The Light in the Tunnel


There will be three long queues into heaven. The first will be for children and people who refuse to grow up. The second will be for adults and the third for companies. On that day – a clear day with very blue skies – an angel with a very fastidiously groomed beard will walk down the long queues shouting “Greenlight Planet!? Greenlight Planet?!” Then from down the queue you will hear a voice saying, “Over here!” Other companies that sold sling bags and beard oils, door handles, internet, booze, will turn and crane their necks to have a look at where the voice came from.

The angel will walk up to the voice and say, “Greenlight Planet?”

“That’s me.”

“You got an ID?” The angel will ask. Later, when the story is told, people will say that he had a milky voice and that he smelled of pine.

Greenlight Planet will rummage through its kikapu for an ID because Greenlight Planet is the kind of company that carries a kikapu made from hyacinth into heaven. You know, green energy and all that jazz. The angel will check the ID and say, “God said you jump the queue. Follow me.” And then there will be some murmuring about favoritism in the queue, “Why do they get to jump the queue?” one will ask, to which the angel will say, “They gave Syombua a job!”

“Who?” a company that sells coffee will ask. The angel will roll his eyes and move on.

So yeah. Our girl from last week’s story got a job. She started training yesterday. It’s in customer service. They design and distribute solar energy for homes to mostly people in shags (they call them ‘underserved” population), who, if I get this correctly, can also pay in installments. You must have heard of Sun King? That’s their brand. They light up homes and now they have shone a light in Syombua’s life. That’s just a ticket straight to heaven. But when they get to heaven they will struggle because there is already so much light there. And because some of their products come with these cool radios, they will also not be able to use them there because, well, there are angels who play the harp there. So, they will just chill the whole day, eating grapes. Isn’t that what heaven is all about anyway?

Syombua started training yesterday. They are on The Priory, a stone’s-throw from Yaya Center. Collins Lumumba, the HR, she says, was nice. The team was young and self-assured, she said. It felt like the first day of school. At lunch [provided] she ate alone. She ate potatoes, chicken and spinach. Later in the day she was relaxed. She spoke to a young girl next to her. Told her that she should move out of her mom’s  before she ever gets married if she wants to. You know, explore the world and yourself.

“She was complaining about chores at her mom’s,” she told me.

“Those are very serious problems,” I mumbled.

She called her daughter but she refused to speak to her because this was the first time she had left her home for a long stretch of time without her in a while. Children only think of themselves and their silly cartoons.

At the end of the evening she went all the way to Sarit Center to drink a Coke. “It felt so foreign,” she said, “It was getting dark and I wasn’t home. Just sitting here, listening, watching people go about their evening business. I felt like I could sit there for a long time.”

She wants me to thank you for all your overwhelming emails. Thank you for those who offered to help in one way or the other. And thank you GREENLIGHT ENERGY for coming through and being the light in her dark tunnel. May you keep thriving here and in heaven.

This is the post for this week because it’s a celebration. We are drinking punch and eating cake. Someone – ye first to comment – put on some music.



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    1. Someone – ye first to comment – put on some music.

      Kwani ni jambo, lipi hilo, yeye asilo liweza… Lisemeeee…

      Don’t I love life.

  1. Wow

    I’m actually the first one here
    Alexa please play I’m getting ready by Tasha Cobbs
    I’m happy for her❤️

    1. I will try my best next time. HI KITU NI KUJARIBU TU… being number one isn’t easy.

      check out this

  2. Congratulations Syombua. I hope and pray that your soul lights up brighter and your future gets more clearer. May it get better.

  3. Really happy at the turn of events. Wishing Syombua nothing but clear skies ahead and loads of that positive energy. May her new chapter bring hope and a big, broad infectious smile.

  4. So Biko umesema we leave our lights and good voices here eh?? Mbinguni nikupumzika Tu!!…. I hear you! Thanks to you and Greenlight energy, too much love. Syombua all the best !

  5. Woow! just wow! When one member of this universe is happy, we rejoice together.
    Congratulations baby girl. Enjoy the happiness and the new found purpose.
    Blessings galore.

  6. I love stories with a happy ending a hopeless romantic you can call me but yes am so glad Syombua got a job and now can make something of her life and her princess.

  7. Yaaaay! I’m so happy for you mama!( I have this strange habit of calling people that I like, even strangers, mama. Please excuse me.)
    Thank you Greenlight for offering our girl(Biko started it) a job. God bless you 🙂

    PS: Was anyone else really looking forward to the Singleton stories, the NTV one featuring Biko?
    Aki Biko, I knew that you’d have your face hidden but I didn’t expect that you wouldn’t even let us hear your voice. Sobs

  8. Biko you know, losing your job to write this blog was planned in heaven. This blog has saved and transformed people’s lives in a way that is beyond you. You were just a willing vessel. Keep at it.

  9. We can sing the hymn

    1 Sing the wondrous love of Jesus,
    Sing His mercy and His grace;
    In the mansions bright and blessed
    He’ll prepare for us a place.


    When we all get to heaven,
    what a day of rejoicing that will be!
    When we all see Jesus,
    We’ll sing and shout the victory!

