Be A Gentleman

We imagine the devil to be a furtive figure cloaked in black, a hoodie thrown over his head, lurking in the shadows, his skeletal hands holding a long pitchfork, seducing men and women to steal, rob, lie, retweet idiots, have illicit sex with people with lower values than they, and do all these things that make God shake His head with deep disappointment. But that’s not really the devil – at least not the real devil. “The real devil,” Brian Oduor says, “is cocaine.” “The first time I did cocaine was at this posh high school I attended in Athi River,” He says over the phone. “I had already been suspended from Brookshine School in Ruai and then soon after from a small rural school my parents had banished me to, as – I believe – a form of punishment, called Kabaa high school in Kathiani in Kamba-land.” It was full of rich kids. (The Athi River one, not Kathiani). Drugs were sneaked into the school by chaps who masqueraded as visiting uncles, bearing snacks and drugs. “I was in year 13 when I tried it out one night. A boy I knew offered it. I should have said no, but I was young and already rebellious. I had already taken to smoking weed so I wanted to see what the next level felt like. So I did a line.” He says. The high was unimaginable, euphoric. He then joined Baraton University to study Psychology and African linguistics. Why? Why not, I say, conservation biology? “Well, psychology had the most chicks,” he laughs, “but I chose linguistics because I was keen on learning languages.” He then started playing rugby because he used to admire his cousin called Rajula who played rugby and who was the life of the party. He wasn’t bad at rugby. Two years later he moved back to Nairobi to continue his studies while playing for Harlequins, as a fullback 15, and that rugby lifestyle led him to the very urethra of the devil. “When you play rugby you are in a greatly deluded phase because you are at the center of a world that has been created for you and a world that you have created for yourself.” He says. He was now using creatinine and other body enhancements like Power Mass on top of cocaine every so often. Rugby brought girls and girls came with drinks and fame and a deep sense of brotherhood. They hunted together, they drank together, they jumped on the very back of vices together and they were determined to ride it into the sunset. “My cocaine usage increased. I was living alone in a rental in Langata that my dad was paying for, right opposite Uhuru Gardens.” He says. “You can’t use a drug like cocaine unless you are very rich, because that shit is expensive. A gram was 3k and that would only give me two lines. So yeah, it’s hard to sustain it which means if you don’t have a well paying job, at some point you will steal, borrow, or both. I slowly started conning money off of my dad, making up stories along the way. Then, whenever I saw my father’s coat hanging from a chair, I’d rummage through it and get whatever money I found there. Then I started selling household utensils, and anything that I could easily lift out of the house. When you are doing these drugs your life’s purpose is centered towards getting the next fix. It’s in your head. It’s in your blood. It’s in your mind.” His dealer was stationed in an abandoned house in Kilimani. He was an Indian guy whose name nobody knew. His phone number was equally mysterious. He wasn’t the kind of guy you called. People simply called him Rajun. He spoke little. A businessman. He was always in that house no matter what time of day or night you showed up. And he had drugs. The house looked abandoned and decrepit, like a place you could wake up at, to find yourself tied and gagged after a night out. It had signage outside: “This plot is not for sale”. This shell of an abode had no door, had broken window panes and no furniture. It was the last place you would expect drugs to be sold. You paid cash and you got your grammage. And you didn’t bargain or try to make small talk about the weather. You bought and you scattered. Brian got a job at Nation FM – the 7pm to midnight show called the Homerun with Obina and a guy called Cupid. Around this time he also acquired a car, or rather was gifted a car by someone he was seeing – a Subaru Legacy (surprise) which he would later sell for drug money. “ When I was on radio, living it up, I impregnated a woman who would later become my wife.” He says. “The day she went into labour I was too busy getting high to go to the hospital. I never went to see her or my baby. She called me after delivery and said it was a girl and I said, ‘name her Malaika.’ The very first time I laid eyes on her was a couple of years later.” He would then go on to lose the job at Nation and get another at One-FM, which he also lost not too long after. A bout of depression followed, plunging him further into drugs and desperation. “I conned lots of friends, ruining relationships.” He says. “I’d call you and lie to you that there was a job that I could link you up with. You’d send money and you’d never hear from me again.” One day he overdosed. “The first sign that you are going to OD is you start twitching. I knew this. Anyone who did cocaine knew this.” After drinking his beer, his mind and body simply went blank. When he came to, he was in a hospital room, on his back. They “flushed,” his system of the drugs. “After I recovered enough to leave the hospital, my mom suggested that I go back home and recover properly from there. But then the next day mom turned up with two cops who slapped handcuffs on me. Her instinct was to take me to rehab. But first I was taken for psychological evaluation at Nairobi West hospital.” He says. He sat in the room with the doctor and the two cops who stood guard in case he made a run for it. Mom waited outside. The doctor asked him questions to ascertain his mental state. Simple questions which he got wrong. “What day is it today?” “Thursday.” [It was Wednesday. So, close.] “When is your birthday?” “Christmas day?” [Wrong again. That will be Jesus]. “What’s ten times five?” “Tentifive.” [Wrong, there is nothing like that] He was shipped off to a famous rehab in Karen. It was a hellhole. All the admitted men slept in a dormitory-like room, with many bunk beds, like high school. It was noisy. More so at night. “There were all sorts of people there, who seemed crazy.” He says. “I was f*cked up but the guys in there seemed plain insane, like a looney bin. I honestly think addiction shouldn’t be stopped immediately like they tried with me. I suffered serious withdrawal symptoms; I’d either be shaking, sweating or feeling cold. At night I couldn’t sleep. At night people shouted and cried – people in the dorm but also the voices in my head. There was a man who preached constantly, he thought he was sent by God to save us all. There was another chap who kept saying, ‘the president will call me anytime now. Then I will be out of here. You guys wait. I will release all of you guys and you can go and have all the drinks you want on me.’ He was convinced that the president would call him. I met a doctor who had been forced into rehab by his wife. He constantly bitched about her, saying she had committed him because she was trying to steal his money. There was a guy who spent the whole day talking to a stone…it was crazy in there. I didn’t think I belonged there. I was bitter. I thought I wasn’t loved, which is why I had been sent to rehab. I thought I was being ‘hidden away’ because I had become a family embarrassment.” When you sit in there for days, staring at the wall and going for group therapy on autopilot, you have time to devise a plan. He identified and started seducing a nurse. She had the hard look of one who had seen the true suffering and self -imprisonment of man. After a few weeks she cracked and they had “relation” – as he puts it. “There was a thing they called a stopper where they’d inject you with this medicine and in three minutes flat your body would go numb immediately and you’d sleep for many hours. A complete shutdown. I hated it so I’d ask her not to inject me with it, and since we were now sort of dating she wouldn’t.” One day – 22 days in – he convinced her to give him two hundred bob to get out of the gate to buy cigarettes. “Come on, I just need to see normal things again. I will just go to the kiosk and come back.” He told her. He never went back. He ended up at the crack house in Kilimani where he convinced the Indian fellow to score him a line. “You know me,” he told him. “I’ve never asked for credit.” So he brought out his mirror and a card and they chopped it and he snorted it. “The cocaine high…how do I say this without being crass” he says, “…it’s like the best sex you have ever had…times thirty thousand. It’s an out of body experience. You can’t describe that feeling.” After snorting, he called a girl he used to see. An older woman who had money and who liked him. “I moved in with her, doing weed and drinking alcohol daily for two weeks until my parents discovered that I had escaped from rehab.” I can hear him sigh. “ I still had a phone at this time, I still hadn’t sold it. My dad called me and talked to me, pleaded with me to go home and try to get better. Be a gentleman, he told me.” Because he had been busted, Brian was afraid that they might sic cops on him, so he left South B and went to live with one of his druggie friends in Highrise. “Highrise was mad. My friend worked at a bank and so he had a constant supply of drugs and alcohol. I did nothing but drink and do cocaine all day. I did so much of it that I started losing it.” He pauses. “Well, I had already technically lost it, but now it was on another level. When you are on drugs there is nothing you won’t do, nothing is beneath you, you have no pride or self worth and you keep sliding down this horrible slope, getting worse and worse. I would remove my clothes and walk naked.” “In public?” “Yeah, I’d be standing at Highrise, block H, on the side facing the dam and I’d feel hot and instinctively I’d just remove all my clothes and stand there until I cooled off, then I’d wear them again. Of course people would stare but then you are out of your mind. You don’t care. The drug has reduced you to nothing. It has stripped you of every ounce of self respect and dignity. You don’t see yourself as a human being. A