rather capsize on that boat than be found near a Range Rover with matchstick. Some cars deserve a bed right there next to the missus. *saddened by the barbaric acts/sobbing silently.

    1. Polite request,kindly share your deep writing or non mediocre blogs,wld be glad to read some stuff (that’s not as mediocre)you read

  79. Wee Biko… I come from Kutus and that might have been my dad’s pick up you saw… but si you know us Ukuyus, if its a car its there for a purpose.. mostly biashara… still I think we need salvation esp after I sae a friend stuff a whole gunia of dairy feed at the back of her KC… something vehicle.

  80. you raise your kids praying that fetty doesn’t find them but most importantly you leave them in God’s hands

  81. As a parent, I don’t like this post very much…it drives home the fact that at some point, you can only hope and pray that you did things right. Scares me to core.
    That is why I believe in God. God has to be watching over them when I am not able to….

  82. Biko I’m not a 90’s baby but I am a millennial and my dad took my sister and I for our first drink when we were in our early twenties and gave us cab money to and from Carnivore since my sister was into modelling and we’d go watch those miss Kenya thingys, we’d dance and go home and nothing else. In hind sight it helped me not to go buck wild when I finally went to live by myself. It’s a double edged sword,if you’re too strict best believe the moment they get a chance at independence, be it going off to uni or living alone and they might go berserk and try all the things they couldn’t under your roof.


  83. I agree… to a point. But why would the thought of firewood smoke coming out of a Range Rover ever occur to you?

  84. Parenthood is hard very hard, asking yourself ‘did I do the best I could for my child?’I lost a good friend -he committed suicide- and all his father could ask was ‘Is this the best I could give my child?’Clearly He was so heart broken. But then again there’s only so much a parent can do. Good piece and yes the kids shouldn’t desanctify a Range rover Sport like that!

  85. I’m not saying he shouldn’t write. I’m saying he should not complain. Human beings have an aching need to control everything but sadly we can only do so much. If it were up to us, we’d never die, we’d never get sick etc. Change is inevitable and sadly beyond our control. Brace yourselves because there’s more you don’t even know about. You are angered by seeing fetty wap smoking up his* range rover. That is the tip of the iceberg. That is the cayenne of what is actually happening. You haven’t even tasted the jalapeno yet. Calm down.

    1. Dear Lord Jesus,dont go on a break yet…give me self control!!…..@CheQxx,do inform on the jalapeños… would be a good read.

  86. So I live under a rock…under the guava tree in my ushago (village)…..and I’m oooollld! I thought Fetty was a fictitious name…then googled…he is real!!!!!!
    @biko, do keep updating us, #lifetime member of this blog!

  87. hehehhe while jesus was taking a bathroom break….got me cracking and fetty comes a long
    true dat of a njuguna construction jaguar..

  88. All parents should pay attention to the part where there is a comparison of having kids and building a boat.Preach it Jakom!!!

  89. Okay then. You can rant about it all you want. I’m sure you’ll save lots of lives. The ozone layer thanks you. Global warming just ceased because you expressed your disapproval of the current generation. Demand for a nobel prize o protector of the Queen’s language.

  90. Good read biko…I believe all we can do is build the boat and pray…the funny thing about the millennials is that they think they will be young forever…their will come a time when they will wish that they had heeded a few thing from ‘The old people” my only hope is that it wont be too late

  91. Btw is there anything bad with huts? Huts are good expensive or not. Lol nice read, more like Nairobi Fetty Wappers,

  92. I am 16 years younger than my most immediate big sister.Recently I took my nieces out for their first legal drink.And we ‘raved’,till 11pm.Am sure it doen’t count.

    Turns out the ‘strict’ sister’s kid was a ‘tank’ and the ‘liberal’ sister’s daughter just needed a tusked lite and she was good.Parenting is like The Titanic and Noah’s Arc,let Jesus take the wheel and lock Fetty Wap in his mansion.

  93. ….When I turned 18 I couldn’t even look inside a bar as I passed by. My mom would have collapsed from disappointment……
    hahahaha! this totaly cracked me up.
    such is life though, it is the prayer of every parent that it all turns well.“Did I build this boat the best way I could??” If it’s yes, you push the boat out into the sea, where you can’t control much of what happens to it when it comes into contact with the elements of the nature. Storms will come. Maybe it will be toppled over by a menopausal shark. Maybe it will start leaking. You pray that it weathers all those elements because you built it well.

  94. Great read!! But seriously though, who enjoys listening to Fetty Wap? Do they even know what he ‘raps’ about?

  95. Biko write a book,short stories, increase frequency here…anything. To just keep us reading you more often.

  96. Your posts in June have quite the sequence here, Biko. So another one on the 28th I presume?

    Lovely piece regardless.

  97. These are the same worries that keep me up at night, that despite my best efforts, all the common sense & integrity will fly out the window the day she meets a fetty. *Shivers in dread* Also more worrisome is the so called adage, ‘What you did unto other people’s daughters will be done unto yours* Gai!

  98. Woi my Christian………..may the fetty waps and short skirts of this world NEVER confuse and derail your life.AMEN!

  99. “I think having kids is like building a boat. You get the right wood. You build it without cutting corners. You use strong nails. You get the best sail and a strong mast and when it’s ready and you ask yourself, “Did I build this boat the best way I could??” If it’s yes, you push the boat out into the sea, where you can’t control much of what happens to it when it comes into contact with the elements of the nature.”
    I have no kids yet but, that’s so true. At some point you lose control as a parent.

  100. Wow!! My comments never show up here na vile I am a fan! As Biko put it, all you can do is instill the best in your kids then pray and hope they remember those values.

  101. I doubt Mother’s Union knickers would have lace at the back….that would be too avant-garde for MU.

  102. I am building my boat. stong nails, good wood etc. when I eventually release it to the sea I shall Pray to Jesus that all will be well. Read my first blog, https://otienowinfrida.wordpress.com/2016/07/01/life-things/

  103. Haha..ati Jesus went on a bathroom break..that’s hilarous but I totally agree with u on this.
    Nice piece.

  104. What can we do as a citizenry to those who put those woolen covers
    on their dashboards of top tier automobiles? Well on another note…
    “I drove away and left that crime scene and didn’t think about
    those kids again until I was narrating the spectacle to some
    chap who is a Range Rover enthusiast.” was quite a punchline.

    Cheers Biko!

  105. biko you wonder what knickers are called nowadays??? clearly you skipped the memo, but knickers are a thing of the past at least for most females. commando is what is trendy.

  106. This is classic episode.It will be here for longer.
    That mothers union idea just so hilarious.
    Parenting is indeed a dare devil and no matter what this “fetty” elements must be in the society.

  107. I just can’t imagine walking around the house ( which would be empty of course ) on a Sunday afternoon, wearing nothing but a dreadful grey Mother’s Union with lace at the back, opening the door to the fridge while humming a song by Muungano choir. Aii. That’s a stretch.