    Thank you Biko, you are also larger than life. Indeed our lives glitter when we extend our helping hand to those in need and distress. Thank you sana Brother Biko. Your seat is reserved in Heaven

  10. Atleast there’s a story of hope in this difficult times! Comes in handy like the ‘Oasis’ in the ‘desert of calamities’.Apparently it’s not a verse in the bible so don’t waste your time looking for it in the holy book!Wish her well in this new undertakings! May the light always shine bright. Mr. dj please play Light shine bright-by Culture!

  11. Wowza! The best news this March! So happy that ‘Greenlight Planet’ came through for her…and that Syombua was offered a position there.
    Lesson: Keep on doing good to others, and God will not only move you ahead of the queue but your reward will be for eternity.
    Now I find myself googling ‘milky voice’. The number of times bikozulu points us to Google, they should reward him for sending traffic their way. Kinda like the Gorilla glue girl, before that incident, their market was likely localised, but now folks from every corner of the globe can’t stop talking about how strong their glue is.

  12. glory to God! alas she got a job. may the almighty guide her and protect her as she begins a new journey at greenlight .Am soo elated by this post biko.

  13. Biko you’ll also jump the queue, for being a Chocolate Angel that helped Syombua and Greenlight Planet come together.

    Syombua, mami, go forth and prosper!!! I’m so happy for you!!

  14. Woooow,,,THIS GOD !!!
    YAANI just like that and Heavens decided to open up the floods gates of blessings upon the life of my beautiful Syombua.A mother with a golden heart, a prayer warrior and a go getter she is. We @ are happy for her.

  15. Happiest ending… God bless you good pple… Am soo happy for her…. N you Biko…. There’s a place.. A good place for you.. In awa hearts that you warm with lots of compassion n inspirational words…. One day i will share with you ma journeys in the land of Sheikh.

  16. Congratulations Syombua and good luck in your new job ! Thank you Greenlight Planet Company for giving Syombua the green light in the dark tunnel…

  17. God bless you Biko.

    God bless Greenlight Planet.

    To Syombua, you have been dealt a good card. Make use of it. Learn and excel at your job.

    Good chances do not come by very often…..and despite having millions of desperate souls out here, God has given you a chance. Take it with both hands and multiply it.

    Best Wishes to you mama

  18. this is so so wonderfull.Biko you will be in that que for heaven for sure.God bless you and the readers on this platform that makes dreams come true.

  19. Theme song ‘There is a place for people like you by Gramps Morgan’

  20. Its Super Tuesday.
    All the best to the strong lady.
    Biko God bless you.

    Guys please allow me to say this here..l do run errands at a fee..

  21. Kudos Greenlight Energy for your noble deed. Thank you Biko for sharing her story.. without you no one would have known about her plight. God bless. Keep at it.

  22. Ha ha , coincidently over the weekend, I came across a Sun King “lamp” . I thought it was cool especially because of the radio. And it’s a “cool radio” as Biko calls it. I thought it would come on with that “shrill sound” you know that annoying sharp sound of some fake little stereos, but this one is loud enough with the right amount of bass and treble…? First thought was…coool…awesome for camping(I am a sucker for outdoor activities)coz you charge it with solar.

    All the best to Syombua. Toast to new beginning(s)

    Take Away: Never suffer in silence. If you get a willing listening ear, talk, pour out your frustrations, talk about your
    struggles and then go home feeling lighter. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS LISTENING

  23. Awesome! Greenlight Planet for sure you will be priority in the queue to heaven. Congratulations Syombua….onwards and upwards. There is hope for a better future for you and your daughter.
    Biko, thank you for lighting up our day today.

  24. Congratulations Syombua. Celebrate this milestone for you and your little one and then aim higher. Don’t settle for less siz, there are greater heights for you. It’s just a beginning. May you exploit your potential. Trust in God’s timing. James 1:2. There is always a good reason. You are going to be okay. You will see.
    Greenlight Energy thanks for this, may you rule your market.

  25. God bless you Biko. God is using to bless others. May God bless GreenLight. And to Syombua, may this be the start of a new smooth chapter in your life. It is indeed darkest before dawn.

  26. I just saw the word Syombua and I just got excited. Thank you Biko for also using your platform to help her and greenlight for coming through and giving her a job. This world has great people. Hats off.

  27. I will be on the 1st line. At 37 years, mother of three, I have refused to grow up kabisa.

    Sometimes, I am amazed at how ‘childish’ I am.
    I’m also quite childlike and I really hope that’ll be my ticket to heaven because the bible says so.

  28. Thank you Greenlight

    Syombua/ Munyiva all the best

    Biko, thank you for highlighting her plight

    And all of you for praying for her

    The world can be kind sonetimes

  29. Fantastic!
    Beautiful ending…was waiting with bated breath for such news
    Congratulations Ms rain (Syombua)

  30. You too have a place in heaven for highlighting Syombuas story and connecting her to an employer.God bless you.

  31. I just finished reading “I am sorry” which almost brought tears down my cheeks while I struggled to hold them back and as I moved to the next story, you don’t know how it melts my heart to go through the Light in the Tunnel. May God continue to sustain the Greenlight planet and may it never run out of light and whenever they run out (GOD FORBID) may the same God plug their charger to the sun and the moon.
    Thank you Biko for entertaining us and giving a voice to many, and yes for connecting some to their path of destiny like Syombua.