used tissue paper is more valuable than you are. But you can’t stop. You don’t stop. It’s a call to do more drugs, the urge to destroy yourself comes from deep inside you and it keeps pushing you to be the very worst version of yourself you can muster.” One day his father showed up. He had looked for him and found him. He was in a state. “He looked at me and started crying,” He says with a breaking voice. He pauses, a long pause. “Biko, my father, man. You haven’t met best friends like me and my dad. You haven’t.” A long pause follows and it’s only after a few seconds that I realise he’s weeping. “I haven’t told anyone these things. Why are you letting me open these wounds?” I tell him we can stop if he wants to. “No, let’s go on.” He says. “My dad hugged me and he cried and I felt horrible. Just horrible. Because this man, after everyone had written me off as a bum, a mad man, after I had stolen from him, lied to him, this man refused to give up on me. He continued to love me. He told me I was his son and it didn’t matter whether I was a chokora or what, but he would not give up on me. Not even if I had given up on myself. If it wasn’t for my dad, Biko, oh, I wouldn’t be here speaking with you. He rescued me.” He sniffles. “So anyway, we stood there and cried. After we were done crying he looked around the filthy house and said, ‘ leave everything here, don’t bother packing,’ not that I had anything to pack to begin with, and we went to Yaya center and he bought me clothes.’ At home, he showered in his old bedroom and wore his new clothes. His father came and sat on the bed and looked at him with a cocktail of pity, love and pain. He just sat there and he looked at him. “Then he wept. He really wept.” He says. “And that really crushed me.” He went to therapy on Marcus Garvey road but that didn’t hold. The pull of drugs was too overwhelming. “When you are an addict your mind is off kilter, it’s like living your life unconsciously. You are not responsible for your actions or emotions.” he says. When he was at his lowest, living at home, he was going mad, shouting in the house, screaming himself hoarse. “My lowest point was stripping naked and running out of our house along Elgeyo Marakwet road, and running up past Argwings Kodhek road, and towards that Cavina School…the watchie running after me…” he sighs and pauses, “man, that was crazy. That was the lowest.” “You know how I stopped taking drugs? 2017, November. ” He says. “This one time my daughter who was living with us – my wife and I – in my parents house asked me, ‘daddy what’s wrong, what are you doing?’ She couldn’t tell I was high. She couldn’t tell that all my wheels had fallen off and I was crawling on my belly. Her innocence and that question really shook me. I wondered what the hell I was doing to this child and my wife. So I told my dad that I was ready to get help and for the next couple of months, he took me to this day rehab center that was at Studio House. He’d drop me off, wait for me to finish my sessions, and then take me home. I haven’t touched cocaine since – but I drink alcohol occasionally. But it wasn’t as easy as I make it sound; it was traumatizing. The withdrawal symptoms felt like death. I’d scream in the middle of the night, hallucinating, seeing strange things. I had these weird déjà vus. You know how déjà vus last for a few seconds? Mine would last for hours. I got weird habits; I’d wake up at 3am and eat a whole chicken. I had weird memory lapses, like I’d leave the shower and then forget that I had just showered and go back and shower again. My heart beat was erratic. I’d sweat profusely. I developed insomnia. Even now, I can’t sleep for more than two straight hours. I keep waking up. But somehow I managed to get over that horrific phase.” He says he doesn’t recall most things he did between 2010 and 2017. Dates blend into each other, details lost in cocaine induced amnesia. He doesn’t remember the things he did and with whom, the people he conned and hurt. “I’m trying to make peace with people, trying to mend fences that I had burned to the ground. I don’t know half the people I hurt or how I hurt them. But I’m sorry, deeply and if any of them is reading this I ask for their forgiveness.” He says. “I’m lucky that I stopped. Most people don’t. I’m lucky that my wife didn’t forsake me, she always brought my daughter to see me even at my lowest. My father – of that man. He never gave up on me. He loved me unconditionally and that love saved me. He’s the Midas…he…” He breaks down. “Look, can we take time off?” Then he hangs up. Most of his 20s were spent in nihilism and drugs, but today at 32, his next chapter, he starts his first job, drug free, as a presenter at Urban Radio 907-FM. And just like Urban radio is relaunching today, so he is, relaunching his life. He will be presenting the Urban Ride show from 3- 7pm (‘and giving lots of money’). “I have a second shot at life. It’s a great privilege to be here. So for me, 2020 will always be the year of redemption.” He said. *** Do you have a compelling 2020 story? Drop me a line a synopsis of the story on [email protected] (Kindly, a synopsis isn’t 2,000 words).