  32. I love stories that end well.
    Heres to Biko, Greenlight energy, Syombua, the gang i know our prayers went along way.

  33. Lunch provided….Potatoes Chicken and Spinach…Wow. Isnt our God Good!!! Biko asante sana. Syombua God bless. Remember only one leper went back to say thankyou.. May God ssee your thankful heart and bless you more and more.

  34. Aaaaaaaawwwwww! God is good ….Congratulations Syombua!!!!! Wishing you all the best in your new job and to many other doors the same God will open for you ahead. Biko, may God blesss you abundantly!

  35. Oh my gosh biko, God bless you…..if ever you wake up one day and the ‘sukari’ of why you do what you do is no longer sweet, then I pray that God reminds you that you are in ministry as well……with your mighty pen as your sword….
    Greenlight Planet…. blessings to you as well….when many have come face to face with the lack of humanity of many companies in Kenya, you have stood as the exception….

  36. Lord oh Lord, figured because Biko used a heavenly analogy, that was the most reasonable way to introduce my comment…never been so genuinely happy for somebody. Happy, happy happy! Thank you Biko for making this happen.

  37. Oh my!!! This is so heartwarming…. Karibu sana Syombua to Greenlight Planet family….

    I’m proud to be a Greenlighter…

    Great piece Bikozulu. It’s a Classic!

  38. On a lighter note Biko……. where do you pick such expressions from? “the emotional maturity of a faulty padlock”

  39. There is always a reverse state for every experience we go through!
    Happy for Syombua,last week it was a painful read.
    Remember the others like The Birds Never Sang and The Boy in Red slippers,I cried in private as always I loathe being vulnerable.
    Some happenings can never evoke sunny feelings but we can grow out of it, if we choose for we always have a choice!

    Chocolate man, thank you for changing Syombua’s life.This will impact generations!

    1. Greenlight energy, i am getting in touch, i need light for my parents at home and since you guys have offered a light for someone, i would love to do business with you. Ubuntu.

  40. This is great news! Thanks Biko for facilitating this and Greenlight Planet for heading the call. You deserve VIP treatment! Wishing Syombua all the best in her new joirney.

  41. Wow, just wow!
    So happy that prayers travel places we can not get to.
    Thank you so much Greenlight company.

  42. Music to my ears…I thought about Syombua over and over and kept praying for doors to open for her to be self sustaining….I am so happy.

  43. Jump line? Really now Biko!!
    Kuruka line you meant?
    Mrs.Fwambah my class 8 english teacher would have killed you long time for directly translating that!
    All the best to Syombua as she starts her new journey and to Greenlight planet, I will let you jump me (as biko put it)on the line while in heaven.

  44. Strangely enough, I woke up thinking of Symboua and told myself that I would get in touch before the end of the day to find out if the CVS generated any jobs. Glory to God almighty. So happy for you Syombua. Thank you Biko for letting God use you to uplift her.

  45. And because some of their products come with these cool radios, they will also not be able to use them there because, well, there are angels who play the harp there. So, they will just chill the whole day, eating grapes. Isn’t that what heaven is all about anyway?

  46. “We humans are stories. ” This is why we need story tellers. People telling our stories. People writing our stories. When our stories fly out there like little butterflies, they get souls that marvel at them.

  47. Thanks Biko for sharing her story. On that last day on those long queues, may the angels jump the queues for you and Greenlight Planet

  48. A beautiful turn of events for Syombua. Thank you Biko for telling her story, thank you everyone who reached out to her and particularly Greenlight for the job.

  49. My heart is so glad, I have tears of joy. God bless Greenlight Planet and God bless you Biko because you highlighted Syombua’s struggle she’s well on her way. Let’s celebrate !!!!

  50. I just love your creativity @Biko, no wonder I always find myself stopping whatever else I was doing on Tuesdays to read your blogs!

  51. Indeed Heaven is made for such as this. They have changed the course of Syombuas life. Blessings and may the work of their hands be blessed.So heart warming

  52. Testimony , Syombua your journey is blessed . Happy for you and thank you Biko for playing your part in her light .

  53. Happy for Syombua, May God’s light shine on your path every single day…. To GREENLIGHT ENERGY, Blessings.

  54. Yeeeeeeesssss, i did a happy dance, i haven;t been able to get Syombua off my head since i read about her, so glad she finally has a landing.

  55. This is so sweet..Biko when we will be queuing in heaven,I bet an angel would come by calling your name to skip the que. .baraka!

  56. Wow! Just wow!
    I’m reading this a week later and it really warmed my heart to see that someone came through for her.
    May Greenlight and Syombua prosper.

  57. Am happy for Syombua and wishing her clear skies and without forgetting Greenlight planet may they get Rewards both in heaven and on earth

  58. What a relief. I was holding my breath for this girl and this has actually put a smile on my face.
    Take it one day at a time as you start believing in yourself. Wish you luck!