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  1. I have a cousin that was drawn into the coke trade when he was only 12/13. great parents but they were too busy to notice that he was getting into this. He supplied kids at ISK where he was a student and because he held an american passport he would carry some in his back pack, get thru security at JKIA and deliver to clients in places like China by the time he was 16. Hop onto a flight, deliver, back on a flight and KES 1M would be waiting for him. He got out the game in his mid twenties having made and lost millions because of a crazy lifestyle. He is not here anymore… #RIPKyalo

  2. Wow, just wow. The fact that his father never gave up on him says a lot about our parents. I wish him all the best in his next chapter of life.

  3. I remember listening to Brian while he was at Nation Fm. The Homerun was such a nice show. I’m glad he had the support of his parents even during his turbulent times. It’s an inspiring read to know that he finally got his life together and he has his second shot at life. All the best, Brian.

  4. That his father never gave up on him is the best part of this story for me. That’s how this gentleman was able to find himself.
    Cheers to great fathers!

  5. ‘The Homerun’ is the only radio show that I have ever dedicated my time religiously to,it was great
    Continue being triumphant Brian.
    Cheers to New beginnings

  6. This story reminds me of the movie beautiful boy. The hard part was always quitting and credit to him for reinventing his life.

  7. I have see it all but never in my life have I ever done drugs-a part from a few puffs of ciggarete.
    But I had this close friend who would recite most African novels; quoting the exact words a d at times pages.
    The nigga was so gifted that we would sit in a lecture hall and listen to him recite Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s book Chinua Achebe’s etc.

    Drugs got a hold of him, it was usually weed and he started losing it. He got admitted in a mental hospital in a foreign country when we were in Uni and then came home an one day he walks naked on the streets of Thika town.

    Flash forward, Grace and redemption followed him. He has a church now somewhere in Roysambu/Kasarani area.
    He still writes and speaks in that ballitone voice that you would wiah to hear on radio or TV.


    I am glad Brian held onto these three hallowed words.
    All the best as you begin again.

  8. Just heard a very similar story, almost copy and paste two weeks ago.Parent love this time Mummy’s love is what saved this guy.

  9. He loved me unconditionally and that love saved me.
    Ooh this love moves mountains and melts the toughest of hearts.
    All the best Brian! To many of the new beginnings!

    1. Often we hear of mothers who do anything for their children, Brian’s story is refreshing, a loving father and wife! The power of a loving support system. Keep fighting for your life Brian.

  10. The love of a parent is indescribable. I mean, even after be had stolen and lied to his dad, he was still there for him.
    It broke my heart when he said that his father wept.
    I’m so happy that you left those days behind you and I hope you give thanks every day because as you said,most people don’t stop. The fact that you stopped means that God has great plans for you as He promises in Jer 29:11 ( Here goes the preacher in me.)

    I’ll listen to you on your radio show 🙂

    PS: The part where the doctor asks him what ten times five is had me pausing for a minute like what is ten times five? It didn’t come automatically for me

  11. So there is use and abuse! if use was legalised, as Senator Ole Kina proposes, would abuse reduce? Just a thought!
    I can’t help wonder though; there are people in the business of selling and peddling drugs, including the one worse than the devil himself, Cocaine! Is it worth ruining lives of youth (other peoples’ children) in the name of business? Can the children of those in such a trade relate with Brian’s experience? I highly doubt! Because if they did, I doubt their parents would be in a trade so ruinous to young lives!
    But my, Brian’s dad! His love, man! What a dad! Most times, it’s the enduring love of a mom we hear/read about, but Brian’s dad is a messenger of God Himself!
    By the way, “A second Shot at Life!” would have also have done just fine, for a title.
    Gosh! I didn’t know that the devil has a urethra!

    1. I know it is fiction but have you watched Power? Most parents in this business 1. Don’t use the drugs. 2. Cannot allow their kids to get into it.
      Most of the dealers I have heard of do not use the drugs at all.

    1. he has this cool deep voice and i would listen to him and Obinna those late nights in 2013.Those cool voices that you want to listen to till midnight and not “sinzia”

  12. Lucky – very lucky.
    Most addicts never get this far…the chances!
    Thanks to the wife for hanging in there, and the parents – the dad – for never giving up on him.
    And that sweet daughter who started the healing process. Whatever the support, encouragement – the healing process can only start WHEN/IF an addict admits they need help.

  13. When he said that the high feels like the best sex you have ever had * 30,000 times, I felt a strong urge to try Cocaine. Anyone else?

  14. Love, unconditional love saves.

    Congratulations and more geace to you. To new beginnings .

    May the Lord warch over you abd protect you, may His face continue shinning upon you.

  15. You know that song ‘watta bum bum?’
    Well, what a wonderful Dad, what a gentleman.
    If you must have a vice, keep it nice (like vodka), otherwise drugs like this ice (Colombian cola) will kill ye ice cold.
    (Also, though I know it’s a rad fad among some youth, weed makes ye more stupid than you already are, la dee da) …

  16. Woah…‍♀️that was wild. I’m glad that you’re past that. Thank you for the story. These deterrent shots always keep my adventurous spirit in check. Today, I’ll also choose not to do drugs. I hope it stays that way for the both of us.

  17. Understanding what drugs can to someone , especially from one who’s had the experience is scary,traumatising…I am glad he’s gotten a second chance in life and He’s speaking out.success and may God be with him in his journey

  18. “I’m trying to make peace with people, trying to mend fences that I had burned to the ground. I don’t know half the people I hurt or how I hurt them. But I’m sorry, deeply and if any of them is reading this I ask for their forgiveness.”

  19. There is nothing like beyond repair. When there is the presence of the will to be different and act different and unconditional source of love.

    People do change for better.

    This makes a very emotional read for me. When gentlemen cry this just disorient my system.

    Kudos to Brian’s father!

  20. Oh Brian i thank God for a second chance,Your father doting love is outstanding,kudos to that man who did not give up on you no matter what.Today we would be celebrating my daddy’s birthday,Happy Birthday in heaven daddy!

  21. Not sure how the old saying goes,and i might slightly be paraphrasing here:”People are better than no people.”Your dad stands as an hero and actually it is that you don’t abandon your family no matter what.
    this is sadness to triumph
    and ohh congratulations on your next step in life

  22. Back then , Brayo had the sexiest voice on radio. We ditched the T.V, series and movies just to listen to the Homerun. I always wondered what happened to him.The dad is an angel,as hard as it was, he never gave up on him. Glad he got his second chance. Urban Radio here we come…

  23. My sister was a diehard fan of the Homerun and would not sleep until midnight when the show would end…She got me hooked on that show and let me tell you brian,Obina & Mr. cupid had the craziest chemistry to ever happen…Very Inspiring
    Welcome back Brian,you fans never left, twasija Urban Radio

  24. Life experiences like these make you realize that people have more power than they care to think. Basically this guy was what we would normally call “mad”
    The work he has put in to get to this new phase of his life is immense – no doubt about it. What excuses can I give for not living the life I desire? They just pale in comparison

    Sometimes we get pushed to the corner and give up either due to fear or thinking we aren’t good enough instead of digging slightly deeper.

    This just got me thinking of my abilities to be 1000 times better, a better human for that matter.

    Super proud of you man, thank your dad for me for standing with you, loving you so much and ensuring you came back a better person!

  25. Fathers…. young pregnant and alone, my Dad held my hand and said “Am here Mama, never forget that.” 6 years later he had been my rock.
    God bless Baba Brian, and mine too.

  26. Touching reality…big up Brian I remember listening to your show with Obinna in 2013. Who new you had that bit of darkness aside. Man! YOUR FATHER IS A REAL DAD.

  27. What a bungee ride that must have been! To try or not to try; that must have been the question at Brookshine. Then lo and behold, the sh*t hit the fan. Teach your daughter a thing or two about life: to new beginnings.

  28. At least 2020 came as a blessing to someone. So proud of this story. Many do not make it out of this addiction and it ends their life. I thank God for him. I wish I could meet him someday and just give him a hug

  29. Oops! I’m glad that you overcame it. Thank God for your dad who never gave up on you. Wishing you the very best in your journey towards full recovery…

  30. Unconditional love does it,always. Even the worst end up being the best,they just need that one person who tirelessly proves to them that they are worthy of love,that they are worthy of a good life and that they matter… that’s my take home from this touching story

  31. I wish you all the best.
    You’re one lucky,blessed guy, most people don’t recover from such hard drugs,let alone the soft ones. I hope therefore that this second chance acts as a drive for you to be a better person,the remain clean.
    And to the parents that don’t give up on us,love us unconditionally .
    I also hope,that having seen how great your father has been,you use that as a guide,a drive,to be a father to your daughter,even better than your own.
    Is the frequency for Urban radio in Kisumu still the same as it was a few years back?

  32. I remember the Homerun show on Nation Fm in my first year of Uni. Brian’s mad jokes and his infectious laughter!! Didn’t miss a show.

  33. Brian man,may be you will read this reply may be you won’t ,all in all you are a hero mate,life is about what we do for tomorrow and I am happy you are doing all u can to ensure your father leaves this world with happy memories of a loving son and not the scary ones of a lost one,I am happy that you are pulling every muscle u can master to ensure your daughter never has to ask “what are you doing dad?” while bewildered bur rather smile and laugh in joy at daddy. as julianni once said “side mirror iko kutukumbusha tutokako but gari inaendeshwa tukiangalia windscreen”.God speed

  34. All this time we judged Brian wrote him off and did not want to be associated with him. We ducked when we met him. Kumbe It was sll drugs. I am in disbelief. Cheers to new beginings bryo. Damn!!!!. I hope to see you soon and just hug you .

  35. Now to be honest, normally I would completely skip over this comment part, act like it was never there, but…I have to comment!! So compelling. Cried-laughed-snorted my way through this
    Like the chicken part, oh my. Then I played out that scenario in Hurligham and I just laughed-cried and laughed till I cried.

    Every so often I would catch myself in-between this mixture of weird bouts and ask God, “Lord, what is a man, that you be mindful of him?” “But we deserve nothing of your loving kindness and grace!” “That you would grace a worthless man’s life with your unconditional love through family is just…”‍♀️
    And I thanked Him, for Brian, for Malaika, for the wife and oh so much for the Dad!! For the love, the kindness and the grace that we over-stretch to considerable lengths every so often as a sinful people. For everything, I thanked God.

    I have witnessed, even personally, what misuse and abuse of illicit drugs can reduce a creature after God’s own heart and made in His very likeness to. I have aslo seen how frail our bodies are, to be rendered suddenly useless by disease. Throught the whole journey, I have learnt. A lot. The greatest lesson is, NOTHING can seperate us from the love of God. And I dont mean to get preachy, but its the only way to explain how you can say u still had a family through all this, and how right now you may even be laughing with the very friends you trampled to the groun with hurt. Coz let’s face it, not family may not be everything. So when they are and could be everything you ever wished for, glory mpee God. Lawama ikwende pande gani? As prophet Nyashinski once said.

    Its 29th Sept. 2350hrs, and I already feel encouraged to face rkmorrow. Tomorrow with whatever it drags along with it.

  36. Sad… Known I understand why he conned me in 2015 broke out of campus and jobless. Ati pesa ya media card. Thank God he pulled through.

  37. I am truly happy that he found his way back. I am one of the friends he conned money from. I knew something was up when he showed up at my house red eyes, rugged and beaten up. He wanted to stay but I couldn’t house him. I was fighting my own demons at the time. Never saw him again. Tried looking but it’s like he disappeared. Prayed for his peace of mind. Reading this makes me happy. It really does. Brian if you read this. You were forgiven. Find happiness, find peace. Will definitely be glad to hear your voice on radio again. Love and light brother. Always ❤️

  38. Very enlightening,,,btw acceptance,, being assertive,,self-ctrl n fmly support r key aspects towards recovery of any drugs/substance users,,,am a living testimony,,recovered alcoholic f over 15yrs,,

  39. Can his dad mentor men of this generation? Men need a course called “Not giving up at the drop of a hat” The advanced version.

  40. I wish I could hear the father’s version of this story. I wish him ALL the best as he takes up his 2nd shot at life.

  41. Now I get it.. I was one of Bryos greatest supporters but after reading this, now I understand fully.. lemme even call now

  42. So why I’m I crying? To new beginnings Brian. Please remind yourself every single day that you are responsible for your life and what happens to you.
    Thumbs up to your old man for not giving up on you.

    And just so you know, Kabaa High School is not a small school. And it’s in Mwala Constituency, Machakos County.

  43. Biko this is just too much. I just finished reading this and I just don’t know….please bring in a normal beautiful covid 19 story without having to slice a woman’s thigh, loose 60million or do cocaine even when life is served on a silver platter. I am just so mad at everything right. I am no saint but how do we all end up at these points……Biko I am just done

  44. Wow. Quite a story. Thought I was the only one who had a very emotionally loving dad. Once a upon time, while in form two, me decides am no longer interested in school -no drugs those day (They`re terrible, I gather) . Packs my stuff and ends home, kilometres away. On confronting the old man with my decisions……he was emotionally saddened ! I could not imagin. I had thought he just get a whip which I Was prepared for. The sobs just sobered me up. I turned back and went back to school.. Had he decided to fight, cant imagine how my life could have been today May his soul rest in eternal peace.

  45. Man! That guy has been through hell and back severally and still got his shit together at the end of it all. Kudos bro!

  46. I remember Brian at Nation. Guy has an amazing voice. It’s sad that he was going through such a tough time. Drugs are a menace in this country but little seems to be done to nab the peddlers. Much respect to Brian’s dad for being a great parent. I hope and pray that he will steer clear of cocaine and reinvent himself. HE HAS GREAT POTENTIAL OF BEING A RADIO LEGEND. All the best to Brian. Thanks Biko for a story well told.

  47. I wish and pray this Triumph happens for my brother, that one day he will find redemption like this. All the best to you at this second shot of life, may grace and love prevail in your life.

  48. Oh my God!!!!! 2020 is indeed a year of redemption! God bless Brian’s father! He has to me painted the best picture of a father. Reading this story I was in tears, for the manner of love displayed by his Dad.

    Brian God bless you on your new journey.

  49. I schooled with Brian Oduor at Baraton. Now I understand his acts and tendencies. There was a day I nearly slapped him. Thank God he is getting better.

  50. I remember staying up late while in campus just to listen to the amazing trio that was; Brian, Obinna and Cupid. Rooting for you Brian

  51. I am one of the people you hurt Brian…….wen you left your show at Nation FM. Now that I know your story that is water under the bridge. Thank you for sharing your story because I can relate to all of these. Drugs can be very consuming.

  52. His dad’s stubborn love and hope is the reason he’s here today. Eternal blessings to him. As for Brian, I wish him the very best in sobriety.

  53. Thats great…as an alumni of kabaa high school I wish all the best….your story is so overwhelming… May God bless you bro

  54. Burden of addiction is felt heavily by loved ones.With many at times one being reduced to a mere observer,especially if the addicted party is resistant to being helped.

    Addiction is costly on loved ones

  55. Wow I always knew coke was for the rich but the effects are out of this world why would one want to go through all that anyway Brian you are a strong man that you made it through

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